Equitation, journey, 266. | Essential, great, 31. |
Equity, justice, 922. | requisite, 630. |
law, 963. | Establish, fix, 184. |
honour, 939. | demonstrate, 478. |
Equivalence, equal, 27. | create, 161. |
Equivalent, identity, 13. | substantiate, 494. |
compensation, 30. | settle, 150. |
synonymous, 516. | Established, received, 82. |
Equivocal, dubious, 475. | Establishment, fixture, 142. |
double meaning, 520, 961. | location, 184. |
Equivocate, pervert, 477. | Estancia (Sp.), property, 780. |
prevaricate, 520. | Estate, condition, 7. |
Equivoque, equivocalness, 520. | property, 780. |
uncertainty, 475. | Esteem, judge, 480. |
impurity, 961. | believe, 484. |
error, 495. | approve, 931. |
Era, duration, 106. | Estimable, good, 648. |
Eradicate, destroy, 162. | Estimate, measure, 466. |
Erase, efface, 162, 499, 552. | judge, 480. |
Ere, priority, 116. | count, 85. |
Erebus, dark, 421. | Estimation, opinion, 213. |
hell, 982. | good, 648. |
Erect, raise, 307. | Estrade, horizontal, 213. |
build, 161. | Estrange, alienate, 889. |
vertical, 212. | hate, 898. |
Erection, house, 189. | seclude, 893. |
Ere long, earliness, 132. | Estuary, gulf, 343. |
Erewhile, preterition, 122. | Esurient, hungry, 865. |
priority, 116. | Etat-major, combatant, 726. |
Ergo, reasoning, 476. | Etcetera, addition, 37. |
Eriometer, optical, 445. | inclusion, 76. |
Ermine, ornament, 847. | plurality, 100. |
badge of authority, 747. | Etalage, ostentation, 882. |
Erode, destroy, 162. | Etch, engraving, 558. |
injure, 659. | Eternal, perpetuity, 112. |
Erotic, amorous, 897. | Ether, sky, 313, 338. |
impure, 961. | vapour, 334. |
Err, in opinion, 495. | levity, 320. |
morally, 945. | Ethical, virtue, 944. |
Errand, commission, 755. | Ethics, duty, 926. |
business, 625. | Ethiopic, blackness, 431. |
message, 532. | Ethnic, heterodox, 984. |
Erratic, capricious, 149, 608. | racial, 372. |
wandering, 264, 279. | Ethnology, mankind, 372. |
Erratum, error, 495. | Etiolate, bleach, 429, 430. |
misprint, 555. | Etiquette, fashion, 852. |
Error, false opinion, 495. | custom, 613. |
failure, 732. | ceremony, 882. |
vice, 945. | Etourderie, neglect, 460. |
guilt, 947. | Etude, music, 415. |
Erst, preterition, 122. | Etymology, word, 562. |
Erubescence, redness, 434. | Etymon, origin, 153. |
Eructate, eject, 297. | verbal, 562. |
Erudition, knowledge, 490. | Eucharist, rite, 998. |
Eruption, egress, 295. | Euchology, rite, 998. |
violence, 173. | Eugenics, production, 161. |
Escalade, mount, 305. | Eulogy, approval, 931. |
attack, 716. | Euphemism, misnomer, 565. |
Escalator, way, 627. | Euphonious, musical, 413. |
Escapade, freak, 608. | style, 578. |
prank, 840. | Euphony, harmony, 413. |
vagary, 856. | Euphuism, ornament, 577. |
Escape, flight, 671. | Eurasian, mixture, 41. |
liberate, 750. | Eureka (Gr.), judgment, 480. |
evade, 927. | Eurhythmics, training, 673. |
forget, 506. | Euterpe, music, 415. |
Escarpment, slope, 217. | Euthanasia, death, 360. |
Eschatology, intention, 620. | Evacuate, emit, 297. |
Escheat, penalty, 974. | excrete, 299. |
Eschew, avoid, 623. | Evade, avoid, 623. |
dislike, 867. | escape, 671. |
Escort, to accompany, 88. | sophistry, 477. |
safeguard, 664. | Evade, exempt, 927. |
keeper, 753. | Evaluate, appraise, 466, 812. |
Esculent, food, 298. | Evanescent, transient, 111. |
Escutcheon, indication, 550. | minute, 32, 193. |
Esoteric, private, 79. | disappearing, 449. |
concealed, 528. | Evangelise, convert, 484. |
Especial, private, 79. | Evangelist, revelation, 985. |
Esperanto, language, 560. | Evaporate, vapour, 336. |
Espial, vision, 441. | Evasion, escape, 623, 671. |
Espioglerie, wit, 842. | sophistry, 477. |
Espionage, inquiry, 461. | falsehood, 544. |
Esplanade, flat, 213. | untruth, 546. |
plain, 344. | dereliction, 927. |
Espousal, marriage, 903. | Eve, evening, 126. |
Esprit, shrewdness, 498. | priority, 116. |
wit, 842. | Even, equal, 27. |
Esprit de corps, party, 712. | level, 213. |
misjudgment, 481. | smooth, 265. |
belief, 484. | straight, 246. |
sociality, 892. | although, 179, 469. |
Esprit fort, sage, 500. | Even-handed, equitable, 922. |
Espy, vision, 441. | honourable, 939. |
Esquire, title, 877. | Evening, evening, 126. |
Essay, try, 463. | Even so, assent, 488. |
endeavour, 675. | Event, eventuality, 151. |
dissertation, 595. |
Essayist, writing, 590. |
Essence, nature, 5. |
odour, 398. |
pith, 642. |