Eventful, stirring, 151. | Excess, superiority, 33. |
remarkable, 642. | remainder, 40. |
Eventide, evening, 126. | redundance, 641. |
Eventual, futurity, 121. | intemperance, 954. |
Ever, always, 112. | Excessive, greatness, 31. |
seldom, 137. | Exchange, mutual change, 148. |
Ever and anon, repetition, 104. | transfer, 783. |
Ever-changing, mutability, 149. | barter, 794. |
Evergreen, newness, 123. | mart, 799. |
diuturnity, 110. | Exchequer, treasury, 802. |
perpetuity, 112. | Excise, price, 812. |
Everlasting, perpetual, 112, 136. | Excision, subduction, 38. |
Evermore, perpetual, 112. | Excitability, excitement, 825. |
Ever-recurring, repetition, 104. | irascibility, 901. |
Every, generality, 78. | Excitation, excitation, 824. |
Everyday, conformity, 82. | Excite, violent, 173. |
perpetuity, 112. | morally, 824. |
Everyman, mankind, 372. | anger, 900. |
Everywhere, space, 180, 186. | Exclaim, voice, 580. |
Eviction, displacement, 185. | Exclude, leave out, 55. |
Evidence, evidence, 467. | prohibit, 761. |
Evident, visible, 446. | ostracise, 893. |
demonstrable, 478. | subduction, 38. |
manifest, 525. | Exclusive, omitting, 55. |
Evil, harm, 619. | special, 79. |
producing evil, 649. | irregular, 83. |
Evil-doer, maleficent, 913. | unsociable, 893. |
culprit, 949. | Excogitation, thought, 451. |
Evil eye, malevolence, 907. | imagination, 515. |
Evil-minded, malevolent, 907. | Excommunicate, exclude, 55, 893. |
vicious, 945. | hate, 898. |
Evil-speaking, detraction, 934. | curse, 908. |
Evince, show, 467. | Ex concesso, reasoning, 476. |
prove, 478. | assent, 488. |
Eviscerate, extract, 301. | Excoriate, flay, 226. |
mutilate, 38. | Excrement, uncleanness, 653. |
Evoke, call upon, 765. | Excrescence, projection, 250. |
excite, 824. | blemish, 848. |
Evolution, numerical, 85. | Excretion, excretion, 299. |
effect, 154. | Excruciating, pain, 378, 830. |
development, 161. | Exculpate, forgive, 918. |
turning out, 313. | vindicate, 937. |
circuition, 311. | Excursion, tour, 266. |
Evulsion, extraction, 301. | circuit, 311. |
Ewer, receptacle, 191. | Excursive, style, 573. |
Exacerbate, increase, 35. | Excursus, appendix, 65. |
aggravate, 835. | Excuse, plea, 617. |
exasperate, 173. | exempt, 927. |
Exact, true, 494. | forgive, 918. |
similar, 17. | vindicate, 937. |
require, 741. | Exeat, leave, 760. |
claim, 924. | Execrable, bad, 649. |
tax, 812. | offensive, 830. |
Exactly, just so, 488. | nauseous, 867. |
Exaggerate, increase, 35. | Execrate, malediction, 908. |
overestimate, 482. | Execute, conduct, 692. |
misrepresent, 549. | perform, 739. |
Exalt, increase, 35. | in law, 771. |
elevate, 307. | music, 415. |
extol, 931. | Executioner, killing, 361. |
boast, 884. | Executive, jurisprudence, 965. |
Exalted, heroic, 942. | Executor, agent, 690. |
Examine, inquiry, 457, 461. | Exegesis, interpretation, 522. |
Example, instance, 82. | Exemplar, prototype, 22. |
pattern, 22. | Exemplary, virtue, 944. |
model, 948. | Exemplify, quote, 82. |
Exanimate, listless, 683. | illustrate, 522. |
lifeless, 360. | Exempt, absolve, 927. |
Exarch, ruler, 745. | free, 748. |
deputy, 759. | permit, 760. |
Exasperate, increase, 35. | Exemption, exception, 83. |
exacerbate, 173. | Exenterate, extract, 300. |
aggravate, 835. | mutilate, 38. |
inflame, 900. | Exequatur, commission, 755. |
Ex cathedrâ, affirmation, 535. | Exequies, interment, 363. |
insolence, 885. | Exercise, employ, 677. |
Excavate, dig, 252. | act, 680. |
Exceed, surpass, 33. | exert, 686. |
expand, 194. | teach, 537. |
transgress, 303. | train, 673. |
Exceeding, remaining, 40. | task, 625. |
Exceedingly, greatness, 31. | Exercitation, dissertation, 595. |
Excel, superiority, 33. | Exert, exertion, 686. |
goodness, 648, 650. | Exertion, physical, 171. |
Excellent, good, 648. | Exfoliation, divestment, 226. |
virtuous, 944. | Exhalation, vapour, 336. |
Excellency, skill, 698. | odour, 398. |
title, 877. | excretion, 299. |
Excelsior, ascent, 305. | Exhaust, drain, 638, 789. |
Except, subduct, 38. | fatigue, 688. |
exclude, 55. | weaken, 160. |
Exception, to a rule, 83. | misemploy, 679. |
qualification, 469. | squander, 818. |
Exception, censure, 932. | complete, 52. |
Exceptionable, vicious, 945. | Exhaustless, infinite, 105. |
blameworthy, 932. | plentiful, 639. |
Exceptional, special, 79. | Exhibit, show, 525. |
irregular, 83. | display, 882. |
Exceptis excipiendis, qualification, 469. | Exhilarate, cheer, 836. |
Excerpt, extract, 596. |