Exhort, advise, 695. | Explode, burst, 173. |
induce, 615. | sound, 406. |
Exhume, interment, 363. | refute, 479. |
Exigency, crisis, 8. | passion, 825. |
difficulty, 704. | anger, 900. |
requirement, 630. | Exploit, action, 680. |
need, 865. | to use, 677. |
dearth, 640. | Explore, investigate, 461. |
Exigent, severe, 739. | experiment, 463. |
exacting, 832. | Explosion, see, Explode. |
Exiguous, little, 193. | Exponent, index, 550. |
Exile, displace, 185. | numerical, 84. |
send out, 297. | interpreter, 522. |
seclude, 893. | Export, transfer, 270. |
Exility, thinness, 203. | send out, 297. |
Existence, being, 1. | thing sent, 295. |
thing, 3. | Exposé,, account, 596. |
in time, 118. | disclosure, 529. |
in space, 186. | Expose, show, 525. |
Exit, departure, 293. | interpret, 522. |
egress, 295. | confute, 479. |
Ex-libris, label, 550. | denude, 226. |
Ex mero motu, will, 600. | endanger, 665. |
Ex necessitate rei, destiny, 152. | Exposition, answer, 462. |
Exodus, departure, 293. | disclosure, 529. |
Ex officio, truth, 494. | Expositor, interpreter, 524. |
authority, 737. | teacher, 540. |
dueness, 924. | Expository, information, 527, 595. |
Exogamy, marriage, 903. | Ex post facto, preterition, 122. |
Exonerate, exempt, 927. | Expostulate, deprecate, 766. |
vindicate, 937. | reprehend, 932. |
forgive, 918. | dissuade, 616. |
disburden, 705. | advise, 695. |
release, 756. | Exposure to, liability, 177. |
Exorbitant, enormous, 31. | Expound, interpret, 522. |
redundant, 641. | teach, 537. |
dear, 814. | answer, 462. |
Exorcise, conjure, 992. | Express, voluntary, 600. |
Exorcism, theology, 993. | intentional, 620. |
Exorcist, heterodoxy, 994. | declare, 525. |
Exordium, beginning, 66. | mean, 516. |
Exosmose, passage, 302. | inform, 527. |
Exoteric, disclosed, 531. | phrase, 566. |
public, 529. | intelligible, 518. |
Exotic, alien, 10. | name, 564. |
exceptional, 83. | squeeze out, 301. |
Expand, swell, 194. | rapid, 274. |
increase, 35. | Expression, aspect, 448. |
in breadth, 202. | Expressive, style, 574. |
rarefy, 322. | Exprobation, disapproval, 932. |
in writing, 573. | Expropriate, take, 789. |
Expanse, space, 180, 202. | Expulsion, see Expel. |
size, 192. | Expunge, efface, 552. |
Ex parte, evidence, 467. | destroy, 162. |
Expatiate, in writing, 573. | disappear, 449. |
in discourse, 582, 584. | Expurgation, cleanness, 652. |
Expatriate, deport, 295. | Exquisite, excellent, 648. |
exclude, 55. | pleasurable, 829. |
Expect, look for, 121, 507. | savoury, 394. |
not wonder, 871. | fop, 854. |
hope, 858. | Exquisitely, great, 31. |
Expectorant, remedy, 662. | Exsiccate, dryness, 340. |
Expectorate, eject, 296. | Exsufflation, sorcery, 992. |
Expedience, utility, 646. | Extant, being, 1. |
Expedient, means, 632. | Extempore, instantly, 113. |
plan, 626. | early, 132. |
Expedite, accelerate, 274. | off-hand, 612. |
earliness, 132. | unprepared, 674. |
aid, 707. | Extend, prolong, 200. |
Expedition, speed, 274. | expand, 194. |
Expedition, march, 266. | reach, 196. |
Expel, displace, 185. | increase, 35. |
drive from, 297. | Extensile, pliable, 324. |
Expend, use, 677. | Extensive, spacious, 180. |
waste, 638. | considerable, 31. |
pay, 809. | Extent, degree, 26. |
Expense, price, 812. | space, 180. |
Expensive, dear, 814. | Extenuate, decrease, 36. |
Experience, knowledge, 490. | diminish, 192. |
undergo, 821. | excuse, 937. |
event, 151. | Exterior, exteriority, 220. |
Experienced, skilled, 698. | Exterminate, destruction, 162. |
Experiment, trial, 463. | Exterminator, destroyer, 165. |
endeavour, 675. | External, exteriority, 220. |
Experimentum crucis, demonstration, 478. | Extinction, destruction, 162. |
Expert, skill, 698. | of life, 360. |
adept, 700. | Extinguish, destroy, 162. |
Experto crede, knowledge, 490. | Extinguish, darken, 421. |
Expiate, atonement, 952. | blow out, 385. |
Expire, death, 360. | Extinguisher, destroyer, 165. |
end, 67. | Extirpate, destruction, 162. |
breathe out, 349. | Extol, praise, 931. |
Explain, expound, 522. | over-estimate, 482. |
inform, 527. | Extort, despoil, 789. |
teach, 537. | compel, 744. |
answer, 462. | Extra, additional, 37, 39. |
Explain away, misinterpret, 523. | supernumerary, 641. |
Expletive, redundance, 573, 641. | Extract, take out, 301. |
Explication, interpret, 522. | quotation, 596. |
Explicit, distinct, 516, 518, 535. |