Fractious, irascibility, 901. | Fretwork, crossing, 219. |
Fracture, disjunction, 44. | Friable, pulverulence, 330. |
discontinuity, 70, 198. | Friandise, fastidious, 868. |
to break, 328. | Friar, clergy, 996. |
Fragile, brittle, 328. | Fribble, trifle, 643. |
frail, 149. | dawdle, 683. |
Fragment, part, 51. | Friction, rubbing, 331. |
Fragrant, fragrant, 400. | obstacle, 179. |
Frail, brittle, 328. | discord, 713. |
mutable, 149. | Friend, well-wisher, 890. |
irresolute, 605. | auxiliary, 711. |
imperfect, 651. | Friendless, seclusion, 893. |
failing, 945. | Friendly, amical, 714, 888. |
Frame, condition, 7. | helping, 707. |
support, 215. | Friendship, amical, 714, 888. |
texture, 329. | Frieze, summit, 210. |
form, 240. | Frigate, ship, 273. |
substance, 316. | Fright, alarm, 860. |
to construct, 161. | ugliness, 846. |
border, 230. | Frightful, great, 31. |
Franchise, right, 924. | hideous, 846. |
freedom, 748. | dreadful, 830. |
exemption, 927. | Frigid, cold, 383. |
Franciscan, clergy, 996. | callous, 823. |
Frangible, brittle, 328. | reluctant, 603. |
Frank, artless, 703. | Frigorific, refrigeration, 385. |
open, 525. | Frill, border, 230. |
sincere, 543. | Frills, affectation, 855. |
honourable, 939. | Fringe, lace, 256. |
Frankincense, fragrant, 400. | ornament, 847. |
Frantic, delirious, 503. | Frippery, dress, 225. |
violent, 173. | trifle, 643. |
excited, 825. | ornament, 847, 851. |
Fraternal, brotherly, 11. | ostentation, 882. |
friendly, 888, 906. | ridiculous, 853. |
Fraternise, co-operate, 709. | Frisk, brisk, 682. |
harmonise, 714. | gay, 836. |
Fraternity, assemblage, 72. | amuse, 840. |
company, 712, 892. | Frisky, nimble, 274, 305. |
Fraud, deception, 545. | in spirits, 836. |
dishonour, 940. | Frith, strait, 343. |
Fraught, having, 777. | chasm, 198. |
full of, 639. | Fritter, small part, 51. |
Fray, contention, 720. | waste, 135, 638, 683. |
to abrade, 331. | misuse, 679. |
Freak, caprice, 608. | Frivolous, unimportant, 643. |
unconformity, 83. | silly, 499. |
Freakish, irresolution, 605. | frisky, 836. |
Freckle, blemish, 848. | Frizzle, curl, 248. |
Freckled, variegation, 440. | fold, 258. |
Free, detached, 44. | Frock, dress, 225. |
at liberty, 748. | Frog, ornament, 847. |
spontaneous, 600, 602. | Frolic, amusement, 840. |
exempt, 927. | Frolicsome, cheerful, 836. |
unobstructed, 705. | Front, fore-part, 234. |
liberal, 816. | beginning, 66. |
gratuitous, 815. | exterior, 220. |
insolent, 885. | resistance, 719. |
Freebooter, thief, 792. | Frontal, beginning, 66. |
Free-born, freedom, 748. | exterior, 220. |
Freedom, liberty, 748. | Frontier, limit, 233. |
looseness, 47. | vicinity, 199. |
full play, 705. | Fronting, antiposition, 237. |
exemption, 927. | Frontispiece, prefix, 64. |
space, 180. | front, 234. |
Free gift, giving, 784. | Frost, cold, 383. |
Freehold, property, 780. | Froth, bubble, 353. |
Free-lance, writer, 590. | trifle, 643. |
Freemasonry, secrecy, 528. | Froth, style, 577. |
sign, 550. | Froward, irascible, 901. |
fraternity, 712. | discourteous, 895. |
Free play, freedom, 748. | Frown, disapprove, 932. |
Free-spoken, veracity, 543. | anger, 900. |
Free-thinking, religion, 988. | scowl, 839, 895. |
Free-will, will, 600. | lower, 837. |
Freeze, frigefaction, 385. | Frowzy, fetor, 401. |
Freight, contents, 190. | Fructify, productive, 168. |
cargo, 798. | prosper, 734. |
transfer, 270. | Frugal, temperate, 953. |
Frenzy, insanity, 503. | economical, 817. |
Frequent, in time, 136. | Fruit, result, 154. |
in number, 102. | acquisition, 775. |
in space, 186. | Fruitful, productive, 168. |
Frequency, repetition, 104. | Fruition, pleasure, 827. |
Fresco, painting, 556. | fulfilment, 729. |
Fresh, new, 123. | Fruitless, useless, 645. |
cold, 383. | abortive, 732. |
colour, 428. | Frump, dowdy, 851. |
unforgotten, 505. | Frustrate, defeat, 731. |
healthy, 654. | prevent, 706. |
good, 648. | Frustration, failure, 732. |
tipsy, 959. | Frustum, part, 51. |
Freshet, flood, 348. | Fry, young, 129. |
Freshman, learner, 541. | small, 193. |
Fret, suffer, 378. | heat, 384. |
grieve, 828. | Frying-pan, furnace, 386. |
to gall, 830. | Fuddled, drunk, 959. |
sadness, 837. | Fudge, nonsense, 497. |
to irritate, 900. | trivial, 643. |
Fretful, irascibility, 901. |