Gab, speech, 582. | Garbled, incomplete, 53. |
Gabble, loquacity, 584. | Garçon, servant, 746. |
Gabelle, tax, 812. | Garden, beauty, 845. |
Gaberdine, dress, 225. | Gardening, agriculture, 371. |
Gad about, journey, 266. | Gargantuan, size, 192. |
Gadget, contrivance, 626. | Gargoyle, spout, 350. |
tool, 633. | Garish, colour, 428. |
Gaffer, man, 373. | light, 420. |
veteran, 130. | ornament, 847. |
clown, 876. | display, 882. |
Gag, speechless, 581, 585. | Garland, ornament, 847. |
muzzle, 403, 751. | Garment, dress, 225. |
interpolation, 228. | Garner, collect, 72. |
Gage, security, 771. | store, 636. |
Gaiety, see Gay. | Garnish, adorn, 845. |
Gaillard, humorist, 844. | ornament, 847. |
Gain, acquisition, 775. | addition, 39. |
advantage, 618. | Garret, room, 191. |
to learn, 539. | high, 206. |
Gain ground, improve, 658. | Garrison, combatant, 726. |
Gain upon, approach, 286. | defend, 664. |
become a habit, 613. | Garrotte, killing, 361. |
Gainful, utility, 644, 810. | punishment, 972. |
Gainless, inutility, 645. | Garrulity, loquacity, 584. |
Gainsay, negation, 536. | Gas, rarity, 322. |
Gait, walk, 264. | gaseity, 334. |
speed, 274. | to chatter, 584. |
Gaiter, dress, 225. | to boast, 884. |
Gala, festival, 840. | Gas-bag, loquacity, 584. |
display, 882. | Gasconade, boasting, 884. |
Galaxy, stars, 318. | Gash, disjunction, 44, 198. |
assembly, 72. | Gasp, pant, 688. |
luminary, 423. | desire, 865. |
multitude, 102. | Gasp, droop, 655. |
glory, 873. | Gastronomy, gluttony, 957. |
Gale, wind, 349. | Gate, beginning, 66. |
Galimatias, absurd, 497. | way, 627. |
Gall, bitterness, 395. | mouth, 260. |
pain, 378. | barrier, 232. |
to pain, 830. | Gather, collect, 72, 789. |
malevolence, 907. | acquire, 775. |
anger, 900. | enlarge, 194. |
Gallant, brave, 861. | learn, 539. |
licentious, 961, 962. | conclude, 480. |
Galleon, ship, 273. | fold, 258. |
Gallery, room, 191. | unite in a focus, 74. |
passage, 260. | Gauche, unskilful, 699. |
Galley, ship, 273. | ill-mannered, 851. |
Galliard, dance, 840. | Gaud, ornament, 847. |
Gallicism, neology, 563. | Gaudery, vanity, 880. |
Galligaskins, dress, 225. | Gaudy, colouring, 428. |
Gallimaufry, mixture, 41. | ornamental, 847, 851. |
Gallipot, receptacle, 191. | flaunting, 882. |
Gallivant, travel, 266. | Gauge, measure, 466. |
Gallop, ride, 266. | Gaunt, bulky, 192. |
scamper, 274. | spare, 203. |
Galloway, carrier, 271. | ugliness, 846. |
Gallows, scourge, 975. | Gauntlet, defiance, 715. |
Galosh, dress, 225. | punishment, 972. |
Galumph, exult, 836. | glove, 225. |
Galvanic, violent, 173. | anger, 909. |
Galvanise, energise,, 171. | Gauze, shade, 424. |
Galvanism, excitation, 824. | Gauzy, filmy, 329. |
Gambade, leap, 309. | Gavotte, dance, 840. |
prank, 856. | music, 415. |
Gambado (Sp.), dress, 225. | Gawky, awkward, 699. |
Gamble, chance, 156, 621. | ridiculous, 853. |
Gambol, amusement, 840. | Gay, cheerful, 836. |
Game, chance, 156. | colour, 428. |
pursuit, 622. | Gaze, vision, 441. |
plan, 626. | Gazebo, look-out, 441. |
intent, 620. | Gazelle, velocity, 274. |
amusement, 840. | Gazette, publication, 531. |
resolute, 604. | record, 551. |
brave, 861. | Gazetted, bankrupt, 808. |
Game-cock, courage, 861. | Gazetteer, list, 86. |
Gamesome, cheerful, 836. | Gazing-stock, prodigy, 872. |
Gamin, commonalty, 876. | Gear, clothes, 225. |
Gammon, untruth, 546. | harness, 633. |
to hoax, 545. | Gehenna, hell, 982. |
Gamut, harmony, 413. | Geisha, dancer, 599. |
Gamy, pungent, 392. | Gelatine, pulpiness, 354. |
Gang, party, 712. | Gelatinous, semiliquid, 352. |
knot, 72. | Gelding, carrier, 271. |
Gangrene, disease, 655. | Gelid, cold, 383. |
Gangway, way, 627. | Geloscopy, prediction, 511. |
Gaol, see Jail. | Gem, jewel, 650. |
Gap, discontinuity, 70. | Gemination, duplicate, 90. |
chasm, 4, 198. | Gemini, duality, 89. |
Gape, open, 260. | Gendarme, police, 965. |
wonder, 870. | Gender, class, 75. |
curiosity, 455. | Genealogy, continuity, 69. |
desire, 865. | Genealogy, filiation, 155. |
Gar, to make, 161. | General, generic, 78. |
Garage, house, 189. | officer, 745. |
Garb, dress, 225. | Generalissimo, master, 745. |
Garbage, unclean, 653. | Generality, generic, 78. |
Garble, retrench, 38. | Generalship, conduct, 692. |
exclude, 55. |
misinterpret, 523. |
falsify, 544. |