Hexagon, numbers, 98. | Hispid, rough, 256. |
Heyday, wonder, 870. | Hiss, sound, 409. |
success, 731. | disapprobation, 932. |
exultation, 836. | disrespect, 929. |
youth, 127. | Histology, texture, 329. |
Hiatus, interval, 198. | Historian, recorder, 553, 594. |
opening, 260. | Historic, indication, 550. |
unsubstantiality, 4. | History, record, 551. |
discontinuity, 70. | narrative, 594. |
Hibernal, cold, 383. | Histrionic, the drama, 599. |
Hibernate, sleep, 683. | ostentatious, 882. |
Hibernicism, absurdity, 497. | Hit, strike, 276. |
Hid, invisible, 447. | punish, 972. |
concealed, 528. | succeed, 731. |
Hidalgo (Sp.), master, 875. | chance, 156, 621. |
Hide, conceal, 528. | reach, 292. |
skin, 222. | agree, 23. |
Hideous, ugly, 846. | Hit off, imitate, 19, 554. |
Hiding-place, refuge, 666. | Hit upon, find, 480. |
ambush, 530. | Hitch, difficulty, 704. |
Hie, go, 264, 266, 274. | jerk, 315. |
Hiemal, cold, 383. | hang, 43, 214. |
Hierarchy, churchdom, 995. | Hither, arrival, 292. |
order, 58. | Hitherto, preterition, 122. |
Hieroglyphic, letter, 561. | Hive, workshop, 691. |
representation, 554. | multitude, 102. |
unintelligible, 519. | dwelling, 186. |
Hierogram, revelation, 985. | Hoar, white, 430. |
Hierography, theology, 983. | aged, 128. |
Hieromancy, prediction, 511. | Hoar-frost, cold, 383. |
Hierophant, churchman, 996. | Hoard, store, 636. |
Hieroscopy, prediction, 511. | assemblage, 72. |
Higgle, chaffer, 794. | Hoarding, screen, 530. |
bargain, 769. | Hoarse, sound, 405, 410. |
Higgledy-piggledy, disorder, 59. | voice, 581. |
Higgler, merchant, 797. | Hoary, white, 430. |
High, lofty, 206. | aged, 128. |
pungent, 392. | Hoax, deception, 545. |
proud, 878. | Hob, support, 215. |
magnanimous, 942. | Hobble, limp, 275. |
High-born, master, 875. | difficulty, 704. |
Higher, superiority, 33. | lame, 732. |
Highfalutin, exaggeration, 549. | awkward, 699. |
High-flown, proud, 878. | Hobbledehoy, youth, 129. |
vain, 880. | Hobby, pursuit, 622. |
insolent, 885. | desire, 865. |
exaggerated, 549. | Hobgoblin, demon, 980. |
High-flier, imagination, 515. | Hob-nob, courtesy, 894. |
pride, 878. | Hobson's choice, necessity, 601. |
High-handed, insolent, 885. | Hocus, deceive, 545. |
Highland, land, 342. | stupefy, 376. |
High life, fashion, 852. | Hocus-pocus, cheat, 545. |
Highly, great, 31. | conjuration, 992. |
High-mettled, spirited, 861. | Hod, receptacle, 191. |
High-minded, proud, 878. | vehicle, 272. |
generous, 942. | Hodge, clown, 876. |
honourable, 940. | Hodge-podge, mixture, 41. |
Highness, title, 877. | confusion, 59. |
prince, 745. | Hog, sensuality, 954. |
High-priced, dear, 814. | gluttony, 957. |
High-seasoned, pungent, 392. | Hog, to go the whole, completeness, 52. |
obscene, 961. | Hog-wash, uncleanness, 653. |
High-spirited, courageous, 861. | Hoist, elevate, 307. |
High-strung, excitable, 825. | Hoity-toity! wonder, 870. |
Hight, nomenclature, 564. | Hold, possess, 777. |
Highway, road, 627. | believe, 484. |
Highwayman, thief, 792. | retain, 781. |
High-wrought, perfect, 650. | Hold, cohere, 46. |
finished, 729. | fix, 150. |
excited, 825. | stop, 265. |
Hilarity, cheerfulness, 836. | discontinue, 141. |
Hill, height, 206. | contineu, 142, 143. |
Hillock, height, 206. | refrain, 623. |
Hilt, instrument, 633. | contain, 54. |
Hind, back, 235. | influence, 175. |
clown, 876. | prison, 752. |
Hinder, back, 235. | in a ship, 207. |
end, 67. | term, 71. |
to impede, 179. | Holder, possessor, 779. |
obstruct, 706. | Holdfast, vinculum, 45. |
prohibit, 761. | Hold forth, declaim, 582. |
Hindrance, obstruction, 706. | teach, 537. |
Hinge, depend upon, 154. | Hold good, truth, 494. |
cause, 153. | Hold in, moderation, 174. |
rotate, 312. | Holding, property, 780. |
fastening, 43, 45. | Hold on, move, 264. |
Hinny, beast of burden, 271. | continue, 142, 143. |
Hint, suggest, 505. | determination, 604. |
inform, 527. | Hold out, resist, 718. |
suppose, 514. | offer, 763. |
Hinterland, interior, 221. | Hold the tongue, silence, 403, 585. |
Hip, side, 236. | Hold together, junction, 43. |
Hipped, dejection, 837. | Hold up, sustain, 707. |
Hippocentaur, incongruity, 83. | continue, 143. |
Hippodrome, arena, 728. | plunder, 791. |
Hippogriff, incongruity, 83. | Hole, opening, 260. |
Hiraeth (W.), love, 897. | place, 182. |
Hire, commission, 755. | receptacle, 191. |
purchase, 795. | ambush, 530. |
Hireling, servant, 746. | hovel, 189. |
Hirsute, rough, 256. | difficulty, 704. |