Icarus, ascent, 305. | Ill-temper, discourtesy, 895. |
Ice, cold, 383. | irascibility, 901. |
Ice-house, refrigeratory, 387. | Ill-timed, inappropriate, 24. |
Ichnography, representation, 554. | untimely, 135. |
Ichor, liquidity, 333. | Ill-treat, injure, 649, 907. |
Ichthyomancy, prediction, 511. | Ill-turn, evil, 619. |
Icicle, cold, 383. | Illuminate, enlighten, 420. |
Icy, discourteous, 895. | colour, 428. |
Incognito (It.), secrecy, 528. | Illuminati (It.), scholar, 492. |
Icon, representations, 554. | Illumination, drawing, 556. |
Idea, notion, 453. | ornament, 847. |
belief, 484. | Illusion, error, 495. |
knowledge, 490. | deceit, 545. |
small degree, 32. | Illusionist, conjuror, 548. |
small quantity, 192. | Illusive, erroneous, 495. |
inexistence, 2. | sophistical, 477. |
Ideal, erroneous, 495. | deceitful, 544. |
unreal, 2, 515. | Illusory, see Illusive. |
pleasurable, 829. | Illustration, interpretation, 522. |
Ideality, intellect, 450. | drawing, 556. |
imagination, 515. | ornament, 847. |
Ideate, imagine, 515. | example, 82. |
apprehend, 490. | Illustrious, repute, 873. |
Idée fixe, misjudgment, 481. | Ill will, malevolence, 907. |
Identify, comparison, 464. | Image, representation, 554. |
Identity, identity, 13. | idea, 453. |
Ideologist, doctrinaire, 493. | statue, 557. |
Ideology, intellect, 450. | likeness, 17. |
Id est, interpretation, 522. | Imagery, metaphor, 521. |
Idiocy, folly, 499. | fancy, 515. |
Idiom, phrase, 566. | Imaginary, non-existing, 2. |
style, 569. | erroneous, 495. |
Idiosyncrasy, essence, 5. | quantity, 84. |
speciality, 79. | Imagination, fancy, 515. |
temperament, 820. | wit, 842. |
Idiot, imbecile, 501. | Imam, clergy, 996. |
foolish, 499. | Imbecile, foolish, 477, 499. |
Idle, slothful, 683. | weak, 160. |
trivial, 643. | incapable, 158. |
Ido, language, 560. | Imbibe, receive, 296. |
Idol, favourite, 899. | learn, 539. |
Idolatry, superstition, 984. | Imbricated, covering, 222. |
impious worship, 991. | Imbroglio, unintelligibility, 519. |
love, 897. | discord, 713. |
Idolise, love, 897. | Imbrue, moisten, 339. |
impiety, 989. | impregnate, 300. |
Idyll, poetry, 597. | Imbue, mix, 41. |
If, supposition, 514. | tinge, 428. |
qualification, 469. | impregnate, 300. |
Igneous, heat, 382. | moisten, 339. |
Ignis fatuus, light, 420. | teach, 537. |
phantom, 515. | feel, 821. |
unsubstantial, 4. | Imitate, to copy, 19. |
dim sight, 443. | repetition, 104. |
error, 495. | to represent, 554. |
Ignite, calefaction, 384. | Imitation, copy, 21. |
Ignition, heat, 382. | Immaculate, excellent, 648. |
Ignoble, base, 876. | spotless, 652. |
Ignominy, dishonour, 940. | faultless, 650. |
shame, 874. | innocent, 946. |
Ignoramus, ignoramus, 493. | Immanent, inherent, 5. |
Ignorant, ignorance, 491. | Immanity, malevolence, 907. |
Ignore, repudiate, 773. | Immaterial, unsubstantial, 4. |
dissent, 489. | spiritual, 317. |
Ilk, identity, 13. | mental, 450. |
Ill, sick, 655. | trifling, 643. |
evil, 619. | Immature, new, 123. |
Ill-advised, foolish, 499, 699. | unprepared, 674. |
Ill-assorted, disagreement, 24. | Immeasurable, infinite, 105. |
Illation, judgment, 480. | great, 31. |
Ill-bred, discourtesy, 895. | Immediate, transient, 111. |
Ill-conditioned, discourteous, 895. | Immedicable, incurable, 655, 659. |
malevolent, 907. | Immemorial, old, 124. |
vicious, 945. | Immense, in degree, 31. |
Ill-advised, folly, 499. | in size, 192. |
Illegal, illegality, 964. | Immerse, introduce, 300. |
Illegible, unintelligibility, 519. | dip, 337. |
Illegitimate, undue, 925. | Immethodical, disorder, 59. |
illegal, 964. | Immigration, migration, 266. |
erroneous, 495. | entrance, 294. |
Ill-favoured, ugliness, 846. | Imminent, futurity, 121. |
Ill-flavoured, unsavouriness, 395. | Immiscibility, incoherence, 47. |
Illiberal, selfish, 943. | Immission, reception, 296. |
stingy, 819. | Immitigable, ire, 900. |
Illlicit, illegality, 964. | violence, 173. |
Illimitable, infinite, 105. | ruin, 659. |
great, 31. | Immobility, immutability, 150. |
Illiterate, ignorance, 491. | quiescence, 265. |
Ill-looking, ugliness, 846. | resolution, 604. |
Ill-natured, malevolence, 907. | Immoderately, greatness, 31. |
Illness, disease, 655. | Immodest, impurity, 961. |
Ill-judged, foolish, 492, 499. | Immolate, destroy, 162. |
ill-advised, 699. | kill, 361. |
Ill off, adversity, 735. | offer, 763. |
Illogical, sophistical, 477. | Immolation, sacrifice, 991. |
erroneous, 495. | Immoral, vicious, 945. |
Ill-sorted, disagreement, 24. | wrong, 923. |
Ill-omened, evil, 649. | Immortal, perpetual, 112. |
disagreeable, 858. | glorious, 873. |
Ill-starred, adversity, 735. | celebrated, 883. |