Inexpugnable, safety, 664. | Infra dignitatem, disrepute, 874. |
In extenso, whole, 50. | Infrangible, coherence, 46, 321. |
diffuse, 573. | Infrequency, infrequency, 137. |
In extremis, death, 360. | Infringe, transgress, 303. |
Inextinguishable, immutable, 150. | violate, 773, 925, 927. |
energetic, 157. | break through, 614. |
Inextricable, difficult, 704. | Infundibular, concavity, 252. |
disorder, 59. | Infuriate, wrathful, 900. |
Infallible, certainty, 474. | violent, 173. |
Infamy, dishonour, 940. | Infuse, mix, 41. |
shame, 874. | Infuse, insert, 300. |
vice, 945. | teach, 537. |
Infancy, beginning, 66. | Ingeminate, duplication, 90. |
youth, 127. | Ingenious, skill, 698. |
Infant, infant, 129. | Ingénue, actress, 599. |
Infanta (Sp.), master, 745. | Ingenuous, artless, 703. |
Infantile, puerile, 643. | sincere, 543. |
foolish, 499. | guileless, 939. |
Infantry, combatant, 726. | Ingest, absorb, 296. |
Infatuation, folly, 499. | Ingle, fuel, 388. |
obstinacy, 606. | Inglorious, disrepute, 874. |
credulity, 486. | Ingoing, ingress, 294. |
passion, 825. | Ingot, money, 800. |
love, 897. | Ingraft, see Engraft. |
Infeasible, impossible, 471. | Ingratiate, love, 897. |
difficult, 704. | Ingratitude, ingratitude, 917. |
Infection, disease, 655. | Ingredient, component, 56. |
contamination, 659. | Ingress, ingress, 294. |
excitation, 824. | Ingrowing, insertion, 300. |
Infectious, insalubrity, 657. | Ingurgitate, reception, 296. |
Infecund, unproductiveness, 169. | Inhabile, unskilfulness, 699. |
Infelicity, unhappiness, 828. | Inhabit, presence, 186. |
inexpertness, 699. | Inhabitant, inhabitant, 188. |
Infer, judgment, 480. | Inhale, reception, 296. |
Inference, judgment, 480. | Inharmonious, discordant, 414. |
interpretation, 522. | incongruity, 24. |
Inferior, less, 34. | Inherence, intrinsicality, 5. |
imperfect, 651. | Inherit, acquire, 775. |
Infernal, bad, 649. | possess, 777. |
wicked, 945. | Inhesion, intrinsicality, 5. |
malevolent, 907. | Inhibit, prohibit, 761. |
Infertility, unproductiveness, 169. | dissuade, 616. |
Infest, annoy, 649, 830. | hinder, 706. |
Infibulation, junction, 43. | Inhospitable, seclusion, 893. |
Infidelity, dishonour, 940. | Inhuman, malevolence, 907. |
irreligion, 988. | Inhume, interment, 363. |
Infiltrate, intervene, 228. | Inimical, hostile, 889. |
imbue, 339. | unfavourable, 706. |
teach, 537. | Inimitable, perfect, 650. |
mixture, 41. | good, 648. |
Infiltration, ingress, 294, 302. | Iniquity, wrong, 923. |
Infinite, in quantity, 105. | vice, 945. |
in degree, 31. | Initiate, begin, 66. |
Infinite, in size, 192. | teach, 537. |
Infinitesimal, in degree, 32. | Initiated, skilful, 698. |
in quantity, 193. | Initiative, enterprise, 676. |
Infirm, weak, 160. | beginning, 66. |
irresolute, 605. | Inject, insertion, 300. |
vicious, 945. | Injudicious, folly, 499. |
Infirmary, remedy, 662. | Injunction, command, 741. |
Infirmity, weakness, 160. | advice, 695. |
disease, 655. | decree, 963. |
failing, 945. | Injure, to damage, 659. |
Infix, teaching, 537. | malevolence, 907. |
Inflame, burn, 384. | Injury, harm, 649. |
stir up, 173. | Injustice, wrong, 923. |
incense, 900. | Ink, blackness, 431. |
incite, 615. | Inkling, information, 527. |
Inflate, expand, 194. | knowledge, 490. |
rarefy, 322. | Inlaid, variegation, 440. |
blow, 349. | Inland, interiority, 221. |
style, 573, 577. | Inlay, variegation, 440. |
ridiculous, 853. | Inlet, opening, 260. |
vanity, 880. | way, 627. |
Inflect, curvature, 245. | beginning, 66. |
grammar, 567. | of the sea, 343. |
Inflexible, hard, 323. | In limine, beginning, 66. |
resolved, 604. | In loco, relation, 9. |
stern, 739. | Inly, interiority, 221. |
Inflexion, curvature, 245. | Inmate, inhabitant, 188. |
grammar, 567. | In mediis rebus, middle, 68. |
Inflict, condemn, 971. | Inmost, interiority, 221. |
act upon, 680. | Inn, abode, 189. |
give pain, 830. | Innate, intrinsicality, 5. |
Influence, physical, 175. | Innavigable, difficulty, 704. |
authority, 737. | Inner, interiority, 221. |
inducement, 615. | Innocence, innocence, 946. |
importance, 642. | Innocuous, harmless, 648. |
Influential, important, 642. | wholesome, 656. |
Influx, ingress, 294. | Innominate, misnomer, 565. |
Inform, information, 527. | Innovation, newness, 123. |
Inform against, accusation, 938. | change, 140. |
Informal, irregular, 83. | Innoxious, innocent, 946. |
lawless, 964. | salubrious, 656. |
Information, knowledge, 490. | harmless, 648. |
communication, 527. | In nubibus, inexistence, 2. |
Infraction, non-observance, 773. | incogitancy, 452. |
unconformity, 83. | imagination, 515. |
exemption, 927. | unintelligibility, 519. |
disobedience, 742. |
violation, 614. |