Innuendo to Intensity
Table of contents
Innuendo, information, 527.Inspire, prompt, 615.
Innumerable, infinity, 105.    animate, 824.
Inoculate, insert, 300.Inspirit, urge, 615.
    teach, 537.    animate, 824.
Inodorous, inodorousness, 399.    courage, 861.
Inoffensive, harmless, 648, 946.Inspissation, semiliquidity, 352.
Inofficious, malevolence, 907.Instability, mutability, 149.
Inoperative, unproductive, 169.Install, locate, 184.
    useless, 645.    commission, 755.
Inopportune, untimely, 135.    celebrate, 883.
    inexpedient, 647.Instalment, portion, 51.
Inordinate, size, 192.Instance, example, 82.
    excessive, 31.    solicitation, 765.
Inorganic, inorganisation, 358.    motive, 615.
Inosculate, intersect, 219.Instancy, urgency, 642.
    convoluted, 248.Instant, moment, 113.
    joined, 43.    present, 118.
In posse, being, 1.    future, 121.
In propriâ personâ, speciality, 79.Instanter, earliness, 132.
In puris naturalibus, divestment, 226.    instantaneity, 113.
Inquest, inquiry, 461.In statu pupillari, youth, 127.
    jurisdiction, 965.    learner, 541.
Inquietude, uneasiness, 828.In statu quo, permanence, 142.
    apprehension, 860.    restoration, 660.
    discontent, 832.Instauration, restoration, 660.
    restlessness, 264.Instead, substitution, 147.
    disorder, 59.Instigate, motive, 615.
Inquiry, search, 461.Instil, insert, 300.
    curiosity, 455.    teach, 537.
Inquisition, inquiry, 461.    mix, 41.
    jurisdiction, 965.Instinct, intellect, 450.
In re, relation, 9.    intuition, 477.
Inroad, ingress, 294.    impulse, 601.
    invasion, 716.    innate, 5.
    devastation, 619.Instinctive, habitual, 613.
In sæcula sæculorum, perpetuity, 112.Institute, school, 542.
Insalubrity, insalubrity, 657.    beginning, 66.
Insane, mad, 503.Institutor, teacher, 540.
    rash, 863.Instruct, teach, 537.
Insanitary, insalubrious, 657.    advise, 695.
Insatiable, desire, 865.Instruct, precept, 697.
Inscribe, write, 590.Instructor, teacher, 540.
    label, 551.Instrument, implement, 633.
    represent, 554.    record, 551.
Inscrutable, unintelligibility, 519.    security, 771.
Insculpture, sculpture, 557.Instrumental, means, 632.
Insect, animal, 366.    music, 415.
    minute, 193.    subservient, 631.
Insecure, danger, 665.Instrumentality, medium, 631.
Insensate, foolish, 499.Insubordinate, disobedience, 742.
    mad, 503.Insubstantiality, nothingness, 4.
Insensibility, physical, 376.Insufferable, painfulness, 830.
    moral, 823.Insufficient, insufficiency, 640.
Inseparable, cohering, 46.Insufflation, wind, 349.
    attached, 43.Insular, island, 346.
Insert, put in, 300.    detach, 44.
    locate, 184.    single, 87.
    interpose, 228.Insulate, separate, 44.
    enter, 294.Insult, rudeness, 895.
Inseverable, junction, 43.    offence, 900.
    unity, 87.Insuperable, difficulty, 704.
Inside, interiority, 221.Insupportable, painfulness, 830.
Insidious, false, 544.Insuppressible, violence, 173.
    cunning, 702.Insurance, promise, 768.
    dishonourable, 940.    precaution, 664.
Insight, knowledge, 490.Insurgent, disobedience, 742.
Insignia, indication, 550.Insurmountable, difficulty, 704.
Insignificance, smallness, 32.Insurrection, disobedience, 742.
Insignificant, unimportance, 643.    resistance, 719.
Insincere, falsehood, 544.Insusceptible, insensibility, 823.
Insinuate, intervene, 228.Intact, permanence, 142.
    ingress, 294.Intaglio, concavity, 252.
    mean, 516.    sculpture, 557.
    suppose, 514.Intake, inlet, 260.
    hint, 527.Intangible, numbness, 381.
    blame, 932.Integer, whole, 50.
    insert, 300.Integral calculus, number, 84.
Insipid, tasteless, 391.Integrant part, component, 56.
    indifferent, 866.Integrate, consolidate, 50.
Insist, command, 741.    complete, 52.
Insistent, importunate, 830.Integration, number, 84.
Insobriety, drunkenness, 959.Integrity, whole, 50.
Insolence, insolence, 885.    virtue, 944.
Insoluble, dense, 321.    probity, 939.
    unintelligible, 519.Integument, covering, 222.
Insolvent, non-payment, 808.Intellect, intellect, 450.
Insomnia, wakefulness, 680.Intelligence, mind, 450.
Insomuch, greatness, 31.    news, 532.
Insouciance, thoughtlessness, 458.    wisdom, 498.
    supineness, 823.Intelligible, intelligibility, 518, 570.
    indifference, 866.Intemperate, intemperance, 954.
Inspan, harness, 43.Intempestivity, unseasonableness, 135.
Inspect, look, 441.Intend, design, 620.
    attend to, 457.Intended, will, 600.
Inspector, spectator, 444.Intensify, energise, 171.
    director, 694.Intensity, degree, 26.
Inspiration, breathing, 349.    greatness, 31.
    impulse, 612.    energy, 171.
    prompting, 615.
    imagination, 515.
    wisdom, 498.
    piety, 987.
    revelation, 985.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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