Intent, active, 682. | Internecine, slaughter, 361. |
thoughtful, 451, 457. | war, 722. |
Intention, design, 620. | Internuncio, messenger, 534. |
Intentional, will, 600. | consignee, 758. |
Intentness, attention, 457. | Interpellation, inquiry, 461. |
thought, 451. | address, 586. |
Inter, bury, 363. | appeal, 765. |
insert, 300. | summons, 741. |
Interaction, reciprocal, 12. | Interpenetration, passage, 302. |
Inter alia, conformity, 82. | ingress, 294. |
Interblend, mix, 41. | Interpolate, intervene, 228. |
Interbreed, mix, 41. | mix, 41. |
Intercalate, insert, 300. | analytical, 85. |
intervene, 228. | Interpose, intervene, 228. |
Intercede, mediate, 724. | mediate, 724. |
deprecate, 766. | mix, 41. |
Intercept, hinder, 706. | Interpose, act, 682. |
take, 789. | hinder, 706. |
Intercession, deprecation, 766. | Interpret, explain, 522. |
Interchange, interchange, 148. | answer, 462. |
reciprocate, 12. | Interpreter, interpretation, 524. |
barter, 794. | Interregnum, laxity, 738. |
transfer, 783. | intermission, 106. |
Interclude, hindrance, 706. | transient, 111. |
Intercommunicate, interlocution, 588. | cessation, 141. |
Intercommunion, sociality, 892. | discontinuity, 70. |
Intercostal, interiority, 221. | Interrogate, inquiry, 461. |
Intercourse, interlocution, 588. | In terrorem, threat, 909. |
Intercross, mix, 41. | Interrupt, discontinuity, 70. |
Intercurrence, passage, 302. | hindrance, 706. |
Interdict, prohibition, 761. | cessation, 141. |
Interdigitate, intervene, 228. | pause, 265. |
intersect, 219. | Intersect, crossing, 219. |
Interest, advantage, 618. | Interspace, interval, 198. |
concern, 9. | interior, 221. |
curiosity, 455. | Intersperse, diffuse, 73. |
attention, 457. | mix, 41. |
to please, 829. | intervene, 228. |
debt, 806. | Interstice, interval, 198. |
Interesting, style, 574. | Interstitial, interjacent, 228. |
Interfere, intervene, 228. | internal, 221. |
meddle, 682. | Intertexture, tissue, 329. |
disagree, 24. | intersection, 219. |
counteract, 179. | Intertwine, cross, 219. |
thwart, 706. | Intertwist, unite, 43, 219. |
mediate, 724. | Interval, of space, 198. |
activity, 682. | of order, 70. |
Interim, duration, 106. | of time, 106. |
Interim, in the, synchronism, 120. | Intervene, in space, 228. |
Interior, interiority, 221. | in time, 106. |
Interjacence, coming between, 228. | in order, 68. |
middle, 68. | Intervention, mediation, 724. |
Interject, insert, 300. | instrumentality, 170, 631. |
interpose, 228. | Interview, conference, 588. |
Interlace, twine, 219. | society, 892. |
join, 43. | Intervolved, junction, 43. |
Interlard, interpose, 228. | Interweave, crossing, 219. |
mix, 41. | Intestate, obliteration, 552. |
Interlard, insert, 300. | Intestine, interiority, 221. |
Interleave, interjacence, 228. | Intimate, to tell, 527. |
Interline, insert, 228. | friendly, 888. |
write, 590. | close, 197. |
Interlink, junction, 43. | Intimidate, frighten, 860. |
Interlocation, interjacence, 228. | insolence, 885. |
Interlock, cross, 219. | threat, 909. |
join, 43. | Intolerable, painfulness, 830. |
Interlocution, interlocution, 588. | Intolerant, impatient, 825. |
Interloper, intervene, 228. | insolent, 885. |
obstruct, 706. | prejudice, 481. |
extraneous, 57. | Intonation, sound, 402. |
Interlude, dramatic, 599. | voice, 580. |
time, 106. | Intone, recite, 582. |
Intermarriage, marriage, 903. | In toto, whole, 50. |
Intermeddle, hinder, 706. | greatness, 31. |
interfere, 782. | Intoxicate, excite, 824, 825. |
Intermeddling, mediation, 724. | Intoxicate, inebriate, 959. |
Intermediate, mean, 29. | Intractable, difficult, 704. |
middle, 68. | obstinate, 606. |
intervening, 228. | discourteous, 895. |
Intermedium, link, 45. | Intramural, interiority, 221. |
instrument, 631. | Intransient, diuturnity, 110. |
intervention, 228. | Intransigent, discordant, 24. |
Interment, interment, 300, 363. | Intransitive, diuturnity, 110. |
Intermezzo (It.), interlude, 106. | In transitu, transient, 111. |
music, 415. | conversion, 144. |
Interminable, infinite, 105. | motion, 264. |
eternal, 112. | transference, 270. |
long, 200. | method, 627. |
Intermingle, mixture, 41. | Intransmutable, diuturnity, 110. |
Intermission, discontinuance, 141. | Intraregarding, interiority, 221. |
Intermit, interrupt, 70. | Intrepid, courage, 861. |
discontinue, 141. | Intricate, difficult, 704. |
recur, 138. | confused, 59. |
suspend, 265. | perplexed, 519. |
in time, 106. | Intrigant, activity, 682. |
Intermix, mixture, 41. | libertine, 962. |
Intern, restrain, 751. | Intrigue, plot, 626. |
Internal, interior, 221. | cunning, 702. |
intrinsic, 5. | activity, 682. |
International, reciprocal, 12. | licentiousness, 961. |
law, 963. |