Intrinsic, intrinsicality, 5. | Invoice, list, 86. |
Introduction, addition, 37. | Involuntary, compulsory, 601. |
ingress, 294. | Involution, disorder, 59. |
insertion, 300. | convolution, 248. |
precursor, 64. | numerical, 85. |
acquaintance, 888. | style, 571. |
presentation, 894. | Involve, derange, 61. |
musical, 415. | include, 54. |
Introductory, preceding, 62. | wrap, 225. |
precursory, 116. | evidence, 467. |
beginning, 66. | meaning, 516. |
Introgression, ingress, 294. | Involved, disorder, 59. |
Introit, music, 415. | Invulnerable, safety, 664. |
Intromit, receive, 294, 296. | Inward, interiority, 221. |
discontinue, 141. | Inweave, crossing, 219. |
Introspection, look into, 441. | Iota (Gr.), particle, 32. |
thought, 451. | minute, 193. |
attend to, 457. | Ipsissimis verbis, word, 562. |
Introvert, invert, 140, 218. | Ipso facto, being, 1. |
evolve, 313. | truth, 494. |
Intrude, intervene, 228. | Irascible, anger, 901. |
enter, 294. | Irate, resentment, 900. |
inopportune, 135. | Ire, resentment, 900. |
interfere, 24. | Iridescent, variegation, 440. |
Intruder, extraneous, 57, 228. | Iris, variegation, 440. |
Intrusion, mixture, 41. | Irishism, absurdity, 497. |
Intuition, mind, 450. | Irk, oppress, 830. |
instinct, 477. | Irksome, tiresome, 688. |
knowledge, 490. | tedious, 841. |
Intuitive, instinctive, 477. | oppressive, 830. |
Intumescence, expansion, 194. | Iron, strength, 159. |
convexity, 250. | hardness, 323. |
Inunction, covering, 222. | to smooth, 255. |
Inundate, effusion, 337. | Ironclad, ship, 273. |
Inundate, flow, 348. | Iron-hearted, malevolence, 907. |
redundance, 641. | Irony, ridicule, 856. |
Inurbanity, discourteous, 895. | untruth, 544, 546. |
Inure, habituate, 613. | Irradiate, light, 420. |
train, 673. | Irrational, number, 84. |
harden, 823. | silly, 477, 499. |
Inutility, inutility, 645. | Irreclaimable, degenerate, 659. |
Invade, ingress, 294. | vile, 945. |
attack, 716. | impenitent, 951. |
Invalid, disease, 655. | Irreconcilable, discordant, 24. |
Invalidate, disable, 158. | unrelated, 10. |
disentitle, 925. | Irrecoverable, lost, 776. |
confute, 479. | past, 122. |
rebut, 468. | hopeless, 659. |
Invalidity, confutation, 479. | Irredeemable, degenerate, 659. |
Invaluable, goodness, 648. | impenitent, 951. |
Invariable, intrinsic, 5. | Irreducible, out of order, 59. |
immutability, 150. | Irreducible, discordant, 24. |
Invasion, ingress, 294. | derangement, 61. |
attack, 716. | fixed, 150. |
Invective, accusation, 938. | Irrefragable, certain, 475. |
Inveigh, blame, 932. | proved, 478. |
Inveigh, deceive, 546. | Irrefutable, certain, 475. |
seduce, 615. | proved, 467, 478. |
Invent, imagine, 515. | Irregular, out of order, 59. |
devise, 626. | against rule, 83. |
falsehood, 544. | in time, 139. |
Inventive, skilful, 698. | distorted, 243. |
Inventory, list, 86. | multiform, 81. |
Inversion, reversion, 145. | Irrelation, unrelated, 10. |
of position, 218, 237. | Irrelevant, unrelated, 10. |
of relation, 14. | unaccordant, 24. |
of order, 59, 61. | sophistical, 477. |
Invertebrate, feeble, 160, 575. | Irreligion, atheism, 988. |
irresolute, 605. | Irremediable, lost, 776. |
Invest, give, 784. | spoiled, 659. |
lend, 787. | bad, 649. |
empower, 157, 755. | Irremissible, vice, 945. |
ascribe, 155. | Irremovable, immutable, 150. |
clothe, 225. | quiescence, 265. |
besiege, 716. | Irreparable, loss, 776. |
Investigate, inquiry, 461. | bad, 649. |
Investiture, see Invest. | incurable, 659. |
Investment, see Invest. | Irreplaceable, indispensable, 630. |
Inveterate, habit, 613. | Irrepressible, violent, 173. |
old, 124. | excitement, 825. |
belief, 484. | free, 748. |
Invidious, envy, 921. | Irreproachable, innocence, 946. |
hatred, 898. | Irresistible, strength, 159. |
unfair, 923. | compulsory, 601. |
Invigoration, strength, 159. | evidence, 467. |
Invincible, strength, 159. | Irresolute, irresolution, 149, 605. |
Inviolable, right, 924. | Irresolvable, unity, 87. |
honour, 939. | Irrespective, irrelation, 10. |
concealment, 528. | Irresponsible, exempt, 927. |
Invisible, not to be seen, 447. | arbitrary, 964. |
small, 193. | Irretrievable, unalterable, 776. |
concealed, 526. | remediless, 659. |
Invite, ask, 765. | lost, 776. |
Invite, offer, 763. | Irreverence, disrespect, 929. |
induce, 615. | impiety, 989. |
Inviting, pleasing, 899. | Irreversible, past, 122. |
alluring, 615. | immutable, 150. |
Invoke, implore, 765. | Irrevocable, immutable, 150, 601, 604. |
pray, 990. |
address, 586. |
curse, 908. |