Jab, stab, 260. | Jib, deviation, 279. |
poke, 276. | demur, 603. |
Jabber, chatter, 584. | Jiffy, instant, 113. |
stammer, 583. | Jig, dance, 840. |
Jabot, frill, 230. | Jilt, deception, 545. |
Jacent, horizontal, 213. | Jingle, resonance, 408. |
Jack, instrument, 633. | vehicle, 272. |
ensign, 550. | Jingo, warlike, 722. |
Jack-a-dandy, fop, 854. | Jinnee, demon, 980. |
Jackal, provision, 637. | Jiu-jitsu, contention, 720. |
Jackanapes, fop, 854. | Job, business, 625. |
blusterer, 887. | action, 680. |
Jackass, carrier, 271. | unfairness, 940. |
Jacket, dress, 225. | Jobation, upbraiding, 932. |
Jack-in-office, blusterer, 887. | Jobber, merchant, 797. |
Jack-o'-lantern, vision, 515. | agent, 690. |
light, 420. | trickster, 943. |
Jack-pudding, buffoon, 844. | Jobbernowl, fool, 501. |
Jacquerie, tumult, 719. | Jobbing, skill, 698. |
Jacquerie, attack, 716. | barter, 794. |
Jactitation, tossing, 315. | Jockey, horseman, 268. |
Jade, to fatigue, 688. | servant, 746. |
woman, 374. | to deceive, 545. |
horse, 271. | deceiver, 548. |
Jagged, angular, 244. | Jocose, witty, 836, 840, 842. |
notched, 257. | Jocular, gay, 836. |
Jail, prison, 752. | amusing, 840. |
Jailer, keeper, 753. | Jocund, cheerful, 836. |
Jam, to squeeze, 43. | Joe Miller, wit, 844. |
confection, 396. | Jog, push, 276. |
Jangle, sound, 410. | shake, 315. |
discord, 713. | Jog on, advance, 282. |
Janitor, stopper, 263. | slowness, 275. |
Janizary, combatant, 726. | trudge, 266. |
Janus, deceiver, 548. | Joggle, agitation, 315. |
Janus-headed, duality, 89. | Jog-trot, routine, 613. |
Japan, varnish, 222. | Johnsonian, style, 577. |
beautify, 845. | Join, junction, 43. |
ornament, 847. | Joint, part, 51. |
Jape, jest, 842. | junction, 43. |
Jar, vessel, 191. | flexure, 258. |
stridor, 410. | accompanying, 88. |
discord, 414, 713. | Joint-stock, share, 778. |
agitation, 315. | Jointure, receipt, 810. |
clash, 24. | Joist, support, 215. |
Jargon, unmeaning, 519. | Joke, wit, 842. |
absurdity, 497. | trifle, 643. |
Jasper-coloured, green, 435. | Jollity, amusement, 840. |
Jaundiced, prejudiced, 481. | Jolly, gay, 836. |
jealous, 920. | plump, 192. |
dejected, 837. | Jolly-boat, ship, 273. |
Jaunt, journey, 266. | Jolt, impulse, 276. |
Jaunty, fashionable, 852. | agitation, 315. |
pretty, 845. | Jolthead, fool, 501. |
showy, 882. | Jorum, receptacle, 191. |
Javelin, arms, 727. | Joskin, clown, 876. |
Jaw, mouth, 230. | Joss-house, temple, 1000. |
loquacity, 584. | Jostle, clash, 24. |
to scold, 932. | push, 276. |
Jaw-breaker, neology, 563. | agitate, 315. |
Jaws of death, death, 360. | Jot, small quantity, 32. |
Jay, loquacity, 584. | particle, 193. |
Jazz, melody, 413. | to record, 551. |
Jealousy, envy, 920. | Jotting, writing, 590. |
Jeer, banter, 856. | Jounce, agitation, 315. |
flout, 929. | Journals, annals, 114. |
joke, 842. | record, 551. |
Jehovah, Deity, 976. | description, 594. |
Jejune, scanty, 640. | book, 593. |
style, 575. | Journalese, style, 573. |
Jelly, pulpiness, 354. | Journalism, publication, 531. |
Jeopardy, danger, 665. | Journalist, recorder, 553. |
Jeremiad, accusation, 938. | writer, 590. |
invective, 932. | Journey, journey, 266. |
lamentation, 839. | Journeyman, agent, 690. |
Jerk, throw, 146, 284. | servant, 746. |
draw, 285. | Joust, contention, 720. |
agitate, 315. | Jove, Jupiter, 979. |
Jerry, flimsy, 643. | Jovial, gay, 836. |
Jest, wit, 842. | amusement, 840. |
trifle, 643. | Jowl, laterality, 236. |
Jester, humorist, 844. | Joy, pleasure, 827. |
buffoon, 857. | Joyful, cheerful, 836. |
Jesuit, deceiver, 548. | Joyless, dejection, 830, 837. |
Jesuitry, deception, 544. | Joyous, cheerful, 836. |
sophistry, 477. | Joy-ride, journey, 266. |
Jesus, Deity, 976. | Jubilant, joyous, 836. |
Jet, water, 347. | boastful, 884. |
stream, 348. | Jubilee, rejoicing, 836, 838. |
blackness, 431. | festival, 840. |
Jetsam, fragments, 51. | celebration, 883. |
Jetty, convexity, 250. | Judaism, heterodoxy, 984. |
Jeu d'esprit, wit, 842. | Judge, arbitrator, 967. |
Jeu de mots, neology, 563. | Judge, master, 745. |
Jeu de théâtre, appearance, 448. | taste, 850. |
Jew, heterodoxy, 984. | Judgmatic, wisdom, 498. |
Jew's-harp, musical, 417. | Judgment, decision, 480. |
Jewel, gem, 650. | intellect, 450. |
ornament, 847. | belief, 484. |
favourite, 899. | wisdom, 498. |
Jezebel, wretch, 949. | sentence, 969. |
courtesan, 962. |