Laager, defence, 717. | Landscape, view, 448. |
Label, indication, 550. | delineation, 556. |
Laboratory, workshop, 691. | Landsturm (Gr.), combatant, 720. |
Labour, exertion, 686. | Landwehr (Ger.), combatant, 726. |
work, 680. | Lane, street, 189. |
difficulty, 704. | way, 627. |
Labourer, agent, 690. | Language, words, 560. |
Labyrinth, secret, 533. | Languid, weak, 160. |
difficulty, 704. | slow, 275. |
convolution, 248. | torpid, 683, 823. |
Lace, tie, 43. | style, 575. |
net, 219. | Languish, desire, 865. |
to beat, 972. | illness, 655. |
Lacerate, disjunction, 44. | Languor, weakness, 160. |
pain, 830. | inactivity, 683. |
Laches, neglect, 460. | Lank, little, 193. |
omission, 773. | Lanolin, oil, 356. |
Lachrymation, lamentation, 839. | Lantern, light, 423. |
Lack, insufficiency, 640. | Lantern-jawed, lean, 193. |
Lack, destitution, 804. | Lap, support, 215. |
requisition, 630. | interior, 221. |
number, 98. | to wrap, 222. |
Lackadaisical, affected, 855. | encompass, 227. |
Lacker, see Lacquer. | drink, 296. |
Lackey, servant, 746. | Lapidary, concise, 572. |
Lack-brain, fool, 501. | Lapis lazuli, blue, 438. |
Lack-lustre, dim, 423. | Lappet, adjunct, 39. |
discoloured, 429. | Lapse, of time, 109, 135. |
Laconic, conciseness, 572. | past time, 122. |
Lacquer, varnish, 22. | fall, 306. |
adorn, 845. | degeneracy, 659. |
Lacuna, orifice, 260. | guilt, 947. |
pit, 252. | Lapsus linguæ, solecism, 568. |
interval, 198. | ridicule, 856. |
Lacustrine, lake, 343. | error, 495. |
Lad, infant, 129. | equivocal, 520. |
Ladder, method, 627. | Larboard, sinistrality, 239. |
Lade, transfer, 270. | Larceny, theft, 791. |
Laden, charged, 639. | Lard, uncluousness, 353, 256. |
La-di-da, foppish, 855. | Larder, store, 636. |
Lading, cargo, 190, 635. | food, 298. |
baggage, 780. | Lares and penates, abode, 189. |
Ladle, spoon, 272. | Large, in quantity, 31. |
vessel, 191. | in size, 192. |
Lady, woman, 374. | Largess, giving, 784, 809. |
Lady-like, fashion, 852. | Largo (lt.), slowness, 275, 415. |
courteous, 894. | Lariat, vinculum, 45. |
Lag, linger, 275. | Lark, mount, 305. |
follow, 281. | frolic, 840. |
dawdle, 683. | Larrikin, rowdy, 949. |
imprison, 751. | Larrup, strike, 972. |
prisoner, 754. | Larva, youth, 127. |
Laggard, slack, 603, 683. | Lascivious, impure, 961. |
Lagoon, lake, 343. | Lash, tie together, 43. |
Laical, laity, 997. | punish, 972. |
Lair, den, 189. | scourge, 830, 975. |
stye, 653. | censure, 932. |
Laissez aller, inactivity, 683. | violence, 173. |
Laissez faire, inactivity, 683. | Lashings, plenty, 639. |
Laity, laity, 997. | Lass, girl, 129, 374. |
Lake, lake, 343. | Lassitude, fatigue, 688. |
Lama, priest, 996. | weariness, 841. |
Lamarckism, causation, 153. | Lasso, vinculum, 45. |
Lamb, innocent, 946. | Last, in order, 67. |
Saviour, 976. | endure, 106. |
saint, 948. | continue, 142. |
Lambent flame, light, 420. | durable, 110. |
Lamb-like, innocent, 946. | model, 22. |
Lame, weak, 160. | Latakia, tobacco, 298A. |
bad, 649. | Latch, vinculum, 45. |
failing, 732. | Latchet, vinculum, 45. |
laxity, 738. | Late, tardy, 133. |
Lamella, layer, 204. | past, 122. |
Lament, complain, 839. | new, 123. |
regret, 833. | Latent, concealed, 526. |
pity, 914. | implied, 516. |
Lamentable, greatness, 31. | inert, 172. |
painful, 830. | Later, posteriority, 117. |
Lamia, demon, 980. | Lateral, side, 236. |
Lamina, layer, 204. | Lath, strip, 205. |
part, 51. | Lathe, instrument, 633. |
Lamp, luminary, 423. | Lather, foam, 353. |
Lampoon, disparage, 932. | to flog, 972. |
libel, 934. | Latitude, scope, 180. |
Lance, throw, 284. | place, 182, 183. |
javelin, 727. | breadth, 202. |
Lancer, combatant, 726. | freedom, 748. |
Lancet, perforator, 262. | Latitudinarian, heterodoxy, 984. |
Lancinate, pain, 378. | Latria, worship, 990. |
Land, ground, 342. | Latter, sequent, 63. |
to arrive, 292. | past, 122. |
to stop, 265. | Lattice, crossing, 219. |
estate, 780. | Laud, praise, 931. |
Landau, vehicle, 272. | worship, 990. |
Landgrave, master, 745. | Laudable, virtue, 944. |
Landing-place, support, 215. | Laudation, approval, 931. |
destination, 292. | Laudator temporis acti, oldness, 124. |
Land-locked, circumjacent, 227. | permanence, 142. |
Landlord, possessor, 779. | discontent, 832. |
Landlubber, bungler, 701. | lamentation, 839. |
Landmark, indicate, 550. |