Laugh, rejoice, 838. | Leaning, direction, 278. |
Laugh at, ridicule, 856. | willingness, 602. |
sneer, 929. | Lean-to, building, 189. |
underestimate, 483. | Leap, ascent, 305, 309. |
joke, 842. | Leap to, change, 140. |
Laughable, ridiculous, 853. | Learned, knowledge, 490. |
Laughing-stock, ridicule, 857. | Learner, learner, 541. |
Laughter, rejoice, 836, 838, 840. | Learning, acquiring, 539. |
Launch, propel, 284. | erudition, 490. |
begin, 66. | Lease, sale, 796. |
adventure, 876. | Leash, tie, 43. |
Launch out, expatiate, 584. | three, 92. |
style, 573. | Least, inferiority, 34. |
Laurel, trophy, 733. | Least, to say the, greatness, 31. |
reward, 973. | Leat, conduit, 350. |
glory, 873. | Leather, to beat, 972. |
decoration, 877. | Leave, quit, 293. |
Lave, cleanness, 652. | vacate, 185. |
Lavender, colour, 437. | relinquish, 624. |
Lavish, prodigal, 818. | permission, 760. |
profuse, 639, 641. | bequeath, 784. |
Lavolta, dance, 840. | Leave off, cessation, 141, 614, 624. |
Law, rule, 80. | Leave out, exclusion, 55. |
ordination, 963. | Leave over, postpone, 133. |
command, 741. | Leaven, cause, 153. |
permission, 760. | bane, 663. |
Lawful, dueness, 924. | dirt, 153. |
Lawless, arbitrary, 964. | to spoil, 659. |
irregular, 83. | Leavings, remainder, 40. |
Lawn, plain, 344. | Lecher, libertine, 962. |
Lawsuit, law, 969. | Lechery, impurity, 961. |
Lawyer, lawyer, 968. | Lecture, teach, 537. |
Lax, incoherent, 47. | censure, 932. |
soft, 324. | discourse, 582. |
diffuse, 573. | Lecturer, learner, 541. |
remiss, 738. | Ledge, support, 215. |
licentious, 945. | Ledger, accounts, 811. |
Lay, place, 184. | list, 86. |
assuage physically, 174. | Lee, laterality, 236. |
morally, 826. | Leech, suck, 789. |
bet, 151. | physician, 695. |
poetry, 597. | Lee-shore, pitfall, 667. |
music, 415. | Lee-way, shortcoming, 304. |
level, 213. | Leer, vision, 441. |
secular, 997. | Lees, uncleanness, 653. |
Lay aside, relinquish, 624. | Left, remaining, 40. |
give up, 782. | sinistral, 239. |
reject, 610. | Left-handed, unskilful, 699. |
Lay bare, manifest, 525. | equivocal, 520. |
Lay by, store, 636. | sinister, 649. |
economise, 817. | Legacy, gift, 784. |
Lay down, assert, 535. | acquisition, 775. |
renounce, 757. | Leg, swindler, 548. |
Lay in, store, 636. | Legal, legitimate, 924. |
Lay into, thump, 972. | relating to law, 963. |
buffet, 276. | Legate, consignee, 750. |
Lay open, disclose, 529. | messenger, 534. |
show, 525. | deputy, 759. |
divest, 226. | Legation, commission, 755. |
Lay to, stop, 265. | Legend, narrative, 594. |
be inactive, 683. | record, 551. |
repose, 687. | Legerdemain, trick, 545, 702. |
Lay up, illness, 655. | cunning, 702. |
store, 636. | Légèreté, irresolution, 605. |
Lay waste, ravage, 649. | Legging, dress, 225. |
disorganise, 659. | Legible, intelligible, 518. |
Lay figure, prototype, 22. | Legion, army, 726. |
effigy, 554. | multitude, 102. |
nonentity, 643. | assemblage, 72. |
Layer, layer, 204. | Legislate, legality, 963. |
Layman, laity, 997. | Legislature, legality, 963. |
Laystall, unclean, 653. | Legitimate, true, 494. |
Lazaretto, remedy, 662. | just, 922. |
Lazy, inactive, 683. | due, 924. |
slow, 275. | legal, 963. |
Lea, plain, 342, 344. | Legs, journey, 266. |
Lead, to precede in order, 62. | Leisure, unoccupied, 685. |
precede in motion, 280. | opportunity, 134. |
to tend, 176. | Leisurely, slowly, 133, 275. |
to direct, 693. | Leit-motiv (Ger.), music, 415. |
to induce, 615. | Leman, favourite, 899. |
authority, 737. | Lemma, evidence, 467. |
heaviness, 319. | maxim, 496. |
Lead, the, precedence, 62. | Lemon colour, yellow, 430. |
Lead off, begin, 66. | Lend, lending, 787. |
precursor, 64. | Length, length, 200. |
Leader, master, 745. | Lengths, all, greatness, 31. |
dissertation, 595. | Lengthy, diffuse, 573. |
Leading, important, 642. | Lenient, compassionate, 914. |
Leading-strings, reins, 747. | moderate, 174. |
subjection, 749. | mild, 740. |
Leaf, part, 51. | Lenify, moderate, 174. |
layer, 204. | Lenitive, remedy, 662. |
of a book, 593. | relief, 834. |
Leaflet, part, 51. | Lenity, lenity, 740. |
League, party, 712. | Lens, optical instrument, 445. |
Leak, dribble, 295. | Lent, fasting, 956. |
waste, 638. |
Lean, thin, 193. |
narrow, 203. |
oblique, 217. |
recline, 215. |