Moniliform to Mould
Table of contents
Moniliform, circular, 247.Morbid, bad, 649.
Monism, unity, 87.    diseased, 655.
Monition, advice, 695.    noxious, 657.
    information, 527.Morbific, bad, 649.
    omen, 512.    diseased, 655.
Monitor, teacher, 540.    noxious, 657.
    director, 694.Mordacity, malevolence, 907.
Monitory, prediction, 511.Mordant, pungent, 392.
Monk, clergy, 996.Mordant, keen, 171.
Monkery, churchdom, 995.    sarcastic, 932.
Monkey, imitative, 19.Mordent, grace-note, 415.
    engine, 276, 633.More, addition, 37.
    ridiculous, 856.    superiority, 33.
    laughing-stock, 857.More or less, smallness, 32.
    to play the fool, 499.    equality, 27.
Monkish, clergy, 995.Moreover, addition, 37.
Monochord, musical, 417.    accompaniment, 88.
Monody, lamentation, 839.More suo, conformity, 82.
Monogamy, marriage, 903.Morganatic, marriage, 904.
Monogram, word, 562.Morgue, pride, 878.
    cipher, 533.    dead-house, 363.
    diagram, 554.Moribund, dying, 360.
Monograph, dissertation, 595.    sick, 655.
Monolith, record, 551.Mormon, polygamist, 903.
Monologue, soliloquy, 589.Morning, morning, 125.
Monomania, insanity, 503.Morose, discourtesy, 895.
    error, 495.Morphology, form, 240.
    obstinacy, 606.Morris-dance, dance, 840.
Monomaniac, madman, 504.Morrow, futurity, 121.
Monometallism, money, 800.    morning, 125.
Monoplane, airship, 273.Morsel, small quantity, 32.
Monopolise, possess, 777.    portion, 51.
    engross, 457.Mortal, man, 373.
Monosyllable, letter, 561.    fatal, 361.
Monotheism, theology, 983.    bad, 649.
Monotony, identity, 13.    wearisome, 841.
    uniformity, 16.Mortality, death, 360.
    repetition, 104, 841.    evanescence, 111.
    in style, 575.    mankind, 372.
Monotype, printing, 591.Mortar, cement, 45.
Monsoon, wind, 349.    artillery, 727.
Monster, exception, 83.    pulverisation, 330.
    prodigy, 872.Mortgage, sale, 796.
    size, 192.    lend, 787.
    ugly, 846.    security, 771.
    evil-doer, 913.Mortgagee, credit, 805.
    ruffian, 949.Mortgagor, debt, 806.
Monstrous, greatness, 31.Mortify, pain, 828.
    huge, 192.    to vex, 830.
    wonderful, 870.    to discontent, 832.
    ugly, 846.    to humiliate, 874.
Monstrous, ridiculous, 853.    asceticism, 955.
Mont de piété, lending, 787.Mortise (or Mortice), unite, 43.
Montgolfier, airship, 273.    insert, 300.
Month, period, 108.    intersect, 219.
Monticule, height, 206.Mortuary, interment, 363.
Monument, record, 551.Mosaic, mixture, 41.
    tallness, 206.    variegation, 440.
Monumental, great, 31.    painting, 556.
Mood, nature, 5.Mosque, temple, 1000.
    state, 7.Moss, marsh, 345.
    temper, 820.    tuft, 256.
    will, 600.Moss-grown, deterioration, 659.
    disposition, 602.Moss-trooper, thief, 792.
    variation, 20.Most, greatness, 31.
    change, 140.Most part, for the, general, 78.
Moody, sullen, 895.    conformity, 82.
    fretful, 900.Mote, particle, 193.
    furious, 825.    light, 320.
Moon, inaction, 681.Motet, music, 415.
Mooncalf, fool, 501.Moth, decay, 659.
Moon-eyed, dim sight, 443.Mother, parent, 166.
Moonshine, nonsense, 497.    mould, 653.
    excuse, 617.Mother-of-pearl, variegation, 440.
    trumpery, 643.Mother-tongue, language, 560.
Moonstruck, insanity, 503.Mother wit, wisdom, 498.
Moony, dreamy, 458.Motif (F.), music, 415.
    foolish, 499.Motion, change of place, 264.
    listless, 683.    proposition, 514.
Moor, open space, 180.    topic 454.
    plain, 344.    request, 765.
    locate, 184.    offer, 763.
    rest, 265.Motionless, quiescence, 265.
Moorland, plain, 344.Motive, reason, 615.
Moot, inquire, 461.    music, 415.
    argue, 476.Motley, multiform, 81.
Moot point, topic, 454, 461.    variegated, 440.
Mop, clean, 652.Motor, machine, 633.
Mope, dejection, 837.Motor-car, vehicle, 272.
Mope-eyed, dim sight, 443.Mottled, variegated, 440.
Mopus, money, 800.Motto, device, 550.
Moraine, débris, 330.    maxim, 496.
Moral, right, 922.    phrase, 566.
    duty, 926.Mouch, inactivity, 688.
    virtuous, 944.Mould, form, 240, 329.
    maxim, 496.    condition, 7.
Morale, state, 7.    earth, 342.
Moralise, reason, 476.    to model, 554.
    teach, 537.    carve, 557.
Morality, drama, 599.    mildew, 653.
Morass, marsh, 345.    matrix, 22.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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