Noon, mid-day, 125. | Now, present time, 118. |
light, 420. | Now or never, occasion, 134. |
Noose, ligature, 45. | Nowadays, present time, 118. |
loop, 247. | Noways, in no degree, 32. |
snare, 665, 667. | Nowhere, absence, 187. |
Norm, type, 80. | Nowise, in no degree, 32. |
Normal, regular, 82. | dissent, 489. |
vertical, 212. | Noxious, badness, 649. |
Northern lights, light, 420. | Noyade, killing, 361. |
Nose, smell, 398. | Nozzle, projection, 250. |
prominence, 250. | airpipe, 351. |
Nosegay, fragrance, 400. | opening, 260. |
ornament, 847. | Nuance, difference, 15. |
Nose out, detect, 480. | Nubble, lump, 150. |
Nosology, disease, 655. | Nubile, adolescence, 131. |
Nostalgia, discontent, 832. | Nucleus, centre, 223. |
Nostril, air-pipe, 351. | middle, 68. |
Nostrum, remedy, 662. | cause, 153. |
Nosy, curiosity, 455. | Nudge, indication, 550. |
Not, dissent, 489. | Nudity, divestment, 226. |
Nota bene, care, 457. | Nugæ, unmeaning, 517. |
Notability, personage, 642, 875. | unimportant, 643. |
Notable, visible, 446. | Nugatory, inexistence, 2. |
important, 642. | useless, 645. |
active, 682. | inoperative, 158. |
famous, 873. | Nugget, lump, 321. |
Notably, greatness, 31. | Nuisance, annoyance, 830. |
Notary, recorder, 553. | evil, 619. |
lawyer, 968. | Null, unsubstantiality, 4. |
Notch, nick, 257. | Nulli secundus, superiority, 33. |
mark, 550. | goodness, 648. |
Note, sign, 550. | Nullibiety, absence, 187. |
record, 551. | Nullify, counteract, 179. |
letter, 592. | repudiate, 773. |
precursor, 64. | Numb, morally, 823. |
music, 413. | physically, 381. |
fame, 873. | Number, abstract, 84. |
notice, 457. | plurality, 100. |
minute, 596. | publication, 593. |
money, 800. | to count, 85. |
Notebook, compendium, 596. | Numberless, infinity, 105. |
Nothing,nihility, 4. | Numbers, poetry, 597. |
zero, 101. | Numbness, physical, 381. |
trifle, 643. | moral, 823. |
Nothing of the kind, dissimilarity, 18. | Numeral, number, 84. |
Nothing of, to say, addition, 37. | Numeration, numeration, 85. |
Notice, observe, 457. | Numerator, number, 84. |
mark, 550. | Numerous, multitude, 102. |
warning, 668. | Numismatics, money, 800. |
Notify, inform, 527. | Numskull, fool, 501. |
publish, 531. | Nun, clergy, 996. |
Notion, idea, 453. | Nuncio, messenger, 534. |
belief, 484. | consignee, 758. |
knowledge, 490. | Nuncupatory, naming, 564. |
Notoriety, disrepute, 874. | informing, 527. |
publication, 531. | Nunnery, temple, 1000. |
Notorious, known, 490. | seclusion, 893. |
seen, 446. | Nuptials, marriage, 903. |
Notwithstanding, counteraction, 179. | Nurse, servant, 746. |
compensation, 30. | to help, 707. |
Noumenal, intellect, 450. | Nursery, school, 542. |
Noun, nomenclature, 564. | workshop, 691. |
Nourish, aid, 707. | for plants, 367. |
Nouveau riche, newness, 123. | Nurseryman, horticulture, 371. |
prosperity, 734. | Nursling, infant, 129. |
Nous (Gr.), intellect, 450. | Nurture, food, 298. |
wisdom, 498. | to support, 707. |
Nous verrons, expectation, 507. | prepare, 673. |
Novel, new, 18, 123. | Nut, head, 450. |
fiction, 515. | fop, 854. |
description, 594. | Nutation, oscillation, 314. |
unknown, 491. | Nutbrown, brown, 433. |
false, 546. | Nutriment, food, 298. |
Novice, learner, 541. | Nutrition, aid, 707. |
ignoramus, 493. | Nutshell, littleness, 193. |
Novice, bungler, 701. | compendium, 596. |
religious, 996. | Nuzzle, endearment, 902. |
Novitiate, learner, 541. | Nymph, woman, 374. |
training, 674. |
Novus homo, extraneous, 57. |
commonalty, 876. |