Orbicular, circularity, 247. | Otherworldliness, piety, 987. |
Orbit, path, 627. | O'Trigger, blusterer, 887. |
Orchestration, music, 415. | Otto, see Attar. |
Orchestra, musician, 416. | Ottoman, support, 215. |
Orchestrion, musical, 417. | Oubliette, prison, 752. |
Ordain, command, 741, 976. | Ought, duty, 926. |
churchdom, 976. | Ouidire, news, 532. |
Ordained, prescribed, 924. | Oust, displace, 185. |
Ordeal, experiment, 463. | deprive, 789. |
sorcery, 992. | dismiss, 756. |
Order, regularity, 58. | Out, exteriority, 220. |
subordinate class, 75. | Out and out, greatness, 31. |
law, 963. | Outbalance, superiority, 28, 33. |
precept, 697. | Outbid, barter, 794. |
command, 741. | Outbrave, insolence, 885. |
rank, 873, 875. | Outbrazen, insolence, 885. |
of the day, 82. | Outbreak, violence, 173. |
Orderless, disorder, 59. | contest, 720. |
Orderly, conformity, 82. | passion, 825. |
Orders, holy, churchdom, 995. | Outburst, violence, 173. |
Ordinance, command, 741. | passion, 825. |
law, 963. | Outcast, secluded, 893. |
rite, 998. | sinner, 949. |
Ordinary, usual, 82. | apostate, 941. |
mean, 29. | Outclass, superiority, 33. |
ugly, 846. | Outcome, result, 154. |
Ordination, command, 741. | Outcry, noise, 411. |
arrangement, 60. | complaint, 839. |
Ordure, uncleanness, 653. | censure, 932. |
Ore, materials, 635. | Outdo, activity, 682. |
Ore rotundo, ornament, 577. | superiority, 33. |
speech, 582. | Outdoor, exteriority, 220. |
Organ, instrument, 633. | Outer, exteriority, 220. |
music, 417. | Outface, insolence, 885. |
Organic, state, 7. | Outfit, preparation, 673. |
animal, 366. | Outflank, baffle, 731. |
Organism, state, 7. | Outgeneral, success, 731. |
structure, 329. | Outgo, transgress, 303. |
Organist, musician, 416. | distance, 196. |
Organisation, structure, 329. | Outgoings, expenditure, 809. |
Organise, arrange, 60. | Outgrow, expansion, 194. |
plan, 626. | Outherod, bluster, 173. |
prepare, 673. | exaggerate, 549. |
produce, 161. | Outhouse, abode, 189. |
Organised, organisation, 357. | Outlandish, irregular, 83. |
Orgasm, violence, 173. | foreign, 10. |
Orgy, intemperance, 954. | barbarous, 851. |
Orient, light, 420. | Outlast, diuturnity, 110. |
Orientate, direction, 278. | Outlaw, reprobate, 949. |
Orifice, opening, 66, 260. | Outlawry, illegality, 964. |
Oriflamme, indication, 550. | Outlay, expenditure, 809. |
Origin, cause, 153. | Outleap, transcursion, 303. |
beginning, 66. | Outlet, egress, 295. |
Original, model, 22. | opening, 260. |
oddity, 857. | Outline, contour, 229. |
invented, 515. | sketch, 554. |
Originate, cause, 153. | features, 448. |
begin, 66. | plan, 626. |
invent, 515. | Outlive, survive, 110. |
Originator, producer, 164. | continue, 142. |
Orison, request, 765. | Outlook, insolence, 885. |
prayer, 990. | futurity, 121. |
Ormuzd, deity, 979. | view, 448. |
Ornament, ornament, 847. | Outlying, exteriority, 220. |
glory, 873. | remainder,40. |
style, 577. | Outmanuvre, success, 731. |
Ornate, ornament, 847. | Outmatch, inequality, 28. |
style, 577. | Outnumber, multitude, 102. |
Ornithomancy, prediction, 511. | Out of bounds, transcursion, 303. |
Orography, height, 206. | Out of date, old, 124. |
Orotund, style, 577. | past, 122. |
Orphan, weakness, 160. | obsolete, 851. |
Orthodox, true, 494. | Out of place, disorder, 59. |
conformity, 82. | unconformity, 83. |
in religion, 983. | Outpace, velocity, 274. |
Orthoepy, voice, 580. | transcursion, 303. |
Orthogenesis, causation, 153. | Outpost, distance, 196. |
Orthography, writing, 590. | circumjacent, 227. |
Orthometry, measurement, 466. | front, 234. |
Orts, remnants, 40. | Outpouring, information, 527. |
refuse, 643. | Outrage, evil, 619. |
useless, 645. | grievance, 830. |
Oscillation, oscillation, 314. | Outrageous, excessive, 31. |
Osculate, contiguity, 199. | violence, 173. |
kiss, 902. | Outré, ridiculous, 853. |
Osmosis, percolation, 302. | unconformity, 83. |
Ossification, hardness, 323. | exaggerated, 549. |
Ossuary, interment, 363. | Outreach, deception, 545. |
Ostensible, visible, 446. | Outreckon, overestimation, 482. |
probable, 472. | Outrider, precursor, 64. |
plea, 617. | Outrigger, support, 215. |
explicit, 576. | boat, 273. |
Ostentation, ostentation, 882. | Outright, greatness, 31. |
Osteopathy, remedy, 662. | completeness, 52. |
Ostracise, exclude, 55. | Outrun, velocity, 274, 303. |
displace, 185. | Outset, beginning, 66. |
seclude, 893. | departure, 293. |
censure, 932. | Outshine, glory, 873. |
Other, difference, 15. | eclipse, 874. |
Otherwise, difference, 15. |