Parachronism, anachronism, 115. | Par parenthese, occasion, 134. |
Parachute, refuge, 666. | Parrot, imitation, 19. |
Paraclete, Deity, 976. | loquacity, 584. |
Parade, walk, 189. | repetition, 104. |
ostentation, 882. | Parry, avert, 623. |
Paradigm, prototype, 22. | defend, 717. |
example, 80. | Parse, grammar, 567. |
Paradise, heaven, 981. | Parsee, heterodoxy, 984. |
bliss, 827. | Parsimony, parsimony, 819. |
Paradox, obscurity, 519. | Parson, clergy, 996. |
absurdity, 497. | Parsonage, temple, 1000. |
mystery, 528. | Part, portion, 51. |
enigma, 533. | component, 56. |
Paragon, perfection, 650. | to diverge, 291. |
saint, 948. | to divide, 44. |
glory, 873. | business, 625. |
Paragraph, phrase, 566. | function, 644. |
part, 51. | Part, in, smallness, 32. |
article, 593. | Part with, relinquish, 782. |
Paralipsis, neglect, 460. | give, 784. |
Parallax, distance, 196. | Partake, participation, 778. |
Parallel, position, 216. | Parterre, plant, 367. |
similarity, 17. | Parti, adolescence, 131. |
to imitate, 19. | Partial, unequal, 28. |
agreement, 23. | special, 79. |
Parallel, without, superiority, 33. | onesided, 481. |
Parologism, sophistry, 477. | unjust, 923. |
Paralyse, weaken, 160. | love, 897. |
benumb, 381. | desire, 865. |
deaden, 823. | erroneous, 495. |
insensibility, physical, 376. | smallness, 32. |
moral, 823. | harmonic, 413. |
disqualify, 158. | Particeps criminis, auxiliary, 711. |
disease, 655. | bad man, 949. |
Paramount, essential, 642. | Participation, participation, 778. |
in degree, 33. | Particle, quantity, 32. |
Paramour, love, 897. | size, 193. |
Paranoia, insanity, 503. | Particoloured, variegation, 440. |
Parapet, defence, 717. | Particular, special, 79. |
Paraph, writing, 590. | event, 151. |
Paraphernalia, machinery, 633. | careful, 459. |
materials, 635. | capricious, 608. |
property, 780. | fastidious, 868. |
Paraphrase, interpretation, 522. | item, 51. |
phrase, 566. | detail, 79. |
imitation, 19, 21. | Particularly, greatness, 31. |
Parasite, flatterer, 935. | Parting, disjunction, 44. |
servile, 886. | Parti pris, prejudgment, 481. |
follow, 88. | Partisan, auxiliary, 711. |
Parboil, calefaction, 384. | Partition, allot, 51, 786. |
Parcel, group, 72. | wall, 228. |
portion, 51. | Partner, auxiliary, 711. |
Parcel out, arrange, 60. | Partnership, participation, 778. |
allot, 786. | company, 797. |
Parch, dry, 340. | companionship, 88. |
bake, 384. | Parts, intellect, 450. |
Parchment, manuscript, 590. | wisdom, 498. |
record, 551. | talents, 698. |
Pardon, forgiveness, 918. | Party, assemblage, 72. |
Pardonable, vindication, 937. | association, 712. |
Pare, scrape, 38, 226, 331. | society, 892. |
shorten, 201. | special, 79. |
decrease, 36. | Partywall, interjacence, 228. |
Paregoric, salubrity, 656. | Parvenu, upstart, 876. |
Parenchyma, texture, 329. | successful, 734. |
Parent, paternity, 166. | Pas, rank, 873. |
Parentage, kindred, 11. | precedence, 62. |
Parenthesis, interjacence, 228. | term, 71. |
discontinue, 70. | Pasha, master, 745. |
Parenthetically, irrelation, 10. | Pasquinade, satire, 932. |
Par excellence, greatness, 31. | Pass, move, 264. |
superiority, 33. | move out, 295. |
Par exemple, example, 82. | move through, 302. |
Pariah, commonalty, 876. | exceed, 303. |
outcast, 892. | be superior, 33. |
Paring, part, 51. See Pare. | happen, 151. |
smallness, 32. | lapse, 122. |
Pari passu, equality, 27. | vanish, 449. |
Parish, region, 181. | passage, 260. |
Parishioner, laity, 997. | defile, 203. |
Parity, equality, 27. | way, 627. |
Park, plain, 344. | difficulty, 704. |
vegetation, 367. | conjuncture, 8. |
artillery, 727. | forgive, 918. |
Parlance, speech, 582. | thrust, 716. |
Parlementaire, messenger, 534. | passport, 760. |
Parley, talk, 588. | time, 106. |
mediation, 724. | Pass away, cease, 2, 141. |
Parliament, council, 696. | Pass by, disregard, 929. |
Parlour, receptacle, 191. | Pass for, falsehood, 544. |
Parlour, room, 191. | Pass in the mind, thought, 451. |
Parnassus, poetry, 597. | Pass over, disregard, 458. |
Parody, imitation, 19. | neglect, 460. |
copy, 21. | forgive, 918. |
travesty, 856. | exclude, 55. |
misinterpret, 523. | traverse, 302. |
Parole, promise, 768. | Pass the time, duration, 106. |
Paronomasia, pun, 563. | Pass through, experience, 151. |
Paronymous, word, 562. |
Paroxysm, violence, 173. |
emotion, 825. |
anger, 900. |