Passable, imperfection, 651. | Pattern, model, 22. |
Passage, motion, 264. | type, 80. |
opening, 260. | perfection, 650. |
passage, 302. | saint, 948. |
eventuality, 151. | Patulous, opening, 260. |
method, 627. | Paucity, fewness, 103. |
transfer, 270. | scantiness, 640. |
text, 593. | smallness, 32. |
act, 680. | Paul Pry, curiosity, 455. |
Passage, assault, 720. | Paunch, receptacle, 191. |
See Pass. | Pauperism, poverty, 804. |
Passage d'armes, contention, 720. | Pause, stop, 265. |
Passé, age, 128. | discontinuance, 141. |
deterioration, 659. | rest, 687. |
Passenger, traveller, 268. | disbelief, 485. |
Passepartout, 462. | Pavane, dance, 840. |
instrumentality, 631. | Pave, prepare, 673. |
Passim, dispersion, 73. | cover, 222. |
situation, 183. | Pavement, base, 311. |
Passing, exceeding, 33. | footway, 627. |
transient, 111. | Pavilion, abode, 189. |
greatness, 31. | Paving, base, 211. |
Passion, emotion, 820, 821. | Paw, touch, 379. |
desire, 865. | finger, 633. |
love, 987. | Pawn, security, 771. |
anger, 900. | lending, 787. |
Passionate, warm, 825. | Pax vobiscum, courtesy, 894. |
irascible, 901. | Pay, expend, 809. |
Passionless, insensibility, 823. | defray, 807. |
Passive, inert, 172. | condemn, 971. |
submissive, 743. | punish, 972. |
Passive resister, noncombatoni, 726A. | Paymaster, treasury, 801. |
Passport, permit, 760. | Paynim, heterodoxy, 984. |
instrument, 631. | Pea, rotundity, 249. |
order, 741. | Peace, silence, 403. |
Password, sign, 550. | amity, 721. |
Past, preterition, 122. | concord, 714. |
Paste, cement, 45. | Peaceable, gentle, 174. |
to cement, 46. | Peaceoffering, pacification, 723. |
pulp, 354. | atonement, 952. |
Pasteurise, inject, 300. | Peach, disclosure, 529. |
Pasticcio (It.), mixture, 41. | Peachcolour, redness, 434. |
Pastime, amusement, 840. | Peacock, variegation, 440. |
Pastor, clergy, 996. | beauty, 845. |
Pastoral, agricultural, 371. | boaster, 884. |
poem, 597. | Peagreen, greenness, 435. |
religious, 995. | Peak, summit, 210. |
Pasturage, plain, 344. | Peaked, sharpness, 253. |
Pasture, food, 298. | Peal, loudness, 404. |
materials, 635. | laughter, 838. |
Pasty, semiliquid, 352. | Pearl, gem, 650. |
colourless, 429. | glory, 873. |
Pat, expedient, 646. | Pearly, nacreous, 440. |
pertinent, 9. | semitransparent, 427. |
to strike, 276. | white, 439. |
Patagonian, height, 206. | Pearshaped, rotundity, 249. |
Patch, region, 181. | Peasant, commonalty, 876. |
smallness, 193. | Peashooter, propulsion, 284. |
repair, 658. | Peat, fuel, 388. |
Patchwork, mixture, 41. | Pebble, hardness, 323. |
variegation, 440. | trifle, 643. |
Patchy, imperfect, 53. | Peccability, vice, 945. |
Pate,head, 450. | Peccadillo, guilt, 947. |
Patent,open, 260. | Peccancy, disease, 655. |
visible, 446. | imperfection, 651. |
privilege, 924. | badness, 649. |
Patera, plate, 191. | Peccant, wrong, 945. |
church, 1000. | Peccavi, penitence, 950. |
Paternity, paternity, 155, 166. | Peck, quantity, 31. |
Path, way, 627. | eat, 296. |
direction, 278. | Peckish, desire, 865. |
Pathetic, painful, 830. | Pecksniff, hypocrite, 548. |
affecting, 824. | Pectinated, sharpness, 253. |
Pathless, closure, 261. | Peculate, stealing, 791. |
difficult, 704. | Peculator, thief, 792. |
spacious, 180. | Peculiar, special, 5, 79. |
Pathognomonic, indication, 550. | exceptional, 83. |
Pathology, disease, 655. | Peculiarly, greatness, 31, 33. |
Pathos, feeling, 821. | Pecuniary, money, 800. |
Pathway, way, 627. | Pedagogue, scholar, 492. |
Patience, endurance, 826. | teacher, 540. |
content, 831. | Pedant, scholar, 492. |
perseverance, 682. | affected, 855. |
Patient, invalid, 655. | Pedant, teacher, 540. |
Patois, language, 560. | Pedantic, affected, 855. |
Patriarch, veteran, 130. | halflearned, 491. |
Patriarchy, authority, 737. | style, 577. |
Patrician, nobility, 875. | Peddle, trifle, 683. |
Patrimony, property, 780. | sell, 796. |
Patriot, philanthropy, 910. | Pedestal, support, 215. |
Patrol, safeguard, 664. | Pedestrian, traveller, 268. |
warning, 668. | dull, 843. |
Patronage, aid, 707. | style, 573. |
Patronise,aid, 707. | Pedicel, pendency, 214. |
Patronising, condescending, 878. | Pedigree, ancestry, 155, 166. |
Patronymic, nomenclature, 564. | continuity, 69. |
Patter, to strike, 276. | Pediment, capital, 210. |
step, 266. | base, 215. |
sound, 407. |
chatter, 584. |
patois, 560. |