Perlustration, vision, 441. | Pervert, apostate, 941. |
Permanent, unchanged, 142. | Pervicacious, obstinacy, 606. |
unchangeable, 150. | Pervigilium, activity, 682. |
lasting, 106, 110. | Pervious, opening, 260. |
Permeable, opening, 260. | Pessimism, dejection, 837. |
Permeate, pervade, 186. | hopelessness, 859. |
insinuate, 228. | Pessomancy, prediction, 511. |
pass through, 302. | Pest, bane, 663. |
Permissible, dueness, 924. | Pester, painfulness, 830. |
Permission, permission, 760. | Pesthouse, remedy, 662. |
Permit, permission, 760. | Pestiferous, insalubrity, 657. |
Permutation, change, 140. | Pestilent, badness, 649. |
numerical, 84. | Pestle, pulverulence, 330. |
Pernicious, badness, 649. | Pet, plaything, 840. |
Pernickety, fastidious, 868. | favourite, 899. |
difficult, 704. | passion, 900. |
Peroration, end, 67. | to love, 897. |
Perpend, thought, 451. | to fondle, 902. |
Perpendicular, verticality, 212. | Petard, arms, 727. |
Perpetrate, action, 680. | Peter out, end, 67. |
Perpetual, perpetuity, 112. | Petition, ask, 765. |
duration, 106. | pray, 990. |
Perpetual, frequent, 136. | Petitioner, petitioner, 767. |
Perplex, to derange, 61. | Petitio principii, sophistry, 477. |
bewilder, 458, 519. | Petitmaître, fop, 854. |
bother, 830. | Petits soins, courtesy, 894. |
embarrass, 475. | courtship, 903. |
puzzle, 528. | Pétri, feeling, 821. |
Perplexity, disorder, 59. | Petrify, dense, 321. |
difficulty, 704. | hard, 323. |
ignorance, 491. | affright, 860. |
doubt, 475. | astonish, 870. |
unintelligibility, 519. | thrill, 824. |
maze, 533. | Petroleum, oil, 356. |
Perquisite, receipt, 810. | Petronel, arms, 727. |
Perquisition, inquiry, 461. | Petticoat, dress, 225. |
Per saltum,, discontinuity, 70. | Pettifogger, lawyer, 968. |
transientness, 111. | Pettifogging, discord, 713. |
instantaneity, 113. | Pettish, irascibility, 895, 901. |
Per se, unity, 87. | Petty, in degree, 32. |
Persecute, worry, 830, 907. | in size, 193. |
oppress, 619, 649. | Petulant, insolent, 885. |
Perseverance, firmness, 604. | snappish, 895. |
activity, 682. | angry, 900. |
continuance, 143. | irascible, 901. |
Persiflage,, ridicule, 856. | Pew, temple, 1000. |
Persist, endure, 106, 143, 606. | Phaeton, carriage, 272. |
Persistence, continuance, 110, 142. | Phalanx, army, 726. |
activity, 682. | party, 712. |
Person, man, 373. | assemblage, 72. |
Personable, beauty, 845. | Phantasm, unreal, 4. |
Personage, nobility, 875. | appearance, 448. |
important, 642. | delusion, 443. |
Persona grata, favourite, 899. | Phantasmagoria, optical, 445. |
Personal, special, 79, 317, 372. | Phantom, vision, 448. |
Personate, imitate, 17. | unreal, 4. |
act, 554. | imaginary, 515. |
Personify, metaphor, 521. | Pharisaical, falsehood, 544. |
Perspective, view, 448. | Pharisee, deceiver, 548. |
futurity, 121. | Pharmacology, remedy, 662. |
sagacity, 498. | Pharmacy, remedy, 662. |
sight, 441. | Pharos, warning, 668. |
Perspicacious, foreseeing, 510. | indication, 550. |
Perspicacity, intelligence, 498. | Phase, aspect, 8. |
Perspicuity, perspicuity, 570. | appearance, 448. |
Perspiration, excretion, 299. | change, 144. |
Perstringe, attention, 457. | form, 240. |
Persuade, induce, 609, 615. | Phenomenal, great, 31. |
teach, 537. | apparent, 448. |
advise, 695. | wonderful, 870. |
Persuasible, learning, 539. | Phenomenon, appearance, 448. |
Persuasion, opinion, 484. | event, 151. |
creed, 983. | prodigy, 872. |
Pert, vain, 880. | Phial, receptacle, 191. |
saucy, 885. | Phidias, artist, 559. |
discourteous, 895. | Philanthropy, philanthropy, 910. |
Pertain, belong, 76, 777. | Philatelist, collector, 775. |
relate to, 9. | Philippic, disapprobation, 932. |
behove, 926. | Philistine, uncultured, 491, 493. |
Pertinacious, obstinacy, 606. | Philology, grammar, 567. |
Pertinent, relative, 9. | Philomath, scholar, 492. |
Pertinent, congruous, 23. | sage, 500. |
relevant, 476. | Philomel, musician, 416. |
applicable, 646. | Philosopher, scholar, 492. |
Perturb, derange, 61. | Philosophy, calmness, 826. |
agitate, 315. | knowledge, 490. |
emotion, 821. | Philter, charm, 993. |
ferment, 171. | love, 897. |
Peruke, dress, 225. | Phiz, appearance, 448. |
Peruse, learning, 539. | Phlegm, insensibility, 823. |
examine, 461. | Phnix, prodigy, 872. |
Pervade, extend, 186. | exception, 83. |
affect, 821. | paragon, 650. |
Perverse, crotchety, 608. | saint, 948. |
difficult, 704. | renovation, 163, 660. |
wayward, 895. | Phonetics, sound, 402. |
Perversion, injury, 659. | speech, 580. |
sophistry, 477. | Phonograph, musical instrument, 417. |
falsehood, 544. |
misinterpretation, 523. |
misteaching, 538. |