Pirate, thief, 792. | Plainspoken, veracity, 543. |
to steal, 791. | Plaint, cry, 411. |
Pirouette, rotation, 312. | lamentation, 839. |
Pisaller, substitute, 634. | Plaintiff, prosecutor, 967. |
necessity, 601. | Plaintive, lamentation, 839. |
plan, 626. | Plait, fold, 258. |
Piscatory, animal, 366. | to mat, 219. |
Piste, track, 551. | Plan, project, 626. |
Pistol, arms, 727. | order, 58. |
Piston, stopper, 264. | diagram, 554. |
Pit, hole, 252. | Planchette, writing, 590. |
opening, 260. | Plane, flat, 251. |
deep, 208. | smooth, 255. |
grave, 363. | horizontal, 213. |
hell, 982. | to soar, 305. |
Pit against, opposition, 708. | Planetstruck, failure, 732. |
Pitapat, feeling, 821. | Plangent, loud, 404. |
Pitch, degree, 26. | Plank, board, 204. |
term, 51. | safety, 666. |
station, 182. | Plant, vegetable, 367. |
height, 206. | to insert, 300. |
descent, 306. | place, 184. |
summit, 210. | stop, 265. |
musical note, 413. | swindle, 545. |
dark, 421. | equipment, 633. |
black, 431. | Plantation, plant, 367. |
to throw, 284. | Plash, lake, 343. |
to reel, 314. | Plashy, marshy, 345. |
to place, 184. | Plasm, prototype, 22. |
Pitch tent, settle, 184, 265. | Plasmic, form, 240. |
Pitch upon, choose, 609. | Plaster, cement, 45. |
reach, 292. | remedy, 662. |
Pitcher, receptacle, 191. | mend, 658. |
Pitchpipe, musical, 417. | cover, 222. |
Piteous, painfulness, 830. | Plastic, soft, 324. |
greatness, 31. | form, 240. |
Pitfall, pitfall, 667. | mutable, 149. |
Pith, gist, 4. | Plat, crossing, 219. |
strength, 159. | Plate, layer, 204. |
interior, 221. | engraving, 558. |
essential, 50. | to cover, 222. |
important, 642. | Plateau, horizontality, 213. |
meaning, 516. | height, 206. |
Pithy, significant, 516. | Platform, support, 215. |
concise, 572. | stage, 542. |
Pitiable, unimportance, 643. | horizontal, 213. |
Pitiful, unimportant, 643. | Platitude, absurdity, 497. |
compassionate, 914. | Platitudinous, feeble, 575. |
paltry, 940. | Platonic, contemplative, 451. |
Pitiless, malevolent, 907. | cold, 823. |
revengeful, 900, 919. | Platonic, chaste, 960. |
Pittance, allotment, 786. | Platoon, army, 726. |
Pity, compassion, 914. | assemblage, 72. |
regret, 833. | Platter, receptacle, 191. |
Pivot, cause, 153. | layer, 204. |
axis, 312. | Plaudit, approbation, 931. |
Pix, see Pyx. | Plausible, probable, 472. |
Pixy, sprite, 980. | sophistical, 477. |
Pizzicato (It.), music, 415. | false, 544. |
Placable, forgiveness, 918. | specious, 937. |
Placate, pacify, 826. | Play, operation, 170. |
Placard, notice, 550. | scope, 180, 748. |
to publish, 531. | chance, 186. |
Place, situation, 182, 183. | drama, 599. |
circumstances, 8. | amusement, 840. |
rank, 873. | music, 415. |
term, 71. | oscillation, 314. |
in order, 58. | to act, 680. |
abode, 189. | Play a part, falsehood, 544. |
to locate, 184. | Play of colours, variegation, 440. |
substitution, 147. | Play upon, deception, 545. |
office, 625. | Play with, deride, 483. |
Place, out of, disagreement, 24. | Played out, fatigue, 688. |
Placeman, consignee, 758. | Player, actor, 599. |
Placet, command, 741. | deceiver, 548. |
Placid, calm, 826. | musician, 416. |
Placket, dress, 225. | Playfellow, friend, 890. |
Plagiarism, stealing, 791. | Playful, cheerfulness, 836. |
borrowing, 788. | Playhouse, the drama, 599. |
imitation, 19. | Playmate, friend, 890. |
Plagiarist, thief, 792. | Plaything, toy, 840. |
Plagioclastic, oblique, 217. | trifle, 643. |
Plague, disease, 655. | dependence, 749. |
pain, 828. | Plea, excuse, 617. |
to worry, 830. | vindication, 937. |
evil, 619. | falsehood, 546. |
Plaid, dress, 225. | in law, 969. |
Plain, horizontal, 213. | Plead, argue, 467. |
country, 344. | encourage, 615. |
obvious, 446. | vindicate, 937. |
meaning, 518. | Pleader, lawyer, 968. |
Plain, simple, 849. | Pleasant, agreeable, 829. |
artless, 703. | witty, 842. |
ugly, 846. | amusing, 840. |
style, 576. | Please, pleasurableness, 829. |
Plaindealing, veracity, 543. | Pleasurable, pleasurableness, 829. |
Plainsong, worship, 990. | Pleasure, will, 600. |
music, 415. | physical, 377. |
Plainspeaking, veracity, 543. | moral, 827. |
perspicuity, 570. |