Plebeian, commonalty, 876. | Point, condition, 8. |
Plebiscite, verdict, 969. | degree, 26. |
Pledge, security, 771. | term, 71. |
promise, 768. | place, 182. |
to borrow, 788. | question, 461. |
drink to, 894. | topic, 454. |
Plenary, full, 31. | prominence, 250. |
complete, 52. | mark, 550. |
abundant, 639. | intention, 620. |
Plenipotentiary, consignee, 758. | wit, 842. |
Plenitude, sufficiency, 639. | style, 574. |
Plenty, sufficiency, 639. | punctilio, 939. |
Plenum, substantiality, 3. | speck, 193. |
Pleonasm, diffuseness, 573. | poignancy, 171. |
Pleonastic, diffuseness, 573. | sharp, 253. |
Plethora, redundance, 641. | Point d'appui, influence, 175. |
Plexus, crossing, 219. | Point of view, aspect, 441. |
Pliable, softness, 324. | idea, 453. |
Pliant, soft, 324. | relation, 9. |
facile, 705. | Point to, indicate, 550. |
irresolute, 605. | show, 525. |
Plication, fold, 258. | mean, 516. |
Plight, state, 7. | predict, 511. |
predicament, 8. | Pointblank, direction, 278. |
to promise, 768. | Pointed, explicit, 535. |
security, 771. | Poiner, index, 550. |
Plinth, base, 211. | Pointillist, artist, 559. |
rest, 215. | Pointless, dullness, 843. |
Plod, trudge, 275. | Pointtopoint, direction, 278. |
work, 682. | Poise, balance, 27. |
Plodding, dull, 843. | measure, 466. |
Plop, plunge, 310. | Poison, bane, 663. |
sound, 406. | to injure, 659. |
Plot, plan, 626. | Poisonous, deleterious, 657. |
of ground, 181. | injurious, 649. |
Plough, preparation, 673. | Poke, push, 276. |
to furrow, 259. | project, 250. |
Plough in, insertion, 300. | pocket, 191. |
Ploughman, commonalty, 876. | Poker, stiff, 323. |
Pluck, take, 789. | Polacca (or Polacre), ship, 273. |
cheat, 545. | Polar, summit, 210. |
extract, 301. | Polariscope, optical, 445. |
courage, 861. | Polarity, duality, 89. |
resolution, 604. | antagonism, 179, 237. |
Plug, stopper, 263. | Pole, lever, 633. |
to close, 261. | axis, 223. |
tobacco, 298A. | summit, 210. |
Plum, sweetness, 396. | tallness, 206. |
money, 800. | Poleaxe, arms, 727. |
Plumcolour, purple, 437. | Polecat, fetor, 401. |
Plumb, close, 261. | Polemics, discussion, 476. |
measure, 466. | discord, 713. |
Plume, roughness, 256. | Polemoscope, optical, 445. |
Plume oneself, pride, 878. | Polestar, indication, 550. |
Plummet, measurement, 466. | guide, 695. |
Plumose, roughness, 256. | Police, jurisdiction, 965. |
Plump, size, 192. | constable, 968. |
Plump down, descent, 306. | Policy, plan, 626. |
Plump upon, arrival, 292. | conduct, 692. |
Plumper, choice, 609. | skill, 698. |
Plunder, booty, 793. | Polish, smooth, 255. |
to steal, 791. | to rub, 331. |
ravage, 649. | urbanity, 894. |
evil, 619. | furbish, 658. |
Plunge, dive, 310. | beauty, 845. |
leap, 146, 309. | ornament, 847. |
insert, 300. | taste, 850. |
immerse, 208, 337. | Politeness, manners, 852. |
precipitate, 308. | urbanity, 894. |
Plunge, gamble, 621. | Politic, wise, 498. |
adventure, 676. | skilful, 698. |
hurry, 684. | cunning, 702. |
Plurality, plurality, 100. | Politician, tactician, 700. |
Plus, addition, 37. | statesman, 745. |
Plush, roughness, 256. | Politics, government, 693. |
Pluto, hell, 982. | Polity, plan, 626. |
Plutocrat, wealth, 803. | conduct, 692. |
Pluvial, river, 348. | community, 372. |
Ply, use, 677. | Polka, dance, 840. |
work, 680. | Poll, count, 85. |
fold, 258. | crop, 201. |
Pneumatics, gaseity, 334. | parrot, 584. |
Pneumatology, intellect, 450. | Pollute, corrupt, 659. |
Poach, steal, 791, 964. | soil, 653. |
Poachy, marsh, 345. | disgrace, 874. |
Pocket, pouch, 191. | dishonour, 940. |
to place, 184. | Pollution, vice, 945. |
take, 789. | Pollution, disease, 655. |
endure, 826. | Poltergeist (Ger.), demon, 980. |
receipts, 810. | Poltroon, cowardice, 862. |
treasury, 802. | Polychord, musical, 417. |
diminutive, 193. | Polychromatic, variegation, 440. |
Pococurante (It.), indifferent, 603. | Polygamy, marriage, 903. |
Podgy, size, 192. | Polyglot, word, 562. |
Poem, poetry, 597. | Polygon, figure, 244. |
Poet, poetry, 597. | buildings, 189. |
Poetic, metrical, 597. | Polygraphy, writing, 590. |
style, 574. | Polymorphic, multiformity, 81. |
Poignant, physical, 171. | Polyphonism, voice, 580. |
moral, 821. |