Polyphony, melody, 413. | Portion, piece, 51, 41. |
Polysyllable, letter, 561. | allotment, 786. |
Polytechnic, school, 542. | Portly, size, 192. |
Polytheism, heterodoxy, 984. | Portmanteau, receptacle, 191. |
Pomade, oil, 356. | Portrait, painting, 556. |
Pomatum, oil, 356. | copy, 21. |
Pommel, rotundity, 249. | Portray, describe, 594. |
Pomp, ostentation, 882. | paint, 556. |
Pomposity, pride, 878. | Pose, puzzle, 485. |
style, 577. | hide, 528. |
Poncho, dress, 225. | difficult, 704. |
Pond, lake, 343. | affirm, 535. |
Ponder, thought, 451. | embarrassment, 491. |
Ponderation, judgment, 480. | attitude, 240. |
Ponderous, gravity, 319. | affectation, 855. |
style, 577. | Poser, secret, 533. |
Poniard, arms, 727. | Poseur, affectation, 855. |
Pons asinorum, difficulty, 704. | Poses plastiques, from, 240. |
Pontiff, clergy, 996. | Posit, locate, 184. |
Pontifical, churchdom, 995. | assume, 467, 514. |
Pontificals, dress, 225. | affirm, 535. |
Pony, carrier, 271. | Position, circumstance, 8. |
Poohpooh, unimportance, 643. | situation, 183. |
contempt, 930. | assertion, 535. |
to make light of, 483. | degree, 26. |
Pool, lake, 343. | Positive, certain, 474. |
participation, 778. | real, 1. |
Poop, rear, 235. | true, 494. |
Poor, indigent, 804. | meaning, 516. |
weak, 160. | unequivocal, 518. |
insufficient, 640. | absolute, 739. |
trifling, 643. | obstinate, 481, 606. |
contemptible, 930. | assertion, 535. |
style, 575. | quantity, 84. |
Poorly, disease, 655. | Positively, great, 31. |
Poorspirited, cowardice, 862. | Positivism, materiality, 316. |
Pop, noise, 406. | Posse, collection, 72. |
unexpected, 508. | party, 712. |
Pop upon, arrive, 292. | Posse comitatus, assemblage, 72. |
find, 480. | Possess, have, 777. |
Pope, clergy, 996. | feel, 821. |
Popgun, snap, 406. | Possessed, insane, 503. |
Popinjay, fop, 854. | Possession, property, 780. |
Populace, commonalty, 876. | Possessor, possessor, 779. |
Popular, current, 484. | Possible, contingent, 470, 705. |
favourite, 897. | casual, 156, 621. |
celebrated, 873. | Post, support, 215. |
Popularise, facilitate, 705. | place, 184. |
Populate, to stock, 184. | beacon, 550. |
Population, mankind, 373. | swift, 274. |
inhabitants, 188. | employment, 625. |
Populous, crowded, 72. | office, 926. |
Porch, entrance, 66. | to record, 551. |
opening, 260. | accounts, 811. |
mouth, 230. | mail, 592. |
way, 627. | to stigmatise, 874. |
receptacle, 191. | inform, 527. |
Porcupine, sharpness, 253. | Postdate, anachronism, 115. |
Pore, opening, 260. | Postdiluvian, posterity, 117. |
conduit, 350. | Poster, notice, 531. |
look, 441. | Posterior, in time, 117. |
apply the mind, 457. | in order, 63. |
Pornography, impurity, 961. | in space, 235. |
Porous, foraminous, 260. | Posterity, in time, 117, 121. |
light, 322. | Posterity, descendants, 167. |
Porpoise, size, 192. | Postern, back, 235. |
Porringer, receptacle, 191. | portal, 66. |
Port, harbour, 666. | Postexistence, futurity, 121. |
gait, 264. | Posthaste, fast, 274. |
restingplace, 265. | precipitate, 863. |
arrival, 292. | Post hoc, sophistry, 477. |
carriage, 448. | Posthumous, late, 133. |
demeanour, 852. | subsequent, 117. |
Portable, movable, 268, 270. | Postiche, artificial, 544. |
light, 320. | Postilion, director, 694. |
little, 193. | Postimpressionist, artist, 559. |
Portage, transference, 270. | Postlude, music, 415. |
Portal, entrance, 66. | Postmortem, death, 360. |
mouth, 230. | Postobit, death, 360. |
opening, 260. | Postpone, lateness, 133. |
way, 627. | Postscript, sequel, 65. |
Portative, transference, 270. | appendix, 39. |
small, 193. | Postulant, petitioner, 767. |
Portcullis, defence, 706, 717. | Postulate, supposition, 514. |
Portemonnaie, purse, 802. | evidence, 467. |
Portend, prediction, 511. | reasoning, 476. |
Portent, omen, 512. | Postulation, request, 765. |
prodigy, 872. | Posture, circumstance, 8. |
Portentous, prophetic, 511. | attitude, 240. |
fearful, 860. | Posturemaster, buffoon, 844. |
Porter, carrier, 271. | mountebank, 548. |
janitor, 263. | Posy, motto, 550. |
Porterage, transference, 270. | poem, 597. |
Portfolio, record, 551. | flowers, 847. |
miscellany, 72. | Pot, mug, 191. |
receptacle, 191. | ruin, 732. |
badge, 747. | Potable, drinkable, 298. |
Porthole, opening, 260. | Potation, drink, 296. |
Portico, entrance, 66. | Potcompanion, friend, 890. |
room, 191. |