Potency, power, 157. | Precede, in order, 62. |
Potentate, master, 745. | in time, 116. |
Potential, virtual, 2. | lead, 280. |
possible, 470. | Precedent, rule, 80. |
power, 157. | Precentor, clergy, 996. |
Pother, to worry, 830. | Precept, maxim, 697. |
confusion, 59. | order, 741. |
Pothooks, writing, 590. | permit, 760. |
Pothunting, acquisition, 775. | decree, 963. |
Potluck, food, 298. | Preceptor, teacher, 540. |
Potpourri, mixture, 41. | Precession, in order, 62. |
fragrance, 400. | in motion, 280. |
music, 415. | Précieuse ridicule, affectation, 855. |
Pottage, food, 298. | style, 577. |
Potter, idle, 683. | Precinets, environs, 227. |
Pottle, receptacle, 191. | boundary, 233. |
Potvaliant, drunkenness, 959. | region, 181. |
Pouch, receptacle, 191. | place, 182. |
Poultice, soft, 354. | Preciosity, affectation, 855. |
remedy, 662. | Precious, excellent, 648. |
Pounce upon, taking, 789. | valuable, 814. |
Pound, bruise, 330. | beloved, 897. |
mix, 41. | Precipice, slope, 217. |
enclose, 232. | vertical, 212. |
Pound, imprison, 752. | Precipitancy, haste, 274, 684. |
Poundage, discount, 813. | Precipitate, rash, 863. |
Pounds, money, 800. | early, 132. |
Pour, egress, 295. | transient, 111. |
Pour out, eject, 185, 297, 348. | to sink, 308. |
Pourboire, giving, 784. | refuse, 653. |
expenditure, 809. | consolidate, 321. |
Pourparler, discussion, 476. | swift, 274. |
Pour rire, ridicule, 853. | Precipitous, obliquity, 217. |
Pou sto (Gr.), influence, 175. | Précis, compendium, 596. |
Pout, sullen, 895. | Precise, exact, 494. |
sad, 837. | definite, 516, 518. |
Poverty, indigence, 804. | Precisely, assent, 488. |
scantiness, 640. | Precisian, formalist, 855. |
trifle, 643. | Preclude, hindrance, 706. |
Powder, pulverulence, 330. | Precocious, early, 132. |
ornament, 845, 847. | immature, 674. |
Powderbox, receptacle, 191. | Precognition, foresight, 510. |
Power, efficacy, 157. | knowledge, 490. |
authority, 737. | Preconception, misjudgment, 481. |
much, 31. | Preconcert, preparation, 673. |
numerical, 84. | Preconcerted, will, 600. |
of style, 574. | Precursor, forerunner, 64. |
Powerful, strength, 159. | harbinger, 512. |
Powerless, weakness, 160. | Precursory, in order, 62. |
Powwow, conference, 588. | in time, 116. |
Pox, disease, 655. | Predacious, stealing, 791. |
Praam, ship, 273. | Predatory, stealing, 791. |
Practicable, possible, 470. | Predecessor, in order, 64. |
easy, 705. | in time, 116. |
Practical, activity, 682. | Predeliberation, care, 459. |
Practice, act, 680. | Predestination, fate, 152. |
conduct, 692. | necessity, 601. |
use, 677. | Predetermination, predetermination, 611. |
habit, 613. | Predetermined, will, 600. |
rule, 80. | predetermination, 611. |
proceeding, 626. | Predial, property, 780. |
Practise, deceive, 645. | Predicament, situation, 8. |
Practised, skill, 698. | class, 75. |
Practitioner, agent, 690. | Predicate, affirmation, 535. |
Præcognita, evidence, 467. | Predication, rite, 998. |
Prænomen, nomenclature, 564. | Prediction, prediction, 511. |
Pragmatical, pedantic, 855. | Predilection, love, 897. |
vain, 880. | desire, 865. |
Prairie, plain, 344. | choice, 609. |
Praise, commendation, 931. | inclination, 602. |
thanks, 916. | Predisposition, proneness, 602. |
worship, 990. | motive, 615. |
Praiseworthy, commendable, 931. | affection, 820. |
virtuous, 944. | preparation, 673. |
Prance, dance, 315. | Predominance, influence, 175. |
move, 266. | inequality, 28. |
Prank, caprice, 608. | Preeminent, celebrated, 873. |
amusement, 840. | superior, 31, 33. |
vagary, 856. | Preemption, purchase, 795. |
to adorn, 845. | Preen, adorn, 845. |
Prate, babble, 584, 588. | Preestablish, preparation, 673. |
Prattle, talk, 582, 588. | Preexamine, inquiry, 461. |
Pravity, badness, 649. | Preexist, priority, 116. |
Pray, request, 765. | past, 122. |
Prayer, request, 765. | Preface, precedence, 62. |
worship, 990. | precursor, 64. |
Preach, teach, 537. | front, 234. |
predication, 998. | Prefatory, in order, 62. |
Preacher, clergy, 996. | in time, 106. |
Preachify, speech, 582. | Prefect, ruler, 745. |
PreAdamite, veteran, 130. | deputy, 759. |
Preamble, precursor, 64. | Prefecture, authority, 737. |
Preapprehension, misjudgment, 481. | Prefer, choose, 609. |
Prebendary, clergy, 996. | a petition, 765. |
Prebendaryship, churchdom, 995. | Preferment, improvement, 658. |
Precarious, uncertain, 475. | ecclesiastical, 995. |
perlous, 665. | Prefiguration, indication, 550. |
Precatory, request, 764. | Prefiguration, prediction, 510. |
Precaution, care, 459. |
safety, 664. |
expedient, 626. |
preparation, 673. |