Prosy, diffuse, 573. | Psalmody, music, 415. |
dull, 575. | Psephomancy, prediction, 511. |
Prosyllogism, reasoning, 476. | Pseudo (Gr.), spurious, 495. |
Protagonist, leader, 745. | sham, 544. |
champion, 711. | Pseudonym, misnomer, 565. |
Pro tanto, greatness, 31. | Pseudorevelation, spurious, 986. |
smallness, 32. | Pseudoscope, optical, 445. |
Protasis, precursor, 64. | Psyche (Gr.), soul, 450. |
Protean, mutable, 149, 605. | Psychical, immaterial, 317. |
Protect, shield, 664. | intellectual, 450. |
defend, 717. | Psychology, intellect, 450. |
Protector, master, 745. | Psychopath, madman, 504. |
Protectorate, authority, 737. | Psychomancy, prediction, 511. |
Protégé, servant, 746. | divination, 992. |
friend, 890. | Psychosis, insanity, 503. |
Pro tempore, temporarily, 111. | Ptisan, remedy, 662. |
occasion, 134. | Puberty, youth, 127. |
Protervity, petulance, 901. | Public, people, 373. |
Protest, dissent, 489. | open, 529, 531. |
denial, 536. | Publication, promulgation, 531. |
affirmation, 535. | printing, 591. |
refusal, 764. | book, 593. |
deprecate, 766. | Publichouse, drink, 298. |
censure, 932. | Publicist, writer, 593. |
nonobservance, 773. | lawyer, 968. |
nonpayment, 808. | Publicity, publication, 531. |
Proteus, change, 149. | Publicspirited, philanthropy, 910. |
Prothonotary, recorder, 553. | Pucecolour, purple, 437. |
Protocol, document, 551. | Puck, imp, 980. |
warrant, 771. | Pucka, goodness, 648. |
Protoplasm, substance, 3. | Pucker, fold, 258. |
Protoplast, prototype, 22. | Pudder, disorder, 59. |
Prototype, thing copied, 22. | Pudding, food, 298. |
Protract, lime, 110, 133. | Puddle, lakelet, 343. |
length, 200. | lining, 224. |
Protractor, angularity, 244. | Pudency, purity, 960. |
Protrude, convexity, 250. | Puerile, boyish, 127, 129. |
Protuberance, convexity, 250. | trifling, 643. |
Proud, lofty, 878. | foolish, 499. |
dignified, 873. | weak, 477. |
Prove, demonstrate, 85, 478. | Puff, wind, 349. |
try, 463. | vapour, 334. |
turn out, 151. | inflate, 194. |
affect, 821. | advertisement, 531. |
Provenance, cause, 153. | boast, 884. |
Provender, food, 298. | pant, 688. |
Provender, materials, 635. | Puffed up, vain, 770. |
Proverb, maxim, 496. | proud, 878. |
Proverbial, knowledge, 490. | Puffy, size, 192. |
Provide, furnish, 637. | wind, 349. |
prepare, 673. | Pug, shortness, 201. |
Provided, qualification, 469. | footprint, 551. |
condition, 770. | Pugilism, contention, 720. |
conditionally, 8. | Pugilist, combatant, 726. |
Providence, foresight, 510. | Pugnacity, anger, 901. |
divine government, 976. | Puissant, strong, 157, 159. |
Provident, careful, 459. | Puke, ejection, 297. |
wise, 498. | Pulchritude, beauty, 845. |
prepared, 673. | Pule, cry, 411, 412. |
Province, region, 181. | weep, 839. |
department, 75. | Pull, draw, 285. |
office,625. | attract, 288. |
duty, 926. | advantage, 33. |
Provincialism, language, 560. | Pull down, destroy, 162. |
Provision, supply, 637. | Pull down, lay low, 308. |
materials, 635. | Pull out, extract, 301. |
preparation, 673. | Pull together, concord, 714. |
wealth, 803. | Pull through, recover, 658. |
food, 298. | Pull up, stop, 265. |
Provisional, preparing, 673. | accuse, 938. |
temporary, 111. | Pullet, infant, 129. |
conditional, 8. | Pulley, instrument, 633. |
Proviso, qualification, 469. | Pullulate, grow, 194. |
condition, 770. | multiply, 168. |
Provoke, incite, 615. | Pulp, pulpiness, 354. |
excite, 824. | Pulpiness, semiliquid, 350. |
vex, 830. | Pulpit, rostrum, 542. |
hatred, 898. | church, 1000. |
anger, 900. | Pulsate, see Pulse. |
Provost, master, 745. | Pulse, oscillate, 314. |
Prow, front, 234. | agitate, 315. |
Prowess, courage, 861. | periodically, 138. |
Prowl, journey, 266. | Pulverise, maltreat, 649. |
Proximity, contiguity, 199. | Pulverulence, powder, 330. |
Proximo, futurity, 121. | Pulvil, fragrance, 400. |
Proxy, deputy, 759. | Pummel, handle, 633. |
Prude, affectation, 855. | beat, 276, 972. |
Prudent, cautious, 864. | Pump, inquire, 461. |
careful, 459. | reservoir, 636. |
wise, 498. | Pun, verbal, 520, 563. |
discreet, 698. | wit, 842. |
Prudery, affectation, 855. | Punch, to perforate, 260. |
Prune, shorten, 201. | perforator, 262. |
purple, 437. | to strike, 276. |
Prunella, unimportance, 643. | punish, 972. |
Prurient, desire, 865. | buffoon, 857. |
lust, 961. | humorist, 844. |
Pry, inquire, 461. | puppet, 599. |
look, 441. | nag, 271. |
Psalm, worship, 990. |