Punctate, spotted, 440. | Pursebearer, treasurer, 801. |
Punctilio, ostentation, 882. | Purseproud, pride, 878. |
Punctilious, correct, 494. | Purser, treasurer, 801. |
observant, 772. | Pursestrings, treasury, 802. |
scrupulous, 939. | Pursuant to, intention, 620. |
Punctual, early, 132. | Pursue, follow, 281. |
periodical, 138. | continue, 143. |
scrupulous, 939. | aim, 622. |
Punctuation, grammar, 567. | inquire, 461. |
Puncture, opening, 260. | Pursuivant, messenger, 534. |
Pundit, scholar, 462. | Pursy, size, 192. |
sage, 500. | Purulent, unclean, 653. |
Pungent, taste, 392. | Purview,extent, 180. |
caustic, 171. | intention, 620. |
feeling, 821. | Purvey, provision, 637. |
Punic faith, improbity, 940. | Push, exigency, 8. |
Punish, punishment, 972. | accelerate, 274. |
Punk, prostitute, 962. | impel, 276. |
Punka, fan, 349. | propel, 284. |
Punnet, receptacle, 191. | repel, 289. |
Punt, ship, 273. | activity, 682. |
propel, 267, 284. | Push on, progression, 282, 684. |
Puny, in degree, 32. | Pusillanimity, cowardice, 862. |
in size, 193. | Pustule, pimple, 250. |
Pup, infant, 129. | blemish, 848. |
Pupil, learner, 541. | Put, place, 184. |
Puppet, subjection, 749. | a question, 461. |
effigy, 554. | fool, 501. |
dupe, 547. | Put about, turn back, 283. |
little, 193. | circuition, 311. |
Puppetshow, the drama, 599. | Put away, relinquish, 624. |
amusement, 840. | Put by, economy, 817. |
Puppy, fop, 854. | Put down, destroy, 162. |
blusterer, 887. | coerce, 744. |
braggart, 884. | baffle, 731. |
Purana, heterodoxy, 984. | humiliate, 874. |
Purblind, blind, 442. | Put forth, assert, 535. |
undiscerning, 499. | suggest, 514. |
Purchase, buy, 795. | Put in, interject, 228. |
leverage, 175. | Put into, insert, 300. |
Pure, simple, 42. | arrive, 292. |
true, 494. | Put off, delay, 133. |
good taste, 850. | deter, 616. |
clean, 652. | Put on, clothe, 225. |
truthful, 543. | deceive, 544. |
innocent, 946. | Put out, quench, 385. |
virtuous, 944. | darken, 421. |
Purely, smallness, 32. | perplex, 458. |
greatness, 31. | difficulty, 704. |
Purgation, cleansing, 652. | Put up to, teach, 537. |
atonement, 952. | Put up with, feeling, 821. |
Purgatory, suffering, 828. | Put upon, deception, 545. |
atonement, 952. | Putative, attribution, 155, 514. |
hell, 982. | Putid, improbity, 940. |
Purge, clean, 652. | Putrefy, unclean, 653. |
improve, 658. | Putrid, unclean, 653. |
atone, 952. | Putt, impel, 276. |
subduction, 38. | Puttee, dress, 225. |
Purify, cleanse, 652. | Putty, vinculum, 45. |
improve, 658. | Puzzle, enigma, 533. |
Purist, style, 578. | mystify, 528. |
taste, 850. | stagger, 485. |
Puritanical, ascetic, 955. | bewilder, 491. |
pedantic, 855. | Puzzleheaded, fool, 499. |
Purity, purity, 960. See Pure. | Puzzling, uncertain, 475. |
of style, 578. | Pygmy, little, 193. |
Purl, gurgle, 405. | Pylades, friend, 890. |
Purlieus, suburbs, 197, 227. | Pyramid, point, 253. |
Purloin, steal, 791. | heap, 72. |
Purple, purple, 437. | Pyre, interment, 363. |
Purport, meaning, 516. | Pyromancy, prediction, 511. |
intent, 620. | Pyrometer, thermometer, 389. |
Purpose, intention, 620. | Pyrotechny, heat, 382. |
Purposeless, chance, 621. | Pyrrhonism, incredulity, 487. |
Purposely, will, 600, 620. | Pythagorean, temperance, 953. |
Purr, animal sound, 412. | Python, oracle, 513. |
Purse, moneybag, 802. | Pyx, receptacle, 191. |
wealth, 803. | assay, 463. |
to shrivel, 195. | ritual, 998. |