Quack, impostor, 548. | Querimonious, lament, 839. |
cry, 412. | Querist, inquiry, 461. |
Quackery, deception, 545. | Querulous, complaining, 839. |
affectation, 855. | quarrelsome, 901. |
Quacksalver, deceiver, 548. | Query, inquiry, 461. |
Quadrant, measure, 466. | to doubt, 485. |
Quadrate with, agreement, 23. | Quest, inquiry, 461. |
Quadratic, number, 95. | pursuit, 622. |
Quadrifid, number, 97. | Question, inquiry, 461. |
Quadrille, dance, 840. | topic, 454. |
Quadripartition, number, 97. | to doubt, 485. |
Quadrisection, number, 97. | to deny, 536. |
Quadruped, animal, 366. | Questionable, uncertainty, 475. |
Quadruple, number, 96. | Questionless, certainty, 474. |
Quære, inquiry, 461. | Questor, treasurer, 801. |
Quaff, reception, 296. | Queue, appendix, 39, 214. |
Quagmire, bog, 345. | sequel, 65. |
mire, 653. | row, 69. |
difficulty, 704. | Quibble, sophistry, 477. |
Quail, fear, 800, 862. | absurdity, 497. |
Quaint, odd, 83. | wit, 842. |
ridiculous, 853. | Quick, rapid, 274. |
pretty, 845. | transient, 111. |
Quake, shake, 315. | active, 682. |
fear, 860. | early, 132. |
cold, 383. | skilful, 698. |
Qualification, modification, 469. | irascible, 901. |
accomplishment, 698. | feeling, 821, 822. |
change, 140. | Quicken, hasten, 132. |
retractation, 536. | animate, 163. |
training, 673. | operate, 170. |
right, 924. | urge, 615. |
Qualify, train, 673. | excite, 824. |
modify, 469. | promote, 907. |
change, 140. | violence, 173. |
teach, 537. | Quicksand, pitfall, 667. |
Quality, power, 157. | Quicksighted, quickeyed, 441. |
nature, 5. | sagacious, 498. |
Quality, tendency, 176. | Quicksilver, velocity, 274. |
character, 830. | Quickwitted, wit, 842. |
nobility, 875. | Quid, tobacco, 298A. |
Qualm, fear, 860. | Quiddity, essence, 5. |
scruple, 603, 616. | quibble, 477. |
disbelief, 485. | Quidnunc, curiosity, 455. |
penitence, 950. | Quid pro quo, compensation, 30. |
Quandary, difficulty, 704. | payment, 807. |
Quand même, counteraction, 179. | exchange, 794. |
opposition, 708. | interchange, 148. |
Quantitative, amount, 25. | Quiescence, cessation, 141. |
allotment, 786. | inertness, 172. |
Quantity, amount, 25. | rest, 265. |
Quantum, amount, 25. | Quiet, rest, 265. |
apportionment, 786. | Quiet, silent, 403. |
Quantum sufficit, sufficiency, 639. | calm, 174, 826. |
Quaquaversum, direction, 278. | dissuade, 616. |
Quarantine, safety, 664. | peace, 714. |
confinement, 751. | Quietism, piety, 987. |
Quarrel, discord, 713. | Quietus, death, 360. |
Quarrelsome, enemy, 901. | quiescence, 265. |
Quarry, mine, 636. | Quill, writing, 590. |
object, 620. | Quilldriver, writing, 590. |
Quarter, fourth, 97. | Quinary, number, 98. |
region, 181. | Quincunx, number, 98. |
side, 236. | Quinquefid, number, 99. |
direction, 278. | Quinquesection, number, 99. |
to place, 184. | Quint, number, 98. |
mercy, 914. | Quintain, target, 620. |
Quartering, number, 97. | Quintessence, essence, 5. |
Quartermaster, provision, 637. | importance, 642. |
Quarters, abode, 189. | Quintuple, number, 98. |
Quartet, number, 95. | Quip, wit, 842. |
Quash, destroy, 162. | amusement, 840. |
annul, 756. | ridicule, 856. |
Quasi, similarity, 17. | satire, 932. |
Quaternal, number, 95. | Quirk, caprice, 608. |
Quaternity, number, 95. | evasion, 617. |
Quatrain, poetry, 597. | wit, 842. |
Quaver, oscillate, 314. | Quit, depart, 293. |
shake, 315. | relinquish, 624. |
sound, 407. | pay, 807. |
music, 413. | Quite, greatness, 31. |
hesitate, 605. | Quits, equality, 27. |
fear, 860. | atonement, 952. |
shiver, 383. | Quittance, forgiveness, 918. |
Quay, abode, 189. | atonement, 952. |
Quean, libertine, 962. | reward, 952. |
Queasiness, dislike, 867. | observance, 772. |
Queasy, fastidious, 868. | Quiver, agitate, 315. |
Queen, master, 745. | shiver, 383. |
Queenly, majestic, 873. | fear, 860. |
Queer, unconformity, 83. | affect, 821. |
sick, 655. | store, 636. |
whimsical, 853. | arm, 727. |
Quell, destroy, 162. | Quixotic, imaginary, 515. |
hush, 265. | rash, 863. |
Quell, calm, 826. | enthusiastic, 825. |
moderate, 174. | Quiz, to ridicule, 856. |
subdue, 732. |
Quench, cool, 385. |
dissuade, 616. |
extinguish, 162. |
satiate, 869. |