Rabbet, junction, 43. | Ram down, condense, 321. |
Rabbi, clergy, 996. | fill up, 261. |
Rabble, mob, 876. | Ramadan, fasting, 956. |
assemblage, 72. | Ramble, stroll, 266. |
Rabelaisian, coarse, 961. | wander, 279. |
Rabid, insanity, 503. | diffuse, 572. |
headstrong, 606. | delirium, 503. |
Race, to run, 274. | folly, 499. |
contest, 720. | Rambler, journey, 268. |
course, 622. | Ramification, branch, 51, 256. |
career, 625. | posterity, 167. |
lineage, 11, 69. | Rammer, plug, 263. |
kind, 75. | impeller, 276. |
Racial, ethnic, 372. | Ramp, ascend, 305. |
Racer, horse, 271. | Rampage, violence, 173. |
fleetness, 274. | excitement, 825. |
Racehorse, horse, 271. | Rampant, violent, 173. |
fleetness, 274. | vehement, 825. |
Rack, frame, 215. | licentious, 961. |
physical pain, 378. | free, 748. |
moral pain, 828. | rising, 305. |
to torture, 830. | Rampart, defence, 717. |
punish, 975. | Ramrod, stopper, 263. |
purify, 652. | Ramshackle, imperfect, 651. |
refine, 658. | Ranch, farm, 780. |
cloud, 353. | Rancid, fetid, 401. |
Racket, noise, 402. | Rancour, malevolence, 907. |
roll, 407. | revenge, 919. |
bat, 633. | Random, casual, 156, 621. |
Raconteur, narrator, 594. | uncertain, 475. |
Racy, strong, 171. | Range, space, 180. |
pungent, 392. | extent, 26. |
feeling, 821. | draw up, 58. |
style, 574. | to collocate, 60. |
Raddle, weave, 219. | roam, 266. |
twist, 311. | direction, 278. |
red, 434. | series, 69. |
Radiant, diverging, 291. | term, 71. |
light, 420. | class, 75. |
beauty, 845. | freedom, 748. |
glory, 873. | Rank, degree, 26. |
Radical, cause, 153. | thorough, 31. |
algebraic root, 84. | collocate, 60. |
complete, 52. | row, 69. |
reformer, 658. | term, 71. |
Radically, thorough, 31. | fetid, 401. |
Radioactivity, light, 420. | bad, 649. |
Radius, length, 200. | to estimate, 480. |
Radix, cause, 153. | nobility, 875. |
Raff, refuse, 653. | glory, 873. |
rabble, 876. | Rankle, animosity, 505, 900. |
miscreant, 949. | to corrupt, 959. |
Raffia, tape, 45. | Ransack, seek, 461. |
Raffle, chance, 156, 621. | plunder, 791. |
Raft, ship, 273. | Ransom, price, 812. |
Rafter, support, 215. | liberation, 750. |
Rag, shred, 51. | Rant, nonsense, 497. |
Rag, clothes, 225. | speech, 582. |
escapade, 497. | acting, 599. |
to tease, 830. | style, 573, 577. |
joke, 842. | Rantipole, fool, 499, 501. |
revile, 932. | Rap, knock, 276. |
Rage, violence, 173. | beat, 972. |
fury, 825. | Rap out, voice, 580. |
desire, 865. | Rapacious, avaricious, 819. |
wrath, 900. | greedy, 865. |
Ragged, bare, 226. | predatory, 789. |
Ragoût, food, 298. | Rape, violation, 961. |
Ragtag, commonalty, 876. | seizure, 791. |
Raid, attack, 716. | Rapid, velocity, 274. |
Rail, enclosure, 232. | Rapids, river, 348. |
fence, 666. | Rapier, arms, 727. |
imprison, 752. | Rapine, spoliation, 791. |
Rail at, disapprove, 932. | Rapine, evil, 791. |
Rail in, circumscribe, 231. | Rapparee, thief, 792. |
Raillery, ridicule, 856. | Rappee, tobacco, 298A. |
Railway, road, 627. | Rapport, en, agreement, 23. |
Raiment, dress, 225. | Rapscallion, sinner, 949. |
Rain, river, 348. | Rapt, thought, 451. |
Rainbow, variegation, 440. | pleasure, 827. |
Raise, elevate, 307. | Rapture, emotion, 821. |
increase, 35. | bliss, 827. |
produce, 161. | Rara avis, unconformity, 83. |
excite, 824. | Rare, infrequent, 137. |
Raison d'être, cause, 153. | light, 103. |
motive, 615. | few, 103. |
Raj, authority, 737. | exceptional, 83. |
Rajah, master, 745. | excellent, 648. |
Rakehell, intemperate, 954. | Rareeshow, sight, 448. |
Rake up, collect, 72. | amusement, 840. |
extract, 301. | Rarefy, expand, 194. |
recall, 504. | render light, 322. |
excite, 824. | Rascal, sinner, 949. |
Rakish, intemperate, 954. | Rascality, vice, 945. |
licentious, 961. | Rase, see Raze. |
Rally, ridicule, 856. | Rash, reckless, 863. |
recover, 658. | careless, 460. |
stand by, 707. |
pluck up courage, 861. |
Ram, impel, 276. |
press in, 261. |
insert, 300. |