Reprobate to Retard
Table of contents
Reprobate, blame, 932.Resorb, reception, 296.
Reprobate, sinner, 949.Resort, employ, 677.
    impious, 989.    converge, 290.
Reproduce, repeat, 104.    focus, 74.
    copy, 19.    assemble, 72.
    renovate, 163.    move, 266.
Reprove, disapprove, 932.    dwell, 189.
Reptile, animal, 366.Resound, be loud, 402, 404.
    servile, 886.    ring, 408.
    base, 940.    praises, 931.
    apostate, 941.Resourceful, skill, 698.
    miscreant, 949.Resourcelesss, inactive, 683.
Republic, man, 373.Resources, means, 632.
Repudiate, exclude, 55.    wealth, 803.
    reject, 610.Respect, deference, 928.
    violate, 773.    fame, 873.
    evade, 927.    salutation, 894.
    non—payment, 808.    reference, 9.
Repugn, resistance, 719.Respectable, repute, 873.
Repugnance, dislike, 876.Respectable, tolerable, 651.
    reluctance, 603.Respecting, relation, 9.
    hate, 898.Respective, speciality, 79.
    incongruity, 24.Respectless, inattention, 458.
Repulse, see Repel, 719.Respire, breathe, 359.
Repulsive, disagreeable, 830, 898.    repose, 687.
    ugly, 846.Respite, pause, 265.
Repurchase, purchase, 795.    intermission, 106.
Reputable, repute, 873.    rest, 141, 687.
Request, request, 765.    escape, 671.
Requiem, funereal, 363.    reprieve, 970.
    dirge, 415.Resplendent, luminous, 420.
Require, need, 630.    splendid, 845.
    insufficient, 640.Respond, agree, 23.
    to exact, 741.    sensibility, 375, 822.
    charge, 812.Response, answer, 462.
Requisition, command, 741.    verbal, 587.
    requirement, 630.    rites, 998.
Requital, reward, 973.Responsible, duty, 926.
    gratitude, 916.Responsive, see Respond.
    punishment, 972.Rest, quiescence, 265.
Rescind, cut off, 44.    repose, 687.
    abrogate, 756.    remainder, 40.
    refuse, 764.    pause, 141.
Rescission, see Rescind.    satisfaction, 831.
Rescript, order, 741.    recumbence, 215.
    letter, 592.Restaurant, food, 298.
    answer, 462.Rest on, support, 215.
Rescue, deliver, 672.Restful, soothing, 174.
    preserve, 670.Resting—place, support, 215.
Research, inquiry, 461.    quiescence, 165.
Reseat, restore, 660.    arrival, 292.
Resection, disjunction, 44.Restitution, restitution, 790.
Resemblance, similarity, 17.Restive, obstinate, 606.
Resent, resentment, 900.    disobedient, 742.
Reservation, concealment, 528.    impatient, 825.
    silence, 585.Restless, moving, 264.
    shyness, 881.    agitated, 315.
    store, 636.    active, 682.
Reserve, concealment, 528.    excited, 825.
    silence, 585.    fearful, 860.
Reserve, shyness, 881.Restorative, remedial, 662.
    caution, 864.    salubrious, 656.
    store, 636.    relieving, 834.
Reservoir, store, 636.Restore, reinstate, 145, 660.
    receptacle, 191.    improve, 658.
Reside, inhabit, 184, 186.    refresh, 689.
Residence, abode, 189.    return, 790.
    location, 184.    meaning, 522.
Resident, inhabitant, 188.Restrain, moderate, 174.
Residue, remainder, 40.    emotion, 826.
Resign, give up, 757.    check, 706.
    relinquish, 782.    curb, 751.
    submit, 743.    prohibit, 761.
Resignation, endurance, 826.    circumscribe, 231.
    content, 831.    dissuade, 616.
    abdication, 757.Restrict, moderate, 174.
    humility, 743, 879.    emotion, 826.
    renunciation, 872.    check, 706.
Resilient, elasticity, 325.Restrict, curb, 751.
Resist, withstand, 719.    prohibit, 761.
    disobey, 742.    circumscribe, 231.
    refuse, 764.    dissuade, 616.
    oppose, 179.Result, effect, 154, 476.
    tenacity, 327.    remainder, 40.
Resistless, strength, 159.Resume, taking, 789.
Resolute, determined, 604.Résumé, compendium, 596.
    brave, 861.Resurrection, reproduction, 163.
Resolution, decomposition, 49.Resuscitate, reanimate, 163.
    investigation, 461.    reinstate, 660.
    solution, 462.Retail, sell, 796.
    topic, 454.    particularise, 594.
    determination, 604.Retailer, merchant, 797.
    courage, 861.Retain, keep in place, 150.
Resolve, purpose, 620.    keep possession, 781.
    to liquefy, 335.    enlist, 615.
    decompose, 49.Retainer, servant, 746.
    investigate, 461.Retaliate, retort, 718.
    interpret, 522.    revenge, 919.
Resonant, sonorous, 402.Retard, hinder, 706.
    ringing, 408.    slacken, 275.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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