Sense, intellect, 450. | Serve out, apportion, 786. |
wisdom, 498. | punish, 972. |
meaning, 516. | Service, good, 618. |
Senseless, foolish, 499. | use, 677. |
insensible, 376. | utility, 644. |
unmeaning, 517. | worship, 990. |
Senses, feeling, 375. | servitude, 749. |
Sensibility, physical, 375. | warfare, 722. |
moral, 822. | Serviceable, useful, 644. |
Sensible, material, 316. | good, 648. |
Sensible, wise, 498. | Servile, obsequious, 886. |
Sensitive, physically, 375. | flattery, 933. |
morally, 822. | Servitor, servant, 746. |
Sensorium, intellect, 450. | Servitude, subjection, 749. |
Sensual, intemperance, 954. | Sesqui, number, 87. |
Sensuous, perception, 375. | Sesquipedalian, long, 200. |
Sentence, phrase, 566. | Sesquipedalia verba, ornament, 577. |
maxim, 496. | Sessions, poetry, 966. |
judgment, 969. | council, 696. |
decision, 480. | Sestina, poetry, 597. |
Sententious, concise, 572. | Set, condition, 7. |
energetic, 574. | group, 72. |
Sentient, feeling, 375, 822. | class, 75. |
Sentiment, opinion, 484. | Set, firm, 43. |
maxim, 496. | to place, 184. |
idea, 453. | establish, 150. |
Sentimental, sensibility, 822. | prepare, 673. |
affectation, 855. | solidify, 321. |
Sentinel, guardian, 664. | leaning, 278. |
keeper, 753. | gang, 712. |
watch, 668. | lease, 796. |
Sentry, see Sentinel. | Set about, begin, 676. |
Separate, simple, 42. | Set apart, disjoin, 55. |
to disjoin, 44, 91, 198. | Set aside, disregard, 460. |
exclude, 55. | annul, 756. |
diverge, 291. | release, 927. |
divorce, 905. | Set-back, hindrance, 706. |
Separatist, heterodoxy, 984. | relapse, 661. |
Sepoy, combatant, 726. | Set down, humiliate, 879. |
Sept, class, 75. | censure, 932. |
Septet, number, 98. | slight, 929. |
Septic, insalubrity, 657. | rebuff, 732. |
Septuagint, revelation, 985. | Set fire to, burn, 384. |
Septum, partition, 228. | Set foot in, ingress, 294. |
Sepulchral, sound, 408, 410. | Set forth, publish, 531. |
Sepulchre, interment, 363. | tell, 527. |
Sepulture, interment, 363. | show, 525. |
Sequacious, following, 63. | assert, 535. |
servile, 886. | describe, 594. |
Sequel, following, 65. | Set forward, depart, 293. |
in time, 117. | Set in, begin, 66. |
addition, 39. | tide, 348. |
Sequence, in order, 63. | approach, 286. |
in time, 117. | Set off, depart, 293. |
motion, 281. | compensate, 30. |
Sequester, take, 789. | adorn, 845. |
hide, 526. | Set on, attack, 615. |
seclude, 893. | Set out, begin, 66. |
confiscate, 974. | depart, 293. |
Sequestrate, take, 789. | decorate, 845. |
confiscate, 974. | Set right, reinstate, 660. |
Seraglio, harem, 961. | Set sail, depart, 293. |
Seraph, angel, 977. | Set-to, combat, 720. |
saint, 948. | Set to work, begin, 676. |
Seraphic, blissful, 829. | Set up, raise, 307. |
virtuous, 944. | prosperous, 734. |
Seraskier, master, 745. | Set upon, attack, 716. |
Serenade, music, 415. | desire, 865. |
compliment, 902. | willing, 602. |
Serene, calm, 826. | determined, 604, 620. |
content, 831. | Setaceous, rough, 256. |
Serf, clown, 876. | Settee, support, 215. |
slave, 746. | Setting, surroundings, 227. |
Serfdom, subjection, 749. | Settle, decide, 480. |
Sergeant, master, 745. | fixed, 142. |
Seriatim, continuity, 69. | stationary, 265. |
order, 59. | dwell, 186. |
speciality, 79. | sink, 306. |
continuance, 144. | arrange, 60. |
Series, sequence, 69. | pacify, 723. |
book, 593. | consent, 762. |
Serio-comic, ridiculous, 853. | pay, 807. |
Serious, great, 31. | Settle, give, 784. |
important, 642. | bench, 215. |
dejected, 837. | Settlement, location, 184. |
resolved, 604. | colony, 188. |
Sermon, dissertation, 595. | dregs, 653. |
lesson, 537. | compact, 762, 769. |
speech, 582. | Settler, inhabitant, 188. |
pastoral, 998. | Seven, number, 98. |
Serosity, fluidity, 333. | Sever, disjoin, 44. |
Serpent, tortuous, 248. | Several, repetition, 102. |
Satan, 978. | Severally, one by one, 44, 49. |
deceiver, 548. | Severe, harsh, 739. |
evil, 663. | energetic, 171. |
Serpentine, convolution, 248. | painful, 830. |
Serrated, angular, 244. | unadorned, 576, 849. |
notched, 257. | critical, 932. |
Serum, lymph, 333. | greatness, 31. |
water, 337. |
Servant, servant, 711, 746. |
Serve, aid, 707. |
obey, 743, 749. |
work, 680. |