Sew, join, 43. | Shape well, hopeful, 858. |
Sewer, drain, 295, 350. | Shapeless, amorphous, 241. |
cloaca, 653. | ugly, 846. |
Sex, kind, 75. | Shapely, comely, 845. |
women, 374. | symmetrical, 242. |
Sextet, number, 98. | Share, part, 51. |
Sexton, church, 996. | participate, 778. |
Sextuple, number, 98. | allotted portion, 786. |
Sforzando (It.), music, 415. | Share, lion's, superiority, 33. |
Sgraffito, see Graffito. | Shark, thief, 792. |
Shabby, mean, 819, 874. | cheat, 548. |
bad, 649. | Sharp, acute, 253. |
disgraceful, 940. | musical tone, 410. |
trifling, 643. | pungent, 392, 821. |
smallness, 32. | energetic, 171. |
Shackle, to tie, 43. | violent, 173. |
hinder, 706. | intelligent, 498. |
restrain, 751. | clever, 698. |
fetter, 752. | cunning, 702. |
Shade, darkness, 421. | active, 682. |
shadow, 424. | rude, 895. |
colour, 428. | censorious, 932. |
degree, 26. | Sharper, cheat, 548. |
difference, 15, 41. | thief, 792. |
small quantity, 32. | Sharpshooter, combatant, 726. |
screen, 530. | Sharp-sighted, vision, 441. |
manes, 362. | Shaster, pseudo-revelation, 986. |
ghost, 980. | Shatter, destroy, 162. |
decrease, 36. | weaken, 160. |
Shaded, invisible, 447. | Shave, cut, 203. |
Shades below, hell, 982. | Shaving, layer, 204. |
Shading off, degree, 26. | filament, 205. |
Shadow, darkness, 421. | small part, 32, 51. |
shade, 424. | Shawl, dress, 225. |
error, 495. | Sheaf, assemblage, 72. |
phantom, 4. | Shear, subduction, 38. |
little, 193, 203. | Sheath, receptacle, 191. |
small in degree, 32. | envelope, 222. |
part, 51. | Shed, building, 189. |
sequence, 281. | to emit, 297. |
Shadow forth, show, 525. | scatter, 73. |
indicate, 550. | diverge, 291. |
Shadow, adumbrate, 521. | Shed tears, weep, 839. |
describe, 594. | Sheen, light, 420. |
Shadow of doubt, unbelief, 485. | Sheepish, foolish, 881. |
Shadow out, represent, 554. | Sheer, narrow, 203. |
Shadowy, imaginary, 2. | simple, 42. |
invisible, 447. | smallness, 32. |
erroneous, 495. | Sheer off, departure, 293. |
Shady, umbrageous, 424. | Sheet, layer, 204. |
dishonest, 544. | paper, 593. |
disreputable, 945. | Sheet-anchor, refuge, 666. |
Shaft, pit, 260. | Sheik, ruler, 745. |
air-pipe, 351. | priest, 996. |
deep, 208. | Shelf, support, 215. |
frame, 215. | (on the), disues, 678. |
missile, 284. | Shell, cover, 222. |
shank, 633. | bomb, 727. |
weapon, 727. | Shelter, refuge, 666. |
Shag, roughness, 256. | Shelter, safety, 664. |
tobacco, 298A. | Shelty, horse, 271. |
Shaggy, hirsute, 256. | Shelve, slope, 217. |
Shah, master, 745. | locate, 184. |
Shake, agitate, 315. | disuse, 678. |
fluctuate, 149. | Shepherd, director, 694. |
trill, 314, 407. | pastor, 996. |
musical, 415. | Sheriff, jurisdiction, 965. |
dissuade, 616. | Sherlock Holmes, inquiry, 461. |
injure, 659. | Shibboleth, indication, 550. |
impress, 821. | criterion, 467. |
flutter, 824. | Shield, defend, 717. |
shiver, 383. | safety, 664. |
Shake-down, bed, 215. | buckler, 666. |
Shake off, ejection, 297. | Shift, move, 264. |
Shake up, agitation, 315. | change, 140, 144. |
Shaken, weak, 160. | transfer, 270. |
Shaky, in danger, 665. | expedient, 626,634. |
frail, 149. | evasion, 546. |
Shallop, ship, 273. | plea, 617. |
Shallow, not deep, 209. | difficulty, 704. |
ignorant, 491. | dress, 225. |
foolish, 499. | Shifting, transient, III. |
Shallow-brained, foolish, 499. | moving, 270. |
Shallow-pated, foolish, 499. | Shiftless, unprepared, 674. |
Shallows, dangers, 667. | inhabile, 699. |
Sham, humbug, 544. | Shifty, dishonest, 544. |
Shamble, shuffle, 275, 315. | Shikar, pursuit, 622. |
Shambles, butchery, 361. | Shillelagh, club, 727. |
Shame, disgrace, 874. | Shilly-shally, irresolution, 605. |
Shamefaced, abashed, 881. | Shimmer, lustre, 420. |
Shameful, disgraceful, 87. | Shin, climb, 305. |
profligate, 945. | kick, 276. |
Shameless, profligate, 945. | Shindy, violence, 173. |
impudent, 885. | contention, 720. |
Shampoo, friction, 331. | Shine, to emit light, 420. |
Shandrydan, vehicle, 272. | glory, 873. |
Shank, shaft, 633. | beauty, 845. |
Shape, form, 240. | Ship, vessel, 273. |
condition, 7. | to deliver, 270. |
to fashion, 144. |
aspect, 448. |