Slouch-hat, dress, 225. | Smug, affected, 855. |
Slough, difficulty, 704. | Smuggle, contraband, 791. |
quagmire, 345. | introduce, 294. |
residuum, 40. | Smuggler, thief, 792. |
Sloven, drab, 653. | Smut, dirt. 653. |
careless, 460. | black, 431. |
awkward, 699. | blemish, 848. |
bungler, 701. | impurity, 961. |
vulgar, 851. | Snacks, part, 51. |
Slovenly, style, 573. | participate, 778. |
Slow, sluggish, 275. | food, 298. |
tardy, 133. | Snaffle, restraint, 752. |
dull, 843. | Snag, danger, 667. |
wearisome, 841. | sharp, 253. |
inert, 172. | projection, 250. |
inactive, 683. | Snail, slow, 275. |
Slubberdegullion, knave, 941, 949. | Snake, miscreant, 913. |
Sludge, mud, 653. | Snaky, winding, 248. |
Slugged, slow, 275. | Snap, noise, 406. |
Sluggard, slow, 275. | brittle, 328. |
sleepy, 683. | break, 44. |
Sluggish, slow, 275. | snarl, 895. |
inert, 172. | angry, 900. |
sleepy, 683. | seize, 789. |
callous, 823. | vigour, 574. |
Sluice, conduit, 350. | Snappy, concise, 572. |
river, 348. | Snare, trap, 667. |
to wash, 652. | Snarl, growl, 412. |
Slum, abode, 189. | angry, 900. |
Slump, fall, 306. | rude, 895. |
Slur, stigma, 874. | threaten, 909. |
gloss over, 937. | Snatch, to seize, 789. |
reproach, 938. | opportunity, 134. |
Slur over, neglect, 460. | part, 51. |
inattention, 458. | Snatches, by, irregularly, 139. |
conceal, 528. | Sneak, servility, 886. |
exclude, 55. | baseness, 940. |
Slush, pulp, 354. | to hide, 528. |
Slut, hussy, 962. | retire, 287. |
Sluttish, unclean, 653. | Sneer, contempt, 930. |
Sly, cunning, 702. | blame, 932. |
false, 544. | disparage, 929. |
Smack, ship, 273. | Sneeze, snuffle, 409. |
taste, 390. | blow, 349. |
mixture, 41. | Snick, part, 51. |
small quantity, 32. | Snickersnee, weapon, 727. |
kiss, 902. | Sniff, odour, 398. |
Small, in degree, 32. | Sniff at, despise, 930. |
in size, 193. | Sniffy, contemptuous, 930. |
Smaller, inferiority, 34. | Snigger, laugh, 838. |
Smart, pain, 378. | Snip, cut, 44. |
grief, 828. | Snip-snap, discord, 713. |
active, 682. | Snivel,cry, 839. |
clever, 698. | Snivelling, servile, 886. |
cunning, 702. | Snob, commonalty, 876. |
to feel, 821. | Snooze, sleep, 683. |
witty, 842. | Snore, noise, 411. |
neat, 845. | sleep, 683. |
fashionable, 852. | Snort, noise, 411. |
Smash, destroy, 162. | sleep,/i>, 683. |
Smatterer, ignoramus, 493. | Snout, prominence, 250. |
Smattering, ignorance, 491. | Snow, ice, 383. |
Smear, daub, 222. | white, 430. |
ugly, 846. | Snowball, collection, 72. |
Smell, odour, 398. | Snow-shoe, locomotion, 266. |
Smelt, heat, 384. | Snub, bluster, 885. |
Smile, risible, 838. | blame, 932. |
Smile, upon, approve, 894. | short, 201. |
Smirch, soil, 653. | Snuff, odour, 398. |
Smirk, grin, 838. | tobacco, 298A. |
Smite, strike, 276. | Snuff-box, receptacle, 191. |
punish, 972. | Snuff out, die, 360. |
bad, 649. | Snuff up, inhale, 296. |
Smith, workman, 690. | Snuffle, hiss, 409. |
Smithereens, fragments, 51. | blow, 349. |
Smitten, love, 897. | stammer, 583. |
Smock, dress, 225. | Snug, comfortable, 831. |
Smoke, cloud, 334. | safe, 664. |
dimness, 422. | latent, 526. |
heat, 382. | secluded, 893. |
trifle, 643. | Snuggery, room, 189. |
dirt, 653. | Snuggle, draw near, 286. |
to discover, 480. | cuddle, 902. |
suspect, 485. | Soak, immerse, 300. |
to end in, disappoint, 932. | Soak, water, 337. |
Smooth, not rough, 16, 255. | Soaker, drunkenness, 959. |
to calm, 174. | Soap, oil, 356. |
lubricate, 332. | Soapy, unctuous, 355. |
easy, 705. | flattering, 933. |
to flatter, 933. | Soar, rise, 305. |
Smooth-faced, falsehood, 544. | height, 206. |
Smooth-spoken, falsehood, 544. | great, 31. |
Smooth-tongued, falsehood, 544. | fly, 267. |
Smother, kill, 361. | Sob, weep, 839. |
repress, 174. | Sober, moderate, 174. |
calm, 826. | temperate, 953. |
suppress, 528, 585. | abstinent, 958. |
Smoulder, burn, 382. | sane, 502. |
inert, 172. | wise, 498. |
latent, 528. | calm, 826. |
Smudge, dirt, 653. | grave, 837. |
blemish, 848. |