Stung, pain, 828. | Subordinate, inferior, 34. |
Stunt, feat, 680. | unimportant, 643. |
task, 625. | servant, 746. |
Stunted, small, 193. | Subordinate, order, 58. |
contracted, 195. | Suborn, hire, 795. |
Stupefy, stun, 823. | bribe, 784. |
wonder, 870. | Subpna, mandate, 741. |
Stupendous, great, 31. | Subscrible, assent, 488. |
large, 192. | agree to, 769. |
wonderful, 870. | give, 707, 784. |
Stupid, dull, 843. | Subscription, donation, 809. |
credulous, 486. | Subsequent, in time, 117. |
foolish, 499. | in order, 63. |
Stupor, lethargy, 823. | Subservient, utility, 644. |
Sturdy, strong, 157, 159. | Subservient, servility, 886. |
Stutter, stammer, 583. | Subside, sink, 306. |
Sty, dirt, 653. | decrease, 36. |
pen, 189. | calm down, 826. |
Stygian, infernal, 982. | Subsidairy, tending, 176. |
dark, 421. | auxiliary, 707. |
diabolic, 945. | Subsidy, pay, 809. |
Style, state, 7. | gift, 784. |
time, 114. | Subsist, existence, 1. |
fashion, 852. | continuance, 142. |
taste, 850. | Subsistence, food, 298. |
to name, 564. | livelihood, 803. |
diction, 569. | Subsoil, earth, 342. |
pencil, 559. | interior, 221. |
Stylet, arms, 727. | Substance, thing, 3. |
Stylish, fashionable, 852. | matter, 316. |
Stylist, style, 569. | interior, 221. |
Stylite, recluse, 893. | quantity, 25. |
Stylograph, writing, 590. | texture, 329. |
Stymie, to hinder, 706. | compendium, 596. |
Styptic, remedy, 662. | meaning, 516. |
Suasion, persuade, 615. | important, 642. |
Suavity, courtesy, 894. | wealth, 803. |
Subacid, acid, 397. | Substantial, dense, 321. |
Subahdar, master, 745. | existence, 1. |
Subalpine, height, 206. | true, 494. |
Subaltern, plebeian, 876. | Substantiate, demonstrate, 478. |
inferior, 24. | make good, 494. |
servant, 746. | Substantive, substance, 3. |
officer, 726, 745. | Substitute, means, 634. |
Subaqueous, depth, 208. | deputy, 759. |
Subastral, terrestrial, 318. | Substitution, change, 147. |
Sub-committee, committee, 696. | Substratum, substance, 3. |
Subconsciousness, intellect, 450. | interior, 221. |
Sub-contrary, antiposition, 237. | layer, 204. |
Sub-cutaneous, interiority, 221. | base, 211. |
Sub-dean, church, 996. | support, 215. |
Subdititious, substitution, 147. | materiality, 316. |
Subdivide, disjoin, 44. | Subsumption, inclusion, 76. |
Subdivision, part, 51. | Subterfuge, lie, 546. |
Subdual, success, 731. | sophistry, 477. |
Subduct, retrench, 38. | Subterranean, underground, 208. |
take, 789. | Subtile, rare, 322. |
Subdue, calm, 174. | light, 320. |
impress, 824. | Subtilise, sophistry, 477. |
succeed, 731. | Subtle, cunning, 702. |
Subito (L,), instantaneity, 113. | wise, 498. |
Subjacent, lowness, 207. | texture, 329. |
Subject, topic, 454. | Subtract, retrench, 38. |
liable, 177. | arithmetical, 84. |
to enthral, 749. | to take, 789. |
musical, 450. | Suburban, environs, 227. |
Subjection, submission, 743. | distance, 197. |
dependence, 749. | Subvert, invert, 218. |
Subjective, intrinsic, 6. | depress, 308. |
imaginary, 2. | change, 140. |
immaterial, 317. | destroy, 162. |
mental, 450. | Subway, road, 627. |
Subjoin, addition, 37. | Succedaneum, substitute, 147, 634. |
Sub judice, inquiry, 461. | Succeed, answer, 731. |
Subjugate, subject, 749. | follow, 63. |
conquer, 731, 732. | Succès d'estime, approbation, 931. |
impress, 824. | Success, success, 731. |
Subjunction, addition, 37. | Succession, sequence, 63. |
Sublimate, to elevate, 307. | continuity, 69. |
to vaposrise, 336. | of time, 109. |
Sublimated, ethereal, 320. | lateness, 117. |
Sublimation, see, Sublimate. | Successor, sequel, 65. |
Sublime, high, 206. | posterior, 117. |
beauty, 845. | Succinct, concise, 572. |
glory, 873. | Succour, help, 707. |
lofty,574. | Succubus, demon, 980. |
magnanimous, 942. | Succulent, juicy, 333. |
Subliminal subconscious, 450. | edible, 298. |
Sublunary, world, 318. | semiliquid, 352. |
Submarine, depth, 208. | Succumb, yield, 725. |
ship, 273. | obey, 743. |
Submerge, immerse, 300. | fatigue, 688. |
steep,, 337. | Such, similarity, 17. |
sink, 208. | Suck, imbibe, 296. |
plunge, 310. | deprive, 789. |
Submission, surrender, 725, 879. | Suckle, nourish, 707. |
Submissive, humble, 725, 879. | Suckling, youth, 129. |
enduring, 826. | Suction, imbibition, 296. |
Submit, surrender, 725. | Sudatorium, furnace, 386. |
obey, 743. |