Tab, adjunct, 39. | Take on, anger, 837. |
Tabby, variegated, 440. | undertake, 676. |
Tabernacle, temple, 1000. | Take out, extract, 301. |
Tabid, morbid, 655. | obliterate, 552. |
shrivelled, 195. | Take part with, aid, 707. |
noxious, 649. | Take place, happen, 151. |
Table, stand, 215. | Take root, dwell, 186. |
layer, 204. | Take ship, navigation, 267. |
list, 86. | Take the shine out of, superiority, 33. |
record, 551. | Take up, inquire, 461. |
repast, 298. | Take up with, sociality, 892. |
Table d'hôte (Fr,), food, 298. | Take wing, departure, 293. |
Table-land, plain, 344. | Taking, vexation, 828. |
flat, 213. | anger, 900. |
Table-talk, talk, 588. | pleasing, 829, 897. |
Tableau (Fr,), painting, 556. | Tale, narrative, 582, 594. |
scene, 824. | counting, 85. |
Tablet, record, 551. | Tale-bearer, tell, 534. |
layer, 204. | Talent, skill, 698. |
Taboo, spell, 992, 993. | intelligence, 498. |
prohibition, 761. | Tale-teller, liar, 548. |
Tabor, music, 417. | Talisman, spell, 993. |
Tabouret, support, 215. | Talk, speak, 582. |
Tabula rasa, ignorance, 491. | rumour, 532. |
oblivion, 506. | conversation, 588. |
Tabulate, arrange, 60, 69. | Talkative, talk, 584. |
register, 86. | Tall, height, 206. |
Tachygraphy, writing, 590. | Tallow, fat, 356. |
Tacit, hidden, 526. | Tally, agreement, 23. |
Taciturn, silent, 585. | numeration, 85. |
Tack, direction, 278. | Talmud, revelation, 985. |
nail, 45. | Talons, claw, 633. |
to turn, 279. | authority, 737. |
change course, 140. | Talus, slope, 217. |
Tack to, add, 37. | Tambourine, music, 417. |
join, 43. | Tame, inert, 172. |
Tackle, gear, 633. | moderate, 174. |
fastening, 45. | feeble, 575. |
to undertake, 676. | calm, 826. |
encounter, 720. | teach, 537. |
Tact, skill, 698. | Tamis, strainer, 260. |
wisdom, 498. | Tamper with, change, 140. |
taste, 850. | meddle, 682. |
discrimination, 465. | Tan, yellow, 433. |
Tactician, proficient, 700. | to thrash, 972. |
Tactics, conduct, 692. | Tandem, vehicle, 272. |
plan, 626. | sequence, 69. |
skill, 698. | Tang, taste, 390. |
warfare, 722. | Tangent, contiguity, 199. |
Tactile, touch, 379. | Tangible, touch, 1, 379. |
Taction, touch, 379. | material, 316. |
Tactless, foolish, 499. | Tangle, derange, 61. |
Tactual, touch, 379. | Tangled, disordered, 59. |
Tadpole, young, 129. | matted, 219. |
Tag, add, 37, 39. | Tango, dance, 840. |
fastening, 45. | Tank, recipient, 191. |
part, 51. | reservoir, 636. |
end, 67. | arms, 727. |
point, 253. | Tankard, receptacle, 191. |
maxim, 496. | Tantalise, entice, 615. |
Tail, end 67. | tease, 830. |
back, 235. | tempt, 865. |
adjunct, 37, 214. | Tantalus, receptacle, 191. |
sequel, 65. | Tantamount, equal, 27. |
back | synonymous, 516. |
Taint, disease, 655. | Tantara, loudness, 404. |
decay, 659. | Tantrum, passion, 900. |
dirt, 653. | Tap, hit, 276. |
fault, 651. | plug, 263. |
disgrace, 874. | to let out, 297. |
Taintless, pure, 652. | to intercept, 789. |
Take, to appropriate, 789. | Tape, joint, 45. |
receive, 785. | Taper, narrow, 203. |
eat, 296. | sharp, 253. |
believe, 484. | candle, 423. |
understand, 518. | Tapestry, art, 556. |
please, 829. | Tar, mariner, 269. |
Take aback, surprise, 870. | Taradiddle, untruth, 546. |
Take after, similarity, 17. | Tarantella, dance, 840. |
Take away, remove, 38, 789. | Tardy, dilatory, 133. |
Take back, retract, 607. | slow, 275. |
Take care, caution, 864. | Target, object, 620. |
Take down, swallow, 296. | laughing-stock, 857. |
note, 551. | Tariff, price, 812. |
lower, 308. | Tarn, lake, 343. |
humiliate, 879. | Tarnish, decoloration, 429. |
Take effect, agency, 170. | deface, 846. |
Take heed, attention, 457. | spoil, 659. |
Take hold, taking, 789. | disgrace, 874. |
Take in, include, 54. | dishonour, 940. |
Take in, admit, 296. | Tarry, remain, 110. |
understand, 518. | continue, 142. |
cheat, 545. | late, 133. |
Take it, believe, 484. | expect, 507. |
suppose, 514. | rest, 265. |
Take off, remove, 185. | Tart, acid, 397. |
divest, 226. | rude, 895. |
imitate, 19. | irascible, 901. |
personate, 554. |
ridicule, 856. |
jump, 305. |