Tartan, dress, 225. | Tempest, violence, 173. |
Tartar, irascible, 901. | wind, 349. |
Tartarus, hell, 982. | excitement, 825. |
Tartness, see Tart. | Tempestivity, occasion, 134. |
Tartuffe, hypocrisy, 544, 548. | Temple, church, 1000. |
impiety, 989. | side, 236. |
Task, business, 625. | Temporal, transient, 111. |
to put to use, 677. | laical, 997. |
function, 644. | Tempo (It.), melody, 413. |
Task, lesson, 537. | Temporary, transient, 111. |
Taskmaster, director, 694. | Temporise, cunning, 702. |
Tassel, ornament, 847. | policy, 698. |
Taste, sapidity, 390. | opportunity, 134. |
to experience, 821. | Tempt, entice, 615. |
discrimination, 821. | desire, 865. |
small quantity, 32. | attempt, 676. |
Tasteless, vapid, 391. | Ten, number, 98. |
unattractive, 866. | Tenable, probable, 472. |
Tasty, savoury, 394. | Tenacious, retentive, 781. |
Tat, knit, 43. | avaricious, 819. |
Tâtonnement, trial, 463. | resolved, 604. |
essay, 675. | obstinate, 606. |
Tatter, part, 51. | prejudiced, 481. |
Tatterdemalion, commonalty, 876. | Tenacity, toughness, 327. |
Tattle, talk, 588. | Tenant, occupier, 188. |
Tattoo, roll, 407. | possessor, 779. |
Taunt, reproach, 938. | present, 186. |
ridicule, 856. | Tenantless, empty, 187. |
hoot, 929. | Tend, aid, 107. |
Tautology, repetition, 104. | contribute, 153. |
diffuseness, 573. | conduce, 176. |
Tavern, inn, 189. | direct to, 278. |
Tawdry, vulgar, 851. | Tendentious, misjudgment, 481. |
Tawny, grey, 432. | Tender, soft, 324. |
brown, 433. | susceptible, 822. |
Tax, impost, 812. | loving, 897. |
to accuse, 938. | compassionate, 914. |
require, 765. | to offer, 763. |
impose, 741. | smallness, 32. |
employ, 677. | Tenderfoot, stranger, 57. |
Taxi-cab, vehicle, 272. | Tendril, infant, 129. |
Teach, teaching, 537. | Tenebrific, darkness, 421. |
Teachable, learning, 539. | Tenement, house, 189. |
Teacher, instructor, 540. | property, 780. |
Tea-gown, dress, 225. | Tenet, belief, 484. |
Team, group, 69. | creed, 983. |
Tear, separate, 44. | Tenor, course, 7. |
destroy, 162. | degree, 26. |
violence, 173. | direction, 278. |
move rapidly, 274. | meaning, 516. |
weeping, 839. | musical, 413. |
Tear out, extract, 301. | Tense, hard, 323. |
Tearful, lamenting, 839. | Tensile, elasticity, 325. |
Tease, annoy, 830. | Tension, strength, 159. |
Teaser, secret, 533. | length, 200. |
Teat, convexity, 250. | hardness, 323. |
Technical, skill, 698. | strain, 686. |
Technique, skill, 698. | Tent, receptacle, 189. |
musical, 415. | covering, 222. |
Technology, skill, 68. | Tentacle, instrument, 633. |
Tedium, fatigue, 841. | Tentative, experimental, 463. |
Teem, abound, 639. | essaying, 675. |
numerous, 102. | Tenter-hook, expectation, 507. |
productiveness, 168. | Tenuity, rarity, 322. |
Teeming, assemblage, 72. | thinness, 203. |
Teepee, adobe, 189. | smallness, 32. |
Teetotalism, sobriety, 958. | Tenure, dueness, 924. |
Teetotum, rotation, 840. | Tephramancy, prediction, 511. |
Tegument, covering, 222. | Tepid, warm, 382. |
Telegraph, signal, 550. | passionless, 823. |
Telegraphic, concise, 572. | Teratology, affectation, 855. |
velocity, 274. | Tercentenary, period, 138. |
Teleology, thought, 451. | Terebration, opening, 260. |
Teleology, intention, 620. | piercing, 302. |
Telephone, hearing, 418. | Tergiversation, change, 607. |
Telescope, optical instrument, 445. | equivocation, 520. |
Tell, inform, 527. | Term, place in series, 71. |
count, 85. | end, 67. |
speak, 582. | limit, 233. |
describe, 594. | period of time, 106. |
Tell off, count, 85. | word, 562. |
Tell-tale, evidence, 467. | name, 564. |
divulge, 529. | Termagant, irascibility, 901. |
Temerity, rashness, 863. | Terminal, end, 67. |
Temper, nature, 5. | Terminate, completion, 729. |
state, 7. | Terminology, word, 562. |
elasticity, 323. | Terminus, end, 67. |
softness, 324. | Termless, infinity, 105. |
affections, 820. | Terms, conditions, 770. |
to moderate, 174. | circumstances, 8. |
soften, 826. | reasoning, 476. |
prepare, 673. | Ternary, number, 93. |
irascibility, 901. | Terpsichore, music, 415. |
Temperament, nature, 5. | Terrace, plain, 344. |
disposition, 820. | level, 213. |
music, 413. | buildings, 189. |
Temperance, moderation, 953. | Terra firma, support, 215. |
Temperate, moderate, 174. | Terra incognita, ignorance, 491. |
mild, 826. | Terraqueous, land, 342. |
Temperature, heat, 382. | world, 318. |