Terrestrial, land, 342. | Thetis, ocean, 341. |
world, 318. | Theurgy, occult arts, 992. |
Terrible, fearful, 860. | Thew, strength, 159. |
great, 31. | Thick, broad, 202. |
Terrier, list, 86. | dense, 321. |
Terrific, frightful, 830. | semiliquid, 352. |
Terrify, affright, 860. | turbid, 426. |
Territory, region, 181. | dirty, 653. |
Terror, fear, 860. | numerous, 102. |
Terse, concise, 572. | Thick-coming, frequent, 136. |
Tertiary, triality, 92. | Thicket, plant, 367. |
Tertium quid, difference, 15. | Thick-skinned, insensitive, 376,823. |
mixture, 41. | Thief, robber, 792. |
Terza rima (It.), poetry, 597. | Thievery, stealing, 791. |
Tessellated, variegation, 440. | Thimble, instrument, 633. |
Test, experiment, 463. | Thimbleful, littleness, 193. |
Testament, revelation, 985. | smallness, 32. |
Tester, support, 215. | Thimblerig, deception, 545. |
Testify, evidence, 467, 560. | Thin, small, 193. |
Testimonial, record, 551. | narrow, 203. |
gift, 784. | rare, 322. |
Testimony, evidence, 467. | scanty, 640. |
Test-tube, receptacle, 191. | few, 103. |
Testy, irascible, 901. | to subduct, 38. |
rude, 895. | Thing, substance, 3. |
Tetchy, irascible, 901. | Things, events, 151. |
Tête-à-tête, duality, 89. | Things, of all, greatness, 31. |
Tether, fasten, 43. | Thingumbob, trifle, 643. |
moor, 265. | Think, cogitate, 451. |
restrain, 751. | believe, 484. |
Tetrad, number, 95. | Think of, intend, 620. |
Tetrarch, master, 745. | Think out, plan, 626. |
Text, meaning, 516. | Think upon, remember, 505. |
prototype, 22. | Thin-skinned, sensitive, 375, 872. |
theme, 454. | Third part, number, 94. |
printing, 591. | Thirdly, number, 93. |
Text-book, lesson, 537. | Thirst, desire, 865. |
synopsis, 596. | Thistle, sharpness, 253. |
Texture, condition, 7. | Thistledown, light, 320. |
fabric, 329. | Thither, direction, 278. |
Thalassic, ocean, 341. | Thong, join, 45. |
Thalia, the drama, 599. | Thorn, sharp, 253. |
Thane, master, 745. | painful, 830. |
Thankful, gratitude, 916. | pain, 378. |
Thankless, ingratitude, 917. | Thorny, difficult, 704. |
painful, 830. | Thorough, completeness, 52. |
Thanks, gratitude, 916. | Thorough-bass, music, 413. |
worship, 990. | Thoroughbred, manners, 852. |
Thatch, cover, 210. | Thorough-going, greatness, 31. |
Thaumatrope, optical, 445. | Thoroughly, great, 31. |
Thaumaturgy, occult arts, 992. | Thorough-paced, great, 31. |
Thaw, melt, 335. | Thorp, abode, 189. |
heat, 384. | Though, counteraction, 179. |
mollify, 826. | opposition, 708. |
relent, 914. | evidence, 468. |
Theatre, drama, 599. | Thought, reflection, 451. |
arena, 728. | maxim, 496. |
school, 542. | small quantity, 32, 193. |
spectacle, 441. | idea, 453. |
Theatrical, ostentatious, 882. | Thoughtful, reflecting, 451. |
Theft, steal, 791. | Thoughtful, wise, 498. |
Theism, piety, 98. | Thoughtless, incogitant, 452. |
Theme, topic, 454. | careless, 460. |
music, 415. | foolish, 499. |
Then, time, 121. | improvident, 674. |
Thence, cause, 155. | unskilful, 699. |
departure, 293. | Thousand, number, 98. |
Thenceforth, time, 121. | Thrall, slave, 746. |
Thenceforward, time, 121. | Thraldom, slavery, 749. |
Theocratic, deity, 976. | Thrash, beat, 972. |
Theology, theology, 983. | Thrash, out, inquire, 461. |
Theopathy, piety, 987. | Thread, tie, 45. |
Theorbo, musical instrument, 417. | filament, 205. |
Theorem, proposition, 535. | continuity, 69. |
Theorise, suppose, 514. | to pass through, 302. |
Theory, knowledge, 490. | Thread one's way, journey, 266. |
attribution, 155. | experiment, 463. |
Theosophy, theology, 983. | Threadbare, bare, 226. |
heterodoxy, 984. | imperfect, 651. |
Therapeutics, remedy, 662. | Threat, threaten, 909. |
There, place, 186. | Threaten, future, 121. |
Thereabouts, nearly, 32. | alarm, 669. |
near, 107. | danger, 665. |
Thereafter, time, 117. | Three, number, 90. |
Thereby, instrumentality, 631. | Threefold, number, 93. |
Therefore, reasoning, 476. | Threnody, lament, 839. |
attribution, 155. | Thresh, see Thrash. |
motive, 615. | Threshold, beginning, 66. |
Therein, interiority, 221. | Thrice, number, 93. |
Thereof, relation, 9. | Thrift, success, 731. |
Thereupon, posteriority, 117. | prosperity, 734. |
Therewith, accompany, 88. | economy, 817. |
Theriac, remedy, 662. | Thriftless, prodigal, 818. |
Thermal, heat, 382. | Thrill, touch, 379. |
Thermometer, heat, 389. | affect, 821, 824. |
Thesaurus, store, 636. | Thrilling, tingling, 380. |
words, 562. | charming, 829. |
Thesis, theme, 454. | Thrive, succeed, 731. |
dissertation, 595. | prosper, 734. |
affirmation, 535. |