Throat, opening, 260. | Tilt, slope, 217. |
air-pipe, 351. | tumble, 306. |
Throb, agitate, 315. | cover, 222. |
emotion, 821. | Tilt at, attack, 716. |
Throe, violence, 173. | Tilt over, obliquity, 218. |
agitation, 146, 315. | Timbre, music, 413. |
pain, 378, 828. | Timbrel, musical instrument, 417. |
Throne, seat, 215. | Time, period, 106. |
abode, 189. | Time-ball, indication, 550. |
authority, 747. | Timeless, untimely, 135. |
Throng, assembly, 72. | Timely, early, 132. |
Throttle, seize, 789. | opportune, 134. |
occlude, 261. | Timepiece, chronometer, 114. |
suffocate, 361. | Time-server, servility, 886. |
Through, passage, 302. | apostate, 941. |
instrument, 631. | cunning, 702. |
owing to, 154. | versatile, 607. |
(go), effect, 729. | selfish, 943. |
Throughout, totality, 50. | Time-worn, old, 124. |
time, 106. | exhausted, 659. |
Throw, propel, 284. | Timid, fearful, 860. |
exertion, 686. | cowardly, 862. |
Throw away, lose, 776. | humble, 881. |
relinquish, 782. | Timorous, see, Timid. |
Throw down, destroy, 162. | Timpanist, musician, 416. |
overthrow, 308. | Tinct, money, 800. |
Throw in, add, 300. | to preserve, 670. |
Throw into the shade, superiority, 33. | Tinct, colour, 428. |
Throw off, eject, 297. | Tincture, mixture, 41. |
do with ease, 705. | to colour, 428. |
Throw over, desert, 624. | Tinder, burn, 388. |
Throw up, resign, 757. | Tinge, colour, 428. |
desert, 624. | mix, 41. |
Thrum, music, 415. | Tingle, pain, 378, 828. |
Thrush, music, 416. | feeling, 821. |
Thrust, push, 276. | Tingling, titillation, 380. |
attack, 716. | Tink, resonance, 408. |
Thrust in, insert, 300. | Tinker, improve, 658. |
interpose, 228. | Tinkle, resonance, 408. |
Thug, thief, 729. | Tinsel, ornament, 847. |
Thuggism, killing, 361. | glitter, 420. |
Thumb, finger, 379. | tawdry, 851. |
Thumbscrew, scourge, 975. | Tint, colour, 428. |
Thump, beat, 276. | Tintamarre, loundness, 404. |
punish, 972. | Tintinnabulation, resonance, 408. |
Thunder, noise, 404. | Tiny, little, 32. |
violence, 173. | small, 193. |
Thunderbolt, prodigy, 872. | Tip, summit, 210. |
Thunder-clap, prodigy, 872. | to give, 784, 809. |
Thunder-storm, violence, 173. | hint, 527. |
Thunder-struck, wonder, 870. | Tippet, dress, 225. |
Thus, reasoning, 476. | Tipple, drink, 296, 298. |
Thus far, smallness, 32. | drunkenness, 959. |
Thwack, beat, 276. | Tipstaff, police, 965. |
punish, 972. | Tipsy, drunk, 959. |
Thwart, obstruct, 706. | Tiptoe, high, 206. |
intersect, 219. | curiosity, 455. |
Tiara, diadem, 747. | Tip-top, summit, 210. |
canonicals, 999. | first-rate, 648. |
Tick, sound, 407. | Tirade, disapproval, 932. |
oscillation, 314. | declamation, 582. |
indicate, 550. | Tire, weary, 841. |
credit, 805. | worry, 830. |
Ticket, indication, 550. | fatigue, 688. |
permission, 760. | band, 45. |
Tickle, touch, 380. | Tiresome, wearisome, 841. |
please, 377, 829. | Tissue, texture, 329. |
laugh, 838. | Tit, small, 193. |
Tickled, amused, 827. | pony, 271. |
Ticklish, difficult, 704. | Titanic, greatness, 31. |
uncertain, 475. | Tit-bit, dainty, 829. |
dangerous, 665. | Tit for tat, retaliation, 718. |
Tide, ocean, 341. | Tithe, tenth, 99. |
flood, 348. | Titillate, touch, 380. |
abundance, 639. | please, 838. |
Tidings, news, 532. | Title, distinction, 877. |
Tidy, clean, 652. | name, 564. |
trim, 673. | mark, 550. |
Tie, relation, 9. | right, 924. |
fasten, 43. | Title-page, beginning, 66, 593. |
fastening, 45. | Titter, laugh, 838. |
security, 771. | Tittle, small quantity, 32. |
equality, 27. | little, 192. |
obligation 926. | Tittle-tattle, interlocution, 588. |
Tie-beam, support, 215. | Tittup, frisk, 266, 274. |
Tier, continuity, 69. | Titubation, fall, 306. |
layer, 204. | failure, 732. |
Tiff, discord, 713. | Titular, title, 564. |
anger, 900. | Toad, ugliness, 846. |
Tiffin, food, 298. | Toad-eater, servile, 886. |
Tiger, violence, 173. | flatterer, 935. |
courage, 861. | Toady, to flatter, 933. |
servant, 746. | Toast, roast, 384. |
wretch, 913. | celebrate, 883. |
miscreant, 949. | Tobacco, tobacco, 298A. |
Tight, fast, 43. | Tobacco-pipe, pipe, 351. |
smart, 845. | Toccata, music, 415. |
drunk, 959. |
Tike, commonalty, 876. |
Till, to cultivate, 371. |
coffer, 191, 802. |
up to the time, 108. |