Tracery, lattice, 219. | Tranship, transfer, 270. |
ornament, 847. | Transient, passing, 111. |
Traces, harness, 45. | Transilient, transcursion, 303. |
Trachea, air-pipe, 351. | Transit, passage, 144. |
Track, way, 627. | motion, 264. |
to trace, 461. | transference, 270. |
Trackless, difficult, 704. | Transition, motion, 264. |
space, 180. | Transitive, passing, 111. |
Tract, region, 181. | Transitory, passing, 111. |
dissertation, 595. | Translate, interpret, 522. |
Tract of time, time, 109. | transfer, 270. |
Tractable, easy, 705. | promote, 995. |
malleable, 324. | Translucent, transparent, 425. |
Tractile, easy, 705. | Transmigration, change, 140. |
malleable, 324. | conversion, 144. |
Traction, drawing, 285. | Transmission, moving, 270. |
transmission, 270. | of property, 783. |
Trade, business, 625. | passage, 302. |
traffic, 794. | Transmogrify, change, 140. |
Trade-mark, indication, 550. | Transmute, change, 140. |
Trade-wind, wind, 349. | conversion, 144. |
Trader, merchant, 797. | Transparent, pellucid, 425. |
Tradition, record, 551. | obvious, 518. |
description, 594. | perspicuous, 570. |
Traduce, detract, 934. | Transpicuous, transparent, 425. |
Traffic, barter, 794. | Transpierce, pierce, 260. |
Tragedy, drama, 599. | Transpire, appear, 525. |
disaster, 830. | disclose, 529. |
Tragelaph, unconformity, 83. | Transplant, displace, 185. |
Tragic, distressing, 830. | Transpontine, drama, 599. |
Tragi-comic, the drama, 599. | Transport, transfer, 185, 270. |
Tragi-comedy, ridicule, 856. | ship, 273. |
Trail, sequel, 65. | feeling, 821. |
pendent, 214. | excitation, 824. |
slow, 275. | pleasure, 827, 829. |
drag, 285. | Transpose, displace, 185. |
odour, 398. | invert, 218. |
indication, 551. | transfer, 270. |
to track, 461. | exchange, 148. |
Train, series, 69. | Transubstantiation, rite, 998. |
sequel, 65. | Transude, ooze, 295. |
appendix, 39. | exude, 348. |
traction, 285. | Transverse, oblique, 217. |
teach, 537. | Trap, snare, 667. |
accustom, 613. | Trap-door, escape, 671. |
drill, 673. | pitfall, 667. |
Train-bearer, servant, 746. | Trappings, clothes, 39, 225. |
Trained, skill, 698. | ornament, 847. |
Trait, appearance, 448. | property, 780. |
lineament, 550. | Trash, absurdity, 497. |
Traitor, knave, 941. | trifle, 643. |
disobedient, 742. | Travail, work, 686. |
Trajectory, path, 627. | Travel, journey, 266. |
Tram, vehicle, 272. | Traveller, traveller, 268. |
Trammel, fetter, 752. | Traverse, move, 266. |
restrain, 751. | pass, 302. |
hinder, 706. | investigate, 461. |
Tramontana (It.), wind, 349. | obstruct, 706. |
Tramontane, distant, 196. | Travesty, copy, 21. |
Tramp, to stroll, 266. | to imitate, 19. |
stroller, 268. | misinterpret, 523. |
Trample, violate, 927. | burlesque, 856. |
bully, 885. | Tray, receptacle, 191. |
spurn, 930. | Treachery, deceit, 940. |
Tramway, way, 627. | Treacle, sweet, 396. |
Trance, lethargy, 823. | Tread, journey, 266. |
inactivity, 683. | Treadle, instrument, 633. |
Tranquil, calm, 174, 826. | Treadmill, punishment, 975. |
peaceful, 721. | wearisome, 841. |
quiet, 265. | Treason, revolt, 742. |
to pacify, 723. | treachery, 940. |
Transact, conduct, 692. | Treasure, money, 800. |
traffic, 794. | perfection, 650. |
Transaction, event, 151. | Treasurer, treasurer, 801. |
Transalpine, distance, 196. | Treasury, treasury, 802. |
Transcend, go beyond, 303. | store, 636. |
Transcendent, great, 31, 33. | Treat, manage, 692. |
perfect, 650. | bargain, 769. |
good, 648. | amuse, 840. |
glorious, 873. | please, 827. |
Transcendental, recondite, 519. | Treatise, book, 595. |
Transcribe, write, 590. | Treatment, action, 692. |
copy, 21. | remedy, 662. |
Transcript, write, 590. | Treaty, agreement, 769. |
copy, 21. | Treble, number, 93. |
Transcursion, transcursion, 303. | music, 413. |
Transept, of church, 1000. | Tree, plant, 367. |
crossing, 219. | execution, 975. |
Transfer, things, 270. | Trefoil, three, 92. |
property, 783. | Trek, journey, 266. |
Transfer, remove, 185. | Trellis, cross, 219. |
Transfiguration, change, 140. | Tremble, agitate, 315. |
divine, 998. | waver, 149. |
Transfix, perforate, 260. | with cold, 385. |
Transform, change, 140. | with fear, 860. |
Transformation, wig, 225. | with emotion, 821. |
Transfuse, transfer, 270. |
mix, 41. |
translate, 522. |
Transgress, go beyond, 303. |
infringe, 773. |
violate, 927. |
sin, 947. |