Trump, good man, 948. | Turban, dress, 225. |
Trump card, device, 626. | Turbid, opaque, 416. |
success, 731. | foul, 653. |
Trump up, falsehood, 544. | Turbinate, convolution, 248. |
Trumpery, unimportance, 643. | Turbine, navigation, 267. |
Trumpet, musical instrument, 417. | Turbine, instrument, 633. |
to publish, 531. | Turbulence, disorder, 59. |
war-cry, 722. | violence, 173. |
Trumpeter, messenger, 534. | agitation, 315. |
Trumpet-tongued, publication, 531. | excitation, 825. |
Truncate, shorten, 201. | Tureen, receptacle, 191. |
subduct, 38. | Turf, plain, 344. |
Truncheon, club, 727. | Turgescent, expanded, 194. |
staff of office, 747. | exaggerated, 549. |
mace, 633. | redundant, 641. |
Trundle, roll, 312. | Turgid, size, 192. |
propel, 284. | exaggerated, 549, 577. |
Trunk, whole, 50. | redundant, 641. |
origin, 153. | Turmoil, confusion, 59. |
paternity, 166. | agitation, 315. |
box, 191. | violence, 173. |
Truss, join, 43. | Turn, state, 7. |
support, 215. | juncture, 134. |
packet, 72. | form, 240. |
Trust, credit, 805. | period of time, 138. |
belief, 484. | curvature, 245. |
hope, 858. | deviation, 279. |
Trustee, consignee, 758. | circuition, 311. |
Trustless, improbity, 940. | rotation, 312. |
Trustworthy, probity, 939. | change, 140. |
certainty, 474. | translate, 522. |
Trusty, probity, 939. | purpose, 630. |
Truth, truth, 494. | bout, 680. |
Truthful, veracity, 543. | aptitude, 698. |
Truthless, falsehood, 544. | emotion, 820. |
Try, experiment, 463. | nausea, 867. |
endeavour, 675. | Turn away, diverge, 291. |
use, 677. | dismiss, 756. |
annoy, 830. | Turncoat, tergiversation, 607. |
T-square, angularity, 244. | knave, 941. |
Tub, vessel, 191. | Turn down, reject, 610. |
to bathe, 337. | Turn off, dismiss, 756. |
Tuba, musical instrument, 417. | execute, 361. |
Tubby, corpulent, 192. | Turn out, happen, 151. |
Tub-thumper, ranter, 584. | eject, 297. |
Tube, opening, 260. | strike, 742. |
Tubercle, convexity, 250. | equipage, 852. |
Tuberosity, convexity, 250. | Turn over, invert, 218. |
Tubular, opening, 160. | reflect, 451. |
Tuck, fold, 258. | Turn round, rotation, 312. |
dagger, 727. | Turn tail, regression, 283, 287. |
Tuck in, eat, 296. | Turn the scale, superiority, 33. |
locate, 184. | Turn the tables, contrariety, 14. |
Tuft, rough, 256. | Turn turtle, inversion, 218. |
collection, 72. | Turn up, happen, 151. |
Tuft-hunter, sycophant, 886. | arrive, 292. |
time-server, 943. | chance, 621. |
Tug, pull, 285. | Turnpike, hindrance, 706. |
effort, 686. | Turnpike road, way, 627. |
ship, 273. | Turns, periodicity, 138. |
Tuition, teaching, 537. | Turnstile, hindrance, 706. |
Tulip, variegation, 440. | Turpitude, dishonour, 940. |
Tumble, fall, 306. | disgrace, 874. |
derange, 61. | Turret, height, 206. |
spoil, 659. | Turtle-dove, love, 897. |
fail, 732. | Tush, contempt, 930. |
agitate, 315. | Tusk, sharpness, 253. |
Tumble-down, deterioration, 259. | Tussle, contention, 720. |
Tumbler, glass, 191. | Tutelage, safety, 664. |
buffoon, 844. | Tutelary, safety, 664. |
Tumbrel, vehicle, 272. | Tutor, teacher, 540. |
Tumefaction, expansion, 194. | to teach, 537. |
Tumid, size, 192. | Tutoyer, friendship, 888. |
bombastic, 549, 577. | Twaddle, absurdity, 497. |
Tumour, convexity, 250. | loquacity, 584. |
Tumult, disorder, 59. | Twain, duplication, 90. |
violence, 173. | Twang, taste, 390. |
agitation, 315, 825. | sound, 402, 410. |
resistance, 719. | voice, 583. |
revolt, 742. | Tweak, squeeze, 195, 203. |
emotion, 825. | punish, 972. |
Tumultuous, disorder, 59. | Twelfth, number, 99. |
Tumulus, interment, 363. | Twelve, number, 98. |
Tun, large, 192. | Twenty, number, 98. |
drunkard, 959. | Twice, duplication, 90. |
Tunable, harmony, 413. | Twiddle, rotation, 312. |
Tundra, space, 180. | Twig, part, 51. |
Tune, music, 415. | to notice, 457. |
to prepare, 673. | comprehend, 518. |
Tune, out of, irrelation, 10. | Twilight, morning, 125. |
disagreement, 24. | evening, 126. |
Tune, to theof, amount, 25. | grey, 432. |
Tuneful, harmony, 413. | Twill, fold, 258. |
Tuneless, discord, 414. | Twilled, crossing, 219. |
Tunic, cover, 222. | Twin, duplicate, 90. |
dress, 225. | accompaniment, 88. |
Tuning-fork, musical, 417. | similar, 17. |
Tunnage, size, 192. | Twine, thread, 45. |
Tunnel, opening, 260. | intersect, 219. |
way, 627. | convolution, 248. |
Tu quoque, retaliation, 718. | cling, 46. |