Viola, musical instrument, 417. | Vivify, life, 359. |
Violate, disobey, 742. | Vivisect, anatomise, 44. |
engagement, 773. | Vixen, scold, 901, 932. |
right, 925. | Vizier, deputy, 759. |
duty, 927. | Vocable, word, 562. |
a usage, 614. | Vocabulary, word, 562. |
Violence, physical, 173. | Vocal, voice, 580. |
Violence, arbitrariness, 964. | loudness, 404. |
Violently, great, 31. | music, 415. |
Violet, purple, 437. | Vocalise, speech, 580. |
Violin, musical instrument, 417. | Vocalist, musician, 416. |
Violinist, musician, 416. | Vocation, business, 625. |
Violoncello, musical instrument, 417. | Vociferate, cry, 411. |
Viper, bane, 663. | loudness, 404. |
miscreant, 949. | voice, 580. |
Virago, irascibility, 901. | Vogue, fashion, 852. |
Virescent, green, 435. | custom, 613. |
Virgin, girl, 129. | Voice, speech, 580. |
celibacy, 904. | sound, 402. |
Virginal, musical instrument, 417. | cry, 411. |
Virginia, tobacco, 298A. | choice, 609. |
Viridescent, green, 435. | opinion, 484. |
Virile, manly, 373. | Void, vacuum, 2, 4. |
adolescent, 131. | absence, 187. |
strong, 159. | to emit, 297. |
style, 574. | Voivode, master, 745. |
Virtu, taste, 850. | Volant, flight, 267. |
Virtual, real, 1. | Volapük, language, 560. |
potential, 2. | Volatile, vaporisable, 336. |
Virtually, truth, 494. | irresolute, 605. |
Virtue, goodness, 944. | Volatility, caprice, 608. |
power, 157. | Volcanic, violence, 173. |
courage, 861. | Volitation, flight, 267. |
Virtueless, vice, 945. | Volition, will, 600. |
Virtuosity, taste, 850. | Volley, impulse, 276. |
skill, 698. | attack, 716. |
Virtuoso, taste, 850. | violence, 173. |
performer, 416. | collection, 72. |
proficient, 700. | Volplane, descent, 306. |
Virulence, energy, 171. | Volte-face, recantation, 607. |
insalubrity, 657. | Voltigeur, combatant, 726. |
malignity, 649. | Voluble, loquacity, 584. |
malevolence, 907. | Volume, bulk, 192. |
Virus, poison, 663. | book, 593. |
disease, 655. | Voluntary, willing, 600, 602. |
Visage, front, 234. | music, 415. |
appearance, 448. | Volunteer, endeavour, 676. |
Vis-à-vis, front, 234. | offer, 600, 763. |
Viscera, interior, 221. | Voluptuary, libertine, 962. |
Viscid, semiliquid, 352. | Voluptuous, sensual, 954. |
Viscount, master, 875. | pleasure, 377. |
Viscous, semiliquid, 352. | joy, 827. |
Visé, indication, 550. | delight, 829. |
Vishnu, deity, 979. | Volute, convolution, 248. |
Visible, visibility, 446. | Vomit, ejection, 297. |
Vision, sight, 441. | Vomitory, opening, 260. |
imagination, 515. | Voodooism, occult arts, 992. |
apparition, 980. | Voracity, appetite, 865. |
Visionary, erroneous, 495. | gluttony, 957. |
imaginary, 515. | Vortex, rotation, 312. |
heterodox, 984. | Votary, auxiliary, 711. |
madman, 504. | devotee, 865. |
Visit, sociality, 892. | Vote, choice, 609. |
arrival, 292. | Votive, promise, 768. |
Visitation, pain, 828. | Vouch, testify, 467. |
calamity, 830. | assert, 535. |
Visiting-card, indication, 560. | Voucher, evidence, 467. |
Visitor, director, 694. | record, 551. |
Visor, concealment, 528. | Vouchsafe, permit, 760. |
Vista, point of view, 441. | consent, 762. |
prospect, 448. | ask, 765. |
Visual, vision, 441. | Vow, promise, 768. |
Vital, importance, 642. | assert, 535. |
Vitality, life, 359. | worship, 990. |
strength, 159. | Voyage, journey, 267. |
Vitals, interior, 221. | Voyageur, boatman, 269. |
Vitiate, deteriorate, 659. | Vraisemblance, probability, 472. |
Vitreous, density, 321. | Vulgar, unrefined, 851. |
Vitrify, density, 321. | commonalty, 876. |
Vitriolic, acrimonious, 171. | Vulgarism, solecism, 568. |
malevolent, 907. | Vulgate, revelation, 985. |
Vituperate, disapprove, 932. | Vulnerable, danger, 665. |
Viva voce, speech, 582. | Vulnerary, remedy, 662. |
Vivacious, active, 682. | Vulpine, cunning, 702. |
sensitive, 822. | Vulture, bane, 663. |
cheerful, 836. |
Vivid, light, 420. |
colour, 428. |
lively, 375. |
energetic, 171. |
style, 574. |