Whereabouts, situation, 183. | Wicker, crossing, 219. |
nearness, 197. | Wicket, entrance, 66. |
Whereas, reason, 476. | Wide, broad, 202. |
Wherefore, reason, 476. | Wide-awake, hat, 225. |
attribution, 155. | Wide of, distance, 196. |
inquiry, 461. | Widespread, dispersed, 73. |
motive, 615. | Widowhood, divorce, 905. |
Wherever, space, 180. | Width, breadth, 202. |
Whereupon, futurity, 121. | Wield, use, 677. |
Wherewith, instrument, 631. | brandish, 315. |
Wherry, boat, 273. | Wife, marriage, 903. |
Whet, excite, 824. | Wifeless, celibacy, 904. |
incite, 615. | Wig, dress, 225. |
sharpen, 253. | to scold, 932. |
desire, 865. | Wight, man, 373. |
meal, 298. | Wigwam, abode, 189. |
Whey, fluid, 337. | Wild, violent, 173. |
Whiff, wind, 349. | mad, 503. |
While, duration, 106, 120. | excited, 825. |
Whilom, preterition, 122. | licentious, 954. |
Whim, caprice, 608. | foolish, 499, 699. |
desire, 865. | useless, 645. |
imagination, 515. | desert, 344. |
wit, 842. | Wilderness, space, 180. |
Whimper, lamentation, 839. | useless, 645. |
Whimsical, fanciful, 515, 608. | seclusion, 893. |
ridiculous, 853. | Wild-fire, heat, 382. |
Whimsy, desire, 865. | Wile, cunning, 702. |
Whine, cry, 411. | stratagem, 545. |
complain, 839. | Wilful, obstinacy, 606. |
Whinny, animal cry, 412. | Will, volition, 600. |
Whip, to beat, 276, 972. | Will-o'-the-wisp, light, 420. |
scourge, 975. | phantom, 515. |
rapidity, 274. | Willing, acquiescent, 488. |
driver, 694. | Willing, voluntary, 600, 602. |
trouble, 830. | Willow, lamentation, 839. |
Whip-hand, success, 731. | Willowy, pliant, 324. |
Whip off, escape, 671. | Willy-nilly, compulsion, 744. |
Whip-round, giving, 784. | Wily, sly, 702. |
Whip up, snatch, 789. | Wimble, perforator, 262. |
Whipper-in, director, 694. | Wimple, dress, 225. |
servant, 746. | Win, get, 775. |
Whippersnapper, youth, 129. | succeed, 731. |
Whipping-post, scourge, 975. | engage, 897. |
Whirl, rotation, 312. | Wince, flinch, 860. |
Whirligig, rotation, 312. | feel, 821, 825. |
Whirlpool, vortex, 312. | pain, 378, 828. |
eddy, 348. | Winch, instrument, 633. |
confusion, 59. | Wind, blast, 349. |
Whirlwind, wind, 349. | circuition, 311. |
Whisk, rapidity, 274. | convolution, 248. |
circuition, 311. | rapidity, 274. |
agitation, 315. | Wind up, screw up, 159. |
Whisker, hair, 256. | end, 67. |
Whisky, vehicle, 272. | complete, 729. |
Whisper, faint sound, 405. | Wind-bound, hindrance, 706. |
stammer, 583. | Windfall, good, 618. |
tell, 527. | luck, 621. |
prompt, 615. | Winding, curved, 245. |
remind, 505. | undulating, 248. |
Whist! silence, 403. | Winding-sheet, interment, 363. |
Whistle, hiss, 409. | Windlass, instrument, 633. |
music, 415. | Windmill, rotation, 312. |
instrument, 417. | Window, opening, 260. |
Whistle at, depreciate, 483. | Windpipe, air-pipe, 351. |
Whit, point, 32. | Windy, air, 338. |
part, 51. | verbose, 573. |
small, 193. | Winebag, drunken, 959. |
White, whiteness, 430. | Winebibber, drunken, 959. |
White feather, coward, 862. | Wing, side, 236. |
White-livered, cowardice, 862. | limb, 633. |
Whitewash, whiten, 430. | (under the) asylum, 666. |
vindicate, 937. | (take), move, 267. |
acquit, 970. | Winged, rapid, 274. |
Whither, tendency, 176. | Wink, blind, 442. |
Whither, direction, 278. | nictitate, 443. |
Whittle, disjoin, 44. | hint, 527. |
abbreviate, 201. | indicate, 550. |
Whiz, sibilation, 409. | Wink at, permit, 760. |
Whole, entire, 50. | overlook, 460. |
healthy, 654. | Winning, pleasing, 829. |
Whole-hearted, cordial, 600. | lovely, 897. |
Wholesale, greatness, 31. | Winnow, sift, 42. |
whole, 50. | exclude, 55. |
plenty, 639. | clean, 652. |
barter, 794. | inquire, 461. |
Wholesome, salubrity, 656. | pick, 609. |
Wholly, great, 31. | Winter, cold, 383. |
whole, 50. | Wintry, cold, 383. |
Whoop, cry, 411. | Wipe, clean, 652. |
loud, 404. | strike, 276. |
weep, 839. | Wipe off, non-observance, 773. |
(war), 715, 722. | Wipe out, obliterate, 552. |
Whopper, untruth, 546. | Wipe out, demolish, 162. |
Whopping, size, 192. | Wire, filament, 205. |
Whore, libertine, 962. | ligature, 45. |
Why, reason, 615. | message, 532. |
inquiry, 461. | Wire-drawn, lengthy, 200. |
cause, 155. | thin, 203. |
Wicked, vice, 945. | style, 571. |