Wireless, message, 532. | Wording, expression, 566. |
Wireworm, bane, 663. | Wordless, aphony, 581. |
Wisdom, wisdom, 498. | Words, quarrel, 713. |
Wise, wisdom, 498. | Wordy, diffuseness, 573. |
way, 627. | Work, product, 154. |
Wiseacre, fool, 501. | agency, 170. |
Wish, desire, 865. | to use, 677. |
Wish joy, congratulation, 896. | action, 680. |
Wishy-washy, insipid, 391. | book, 593. |
absurd, 497. | Work in, introduce, 37. |
feeble, 575. | Work off, get rid of, 545, 672. |
Wisp, assemblage, 72. | Work one's way, progression, 282. |
Wistful, thoughtful, 451. | Work out, conduct, 692. |
Wit, intellect, 450. | achieve, 729. |
humour, 842. | Work up, incite, 615. |
wisdom, 498. | inflame, 824. |
humorist, 844. | Work upon, influence, 175. |
Witch, oracle, 513. | Workhouse, poverty, 804. |
proficient, 700. | Working, activity, 682. |
sorceress, 994. | Workman, agent, 690. |
Witchcraft, sorcery, 992. | originator, 164. |
Witchery, attraction, 615. | Workmanlike, skill, 698. |
sorcery, 992. | Workmanship, production, 161. |
With, addition, 37. | handiwork, 680. |
accompanying, 88. | Workshop, workshop, 691. |
instrumental, 631. | World, universe, 318. |
Withal, addition, 37. | mankind, 373. |
accompanying, 88. | fashion, 852. |
Withdraw, subduct, 38. | events, 151. |
recede, 287. | great, 31. |
diverge, 291. | Worldling, selfish, 943. |
deny, 536. | Worldly, selfish, 943. |
depart, 293. | irreligious, 988. |
Wither, shrink, 195. | Worm, small, 193. |
decay, 659. | animal, 366. |
Withershins, rotation, 312. | spiral, 248. |
Withhold, retain, 781. | Worm-eaten, imperfect, 651. |
stint, 640. | decayed, 659. |
prohibit, 761. | Worm in, insert, 300. |
dissuade, 616. | interpose, 228. |
Within, interior, 221. | Worm out, ascertain, 480. |
Within an ace of, smallness, 32. | Wormwood, unsavoury, 395. |
Without, unless, 8. | Worn, imperfect, 651. |
absence, 187. | decayed, 659. |
exterior, 220. | Worry, vexation, 828. |
subduction, 38. | to tease, 830. |
exception, 83. | harass, 907. |
circumjacent, 227. | Worse, badness, 649. |
Withstand, resist, 719. | Worship, religious, 990. |
oppose, 179, 708. | title, 877. |
Witless, ignorant, 491. | servility, 886. |
neglectful, 460. | Worshipful, repute, 873. |
Witless, imbecile, 499. | Worst, defeat, 731. |
Witling, fool, 501. | Worsted, defeated, 732. |
Witness, evidence, 467. | Worth, goodness, 648. |
voucher, 550. | value, 644. |
Witness, with a, greatness, 31. | virtue, 944. |
Wits, intellect, 450. | price, 812. |
Witticism, wit, 842. | Worthless, useless, 645. |
Witty, wit, 842. | profligate, 945. |
Wive, marriage, 903. | Worth while, utility, 644. |
Wizard, sorcerer, 994. | Worthy, virtuous, 944. |
Wizened, withered, 193, 195. | saint, 948. |
Woe, pain, 828. | Wot, knowledge, 490. |
evil, 619. | Wound, evil, 619. |
Woebegone, pain, 828. | badness, 649. |
dejection, 837. | hurt, 900. |
Woeful, painfulness, 830. | Wrack, evil, 619. |
Wold, plain, 344. | Wraith, spirit, 980. |
Wolf, to devour, 296. | Wrangle, dispute, 713. |
alarm, 669. | reason, 476. |
Woman, woman, 131, 374. | Wrap, cover, 222. |
Womanly, weakness, 160. | circumscribe, 231. |
Womb, interior, 221. | Wrapped in, attention, 457. |
cause, 153. | Wrapper, cover, 222. |
Wonder, astonishment, 870. | dress, 225. |
prodigy, 872. | Wrapt, thought, 451. |
Wonderfully, great, 31. | Wrath, anger, 900. |
Wonderment, prodigy, 872. | Wreak, inflict, 739, 918. |
Wondrous, wonder, 870. | Wreath, trophy, 733. |
Wont, habitual, 613. | ornament, 847. |
usual, 82. | honour, 877. |
Woo, desire, 865. | Wreck, remainder, 40. |
courtship, 902. | destruction, 162. |
Wood, plant, 367. | failure, 732. |
Woodcut, engraving, 558. | Wrench, extract, 301. |
Wood-note, animal cry, 412. | seize, 789. |
Wooer, love, 897. | twist, 243. |
Woof, texture, 329. | draw, 285. |
Wool, hair, 256. | Wrest, seize, 789. |
Wool-gathering, folly, 499. | twist, 243. |
inattention, 458. | distort, 523. |
madness, 503. | Wrestle, contention, 720. |
Woolsack, pillow, 215. | Wrestler, combatant, 726. |
authority, 747. | Wretch, sinner, 949. |
tribunal, 966. | apostate, 941. |
Word, vocable, 562. | Wretched, unhappy, 828. |
intelligence, 532. | bad, 649. |
promise, 768. | contemptible, 643. |
revelation, 985. | petty, 32. |
Deity, 976. |
maxim, 496. |