died, 1616. | 1607. Jamestown. | New England's Trials, | Higginson's New England's | | | Bacon's Novum
Organum, | 1620. Plymouth. | J. Smith, 1622. | Plantation, | | | 1620. | 1621. New York. | History of Virginia, J. | 1630. | The Bloody Tenet, etc., | The Bay Psalm Book, | Bunyan born, 1628. | 1630. Mass. Bay. | Smith,
1624. | Wood's New England's | 1644. | 1640. | Herbert's Temple, 1631. | 1634. Maryland. | [Sandys' Translation
of | Prospect, 1634. | The Bloody Tenet | | Milton's Comus, 1634; | 1636. Harvard College. | Ovid, 1626.] | Morton's
New English | washed, etc., 1647. | | Lycidas, 1638. | 1636. Hartford. | | Canaan, 1637. | The Simple Cobler
of | | Sir Thos. Browne's Religio | 1636. Providence. | | Johnson's Wonder- | Aggawam, 1647. | | Medici, 1642. | 1638. Delaware. | Hammond's Leah and | Working Providence, | The Bloody Tenet, yet | Anne Bradstreet's
The | Milton's Eikonoklastes, | 1653. N. Carolina. | Rachel, 1656. | 1654. | More Bloody, 1652. | Tenth Muse,
1650. | 1649. | Charles II. (1660-85.) | | | John Eliot's Translation | | Taylor's Holy Living, | 1670. Charleston. | | | of
the Bible, | Wigglesworth's Day of | 1650. | 1675-78. King Philip's | | | 1661-63. | Doom, 1662. | Baxter's Saints' Rest, | War. | | | Increase Mather's Illustrious | | 1650. | 1682. Pennsylvania. | | | Providences, | | Bunyan's Grace | 1692.
Salem Witchcraft. | | | 1684. | | Abounding, 1666. | | | | Cotton Mather's Wonders | | Milton's Paradise Lost, | James II.
(1685-88.) | | | of the Invisible | | 1667. | William and Mary. | | | World, 1693. | | Dryden, Laureate, 1670. | (1689-1702.) | | | Magnalia Christi | | Milton died, 1674. | | | | Americana (completed, | | Bunyan's Pilgrim's | | | | 1697), 1702. | | Progress,
1678. | | | | | | Dryden died, 1700. | |