Table, Lord's v. 112 (499)

Tabouk, ix. 80, 82 (479)

Tasnim, lxxxiii. 27 (58)

Testament, ii. 176 ff. (356); v. 105 (498)

Themoud, vii. 71 (300); ix. 71 (478)

Throne (verse of), ii. 256 (366)

Trinity, iv. 169 (428); v. 77 (494)

Trumpet (last), xxiii. 103 (150); xxxvi. 51 (133); xxxvii. 19 (80)

Trumpets, lxxix. 6 (48)

Visit (Umra) of the Holy places, ix. 18 (472)

Wine, rivers of, xlvii. 16 (383)

Wives, number allowed, iv. 3 (411)

Yathril, xxxiii. 13 (435)

Zacharias, iii. 32 (389); vi. 85 (325); xix. 1 (117); xxi. 88 (157)

Zaid, xxxiii. 37 (438)

Zakkoum, xxxvii. 60 (81); xliv. 43 (90); lvi. 52 (67)

Zendjebil, lxxvi. 17 (88)

  By PanEris using Melati.

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