2. As the ending of a verb, it means to make, to cause, to act, etc.; as, to propitiate (to make propitious); to
3. As a noun suffix, it marks the agent; as, curate, delegate. It also sometimes marks the office or dignity; as,
4. In chemistry it is used to denote the salts formed from those acids whose names end -ic (excepting
binary or halogen acids); as, sulphate from sulphuric acid, nitrate from nitric acid, etc. It is also used in
the case of certain basic salts.
(A*tech"nic) a. [Pref. a- not + technic.] Without technical or artistic knowledge.
Difficult to convey to the atechnic reader.
Etching & Engr.
(||At"e*les) n. [Gr. incomplete; 'a priv. + completion.] (Zoöl.) A genus of American monkeys with
prehensile tails, and having the thumb wanting or rudimentary. See Spider monkey, and Coaita.
(||A`te*lier") n. [F.] A workshop; a studio.
(A*tel"lan) a. [L. Atellanus, fr. Atella, an ancient town of the Osci, in Campania.] Of or pertaining
to Atella, in ancient Italy; as, Atellan plays; farcical; ribald. n. A farcical drama performed at Atella.
(A*thal"a*mous) a. [Gr. 'a priv. + nuptial bed.] (Bot.) Not furnished with shields or beds
for the spores, as the thallus of certain lichens.
(Ath"a*maunt) n. Adamant. [Obs.]
Written in the table of athamaunt.
(Ath`a*na"sian) a. Of or pertaining to Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria in the 4th century.
Athanasian creed, a formulary, confession, or exposition of faith, formerly supposed to have been
drawn up by Athanasius; but this opinion is now rejected, and the composition is ascribed by some to
Hilary, bishop of Arles It is a summary of what was called the orthodox faith.
(Ath"a*nor) n. [F., fr. Ar. at- tannur, fr. Heb. tannur an oven or furnace.] A digesting furnace,
formerly used by alchemists. It was so constructed as to maintain uniform and durable heat. Chambers.
(||Ath`e*ca"ta) n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. 'a priv. + chest, box.] (Zoöl.) A division of Hydroidea in
which the zooids are naked, or not inclosed in a capsule. See Tubularian.
(A"the*ism) n. [Cf. F. athéisme. See Atheist.]
1. The disbelief or denial of the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.
Atheism is a ferocious system, that leaves nothing above us to excite awe, nor around us to awaken
R. Hall.
Atheism and pantheism are often wrongly confounded.
2. Godlessness.
(A"the*ist), n. [Gr. without god; 'a priv. + god: cf. F. athéiste.]
1. One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.
2. A godless person. [Obs.]