Buffy coat, the coagulated plasma of blood when the red corpuscles have so settled out that the coagulum appears nearly colorless. This is common in diseased conditions where the corpuscles run together more rapidly and in denser masses than usual. Huxley.

(||Bu"fo) n. [L. bufo a toad.] (Zoöl.) A genus of Amphibia including various species of toads.

(Bu"fon*ite) n. [L. bufo toad: cf. F. bufonite.] (Paleon.) An old name for a fossil consisting of the petrified teeth and palatal bones of fishes belonging to the family of Pycnodonts whose remains occur in the oölite and chalk formations; toadstone; — so named from a notion that it was originally formed in the head of a toad.

(Bug) n. [OE. bugge, fr. W. bwg, bwgan, hobgoblin, scarecrow, bugbear. Cf. Bogey, Boggle.]

1. A bugbear; anything which terrifies. [Obs.]

Sir, spare your threats:
The bug which you would fright me with I seek.

2. (Zoöl.) A general name applied to various insects belonging to the Hemiptera; as, the squash bug; the chinch bug, etc.

3. (Zoöl.) An insect of the genus Cimex, especially the bedbug See Bedbug.

4. (Zoöl.) One of various species of Coleoptera; as, the ladybug; potato bug, etc.; loosely, any beetle.

(Buf"fle-head`ed), a. Having a large head, like a buffalo; dull; stupid; blundering. [Obs.]

So fell this buffle-headed giant.

(||Buf"fo) n.masc. [It. See Buffoon.] (Mus.) The comic actor in an opera.

(Buf*foon") n. [F. bouffon (cf. It. buffone, buffo, buffa, puff of wind, vanity, nonsense, trick), fr. bouffer to puff out, because the buffoons puffed out their cheeks for the amusement of the spectators. See Buffet a blow.] A man who makes a practice of amusing others by low tricks, antic gestures, etc.; a droll; a mimic; a harlequin; a clown; a merry-andrew.

(Buf*foon") a. Characteristic of, or like, a buffoon. "Buffoon stories." Macaulay.

To divert the audience with buffoon postures and antic dances.

(Buf*foon"), v. i. To act the part of a buffoon. [R.]

(Buf*foon"), v. t. To treat with buffoonery. Glanvill.

(Buf*foon"er*y) n.; pl. Buffooneries [F. bouffonnerie.] The arts and practices of a buffoon, as low jests, ridiculous pranks, vulgar tricks and postures.

Nor that it will ever constitute a wit to conclude a tart piece of buffoonery with a "What makes you blush?"

(Buf*foon"ish), a. Like a buffoon; consisting in low jests or gestures. Blair.

(Buf*foon"ism) n. The practices of a buffoon; buffoonery.

(Buf*foon"ly), a. Low; vulgar. [R.]

Apish tricks and buffoonly discourse.

(Buff"y) a. (Med.) Resembling, or characterized by, buff.

  By PanEris using Melati.

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