(Cat`a*di*op"trics) n. The science which treats of catadioptric phenomena, or of the used
of catadioptric instruments.
(Cat"a*drome) n. [Gr. kata`dromos race course; kata` down + dro`mos course.]
1. A race course.
2. (Mach.) A machine for raising or lowering heavy weights.
(Ca*tad"ro*mous) a. [Gr. kata` down + dro`mos a running.]
1. (Bot.) Having the lowest inferior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one;
said of a mode of branching in ferns, and opposed to anadromous.
2. (Zoöl.) Living in fresh water, and going to the sea to spawn; opposed to anadromous, and said of
the eel.
(||Cat`a*fal"co) n. [It.] See Catafalque.
(Cat"a*falque`) n. [F., fr. It. catafalco, scaffold, funeral canopy; of uncertain origin; cf. Sp.
catafalso, cadahalso, cadalso, Pr. casafalc, OF. chafaut. Cf. Scaffold.] A temporary structure sometimes
used in the funeral solemnities of eminent persons, for the public exhibition of the remains, or their conveyance
to the place of burial.
(Cat`*ag*mat"ic) a. [Gr. fracture, fr. to break in places; kata` down + 'agny`nai to break: cf.
F. catagmatique.] (Med.) Having the quality of consolidating broken bones.
(Ca*ta"ian) n. A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; formerly a term of reproach. Shak.
(Cat"a*lan) a. Of or pertaining to Catalonia. n. A native or inhabitant of Catalonia; also, the
language of Catalonia.
Catalan furnace, Catalan forge (Metal.), a kind of furnace for producing wrought iron directly from
the ore. It was formerly much used, esp. in Catalonia, and is still used in some parts of the United States
and elsewhere.
(Cat`a*lec"tic) a. [L. catalecticus, Gr. incomplete, fr. to leave off; kata` down, wholly + lh`gein
to stop.]
1. (Pros.) Wanting a syllable at the end, or terminating in an imperfect foot; as, a catalectic verse.
2. (Photog. & Chem.) Incomplete; partial; not affecting the whole of a substance. Abney.
(Cat"a*lep`sy ||Cat`a*lep"sis) n. [NL. catalepsis, fr. Gr. a seizure, fr. to seize upon; kata`
down + to take, seize.] (Med.) A sudden suspension of sensation and volition, the body and limbs
preserving the position that may be given them, while the action of the heart and lungs continues.
(Cat`a*lep"tic) a. [Gr. katalhptiko`s.] Pertaining to, or resembling, catalepsy; affected with
catalepsy; as, a cataleptic fit.
(||Cat`al*lac"ta) n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. . See Catallactics.] (Zoöl.) A division of Protozoa, of
which Magosphæra is the type. They exist both in a myxopod state, with branched pseudopodia, and in
the form of ciliated bodies united in free, spherical colonies.
(Cat`al*lac"tics) n. [Gr. to exchange; kata` wholly + to change.] The science of exchanges,
a branch of political economy.