(||Ces*sa"vit) n. [L., he has ceased.] [O. Eng. Law] A writ given by statute to recover lands
when the tenant has for two years failed to perform the conditions of his tenure.
(Ces"ser) n. [From Cess, v. i.] (Law) a neglect of a tenant to perform services, or make payment,
for two years.
(Ces"si*ble) a. [Cf. F. cessible. See Cession.] Giving way; yielding. [Obs.] Ces`si*bil"i*ty
n. [Obs.] Sir K. Digby.
(Ces"sion) n. [L. cessio, fr. cedere to give way: cf. F. Cession. See Cede.]
1. A yielding to physical force. [Obs.] Bacon.
2. Concession; compliance. [Obs.]
3. A yielding, or surrender, as of property or rights, to another person; the act of ceding.
A cession of the island of New Orleans.
4. (Eccl. Law) The giving up or vacating a benefice by accepting another without a proper dispensation.
5. (Civil Law) The voluntary surrender of a person's effects to his creditors to avoid imprisonment.