T. verrucosum, and Hymenæa Courbaril), and dug from earth where forests have stood in Africa; used
chiefly in making varnishes. Ure.
(Co*par"ce*na*ry) n.; pl. Coparcenaries [Pref. co- + parcenary] (Law) Partnership in
inheritance; joint heirship; joint right of succession to an inheritance.
(Co*par"ce*ner) n. [Pref. co- + parcener.] (Law) One who has an equal portion with
others of an inheritance.
All the coparceners together make but one heir, and have but one estate among them.
(Co*par"ce*ny) n. [Abbrev. of Coparcenary.] (Law) An equal share of an inheritance.
(Co*part) v. t. [Cf. Compart] To share. [Obs.]
For, of all miserias, I hold that chief
Wretched to be, when none coparts our grief.
(Co*part"ment) n. A compartment. [Obs.] T. Warton.
(Co*part"ner) n. One who is jointly concerned with one or more persons in business, etc.; a
partner; an associate; a partaker; a sharer.
the associates and copartners of our loss.
(Co*part"ner*ship), n.
1. The state of being a copartner or of having a joint interest in any matter.
2. A partnership or firm; as, A. and B. have this day formed a copartnership.
(Co*part"ner*y) n.; pl. Copartneries the state of being copartners in any undertaking. [R.]
(Cop"a*tain) a. [Formed fr. cop, in imitation of captain. See Cop, Captain.] Having a high
crown, or a point or peak at top. [Obs.]
A copatain hat made on a Flemish block.
(Co*pa"tri*ot) n. A joint patriot.
(Cope) n. [A doublet of cape. See Cape, Cap.]
1. A covering for the head. [Obs.] Johnson.
2. Anything regarded as extended over the head, as the arch or concave of the sky, the roof of a house,
the arch over a door. "The starry cope of heaven." Milton.
3. An ecclesiastical vestment or cloak, semicircular in form, reaching from the shoulders nearly to the
feet, and open in front except at the top, where it is united by a band or clasp. It is worn in processions
and on some other occasions. Piers plowman.
A hundred and sixty priests all in their copes.
Bp. Burnet.
4. An ancient tribute due to the lord of the soil, out of the lead mines in Derbyshire, England.
5. (Founding) The top part of a flask or mold; the outer part of a loam mold. Knight. De Colange.