(Fa*tu"i*tous) a. Stupid; fatuous.
(Fa*tu"i*ty) n. [L. fatuitas, fr. fatuus foolish: cf. F. fatuité Cf. Fatuous.] Weakness or imbecility
of mind; stupidity.
Those many forms of popular fatuity.
I Taylor. Fatuous
(Fat"u*ous) a. [L. fatuus.]
1. Feeble in mind; weak; silly; stupid; foolish; fatuitous. Glanvill.
2. Without reality; illusory, like the ignis fatuus.
Thence fatuous fires and meteors take their birth.
Danham. Fat-witted
(Fat"-wit`ted) a. Dull; stupid. Shak.
(||Fau`bourg") (fo`b&oomacr"; E. fo"b&oomacrg), n. [F.] A suburb of a French city; also, a district
now within a city, but formerly without its walls.
(Fau"cal) a. [L. fauces throat.] Pertaining to the fauces, or opening of the throat; faucial; esp.,
(Phon.) produced in the fauces, as certain deep guttural sounds found in the Semitic and some other
Ayin is the most difficult of the faucals.
I. Taylor Fauces
(||Fau"ces) n. pl. [L.]
1. (Anat.) The narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx, situated between the soft palate and
the base of the tongue; called also the isthmus of the fauces. On either side of the passage two
membranous folds, called the pillars of the fauces, inclose the tonsils.
2. (Bot.) The throat of a calyx, corolla, etc.
3. (Zoöl.) That portion of the interior of a spiral shell which can be seen by looking into the aperture.
(Fau"cet) n. [F. fausset, perh. fr. L. fauces throat.]
1. A fixture for drawing a liquid, as water, molasses, oil, etc., from a pipe, cask, or other vessel, in such
quantities as may be desired; called also tap, and cock. It consists of a tubular spout, stopped with
a movable plug, spigot, valve, or slide.
2. The enlarged end of a section of pipe which receives the spigot end of the next section.
(Fau"chion) n. See Falchion. [Obs.]
(Fau"cial) a. (Anat.) Pertaining to the fauces; pharyngeal.
(Faugh) interj. [Cf. Foh.] An exclamation of contempt, disgust, or abhorrence.
(Faul"chion) n. See Falchion.
(Faul"con) n. (Zoöl.) See Falcon.
(Fauld) n. The arch over the dam of a blast furnace; the tymp arch.